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Messages - polarpanda16

Pages: 1 2 3 4
Game Art / Re: needing a artest and iders!
« on: July 08, 2012, 05:00:19 am »
I could possibly help.

Chit-Chat / Re: Changing Avatar
« on: July 07, 2012, 07:42:52 pm »
Try clearing your browser's cache.

If you mean clearing the history, I did that but it still did not work, thanks though.

Nevermind, I logged on this morning and it had changed.

Chit-Chat / Changing Avatar
« on: July 07, 2012, 06:48:26 pm »
Kind of random but I am trying to change the avatar for my account and the image I have is 64x64 and is a .png file but for some reason when I hit enter after choosing the image the page just reloads and the avatar stays the same.

Am I supposed to do something else along with being a .png 64x64 pixel image?

Resolved Questions / Re: Where is the preloader?
« on: July 07, 2012, 06:19:40 pm »
Is the preloader you have the correct format/size necessary?

Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / Re: iOS Simulator Problem
« on: July 07, 2012, 06:06:39 pm »
That's interesting. Do you happen to have Xcode 4.2 installed as well?

Yes, but I still run into the same problem, and I deleted  certificates and all the components needed and had no success. I posted in the iOS forums earlier today about it as well.

Game Art / Re: needing a artest and iders!
« on: July 07, 2012, 05:32:09 pm »
Remember the old game frogger? Make it your own....

I have three thoughts on what could the problem may it, it might be one, it might not but I hope this helps.

1. There could be some old behaviors in your scene or actor. Or perhaps, its unlikely, but check to see if you set up an animation where the character is not visible, all frames need to be inserted is a pixel not a large image.

2. If your character in the scene is set to "Customizable" other errors might happen with the resizing of the actor when you test the game. I recently ran into this problem and I do not know how to fix it without turning off the "Customizable" setting. This is accessed by double clicking the actor in the scene.

3. Check the physics in the actor, for example look at it is able to collide with anything, or autoresizing as it changes, etc. Go through all the options and make sure they are all correct. If you actor disappears off the scene it could be gravity, but I see you checked that.

You can always delete the actor and make it again, it might fix it because when you were deleting things you could have deleted something essential like an image, actor, or behavior.

Sorry for the length but I tried to include anything I could think of.

Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / Re: Successful app
« on: July 07, 2012, 05:12:19 pm »
Well its possible, but using this alone won't guarantee success and definitely will not lower the odds of making a financially successful. Its hard to make a successful game and it all depends on the effort   that you put into the game and the overall quality and uniqueness. But Stencyl is definitely a good tool and is very helpful.

Thats my opinion, I also agree with coleislazy.

 I have been trying to publish an iOS app to the iOS store and seem to have a valid p12 and other information necessary but every time I attempt to publish I get an email saying:

"We were unable to build RobloxGameMobile. :(

Check the attached text file for details. If the game built, verify that you provided a valid .p12 certificate, provisioning profile and Bundle ID."

Each time the Output I receive seems to have a different error. I am hoping to get this app submitted today in order to attempt a release before a convention coming up shortly.

Any advice, or help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

   I've been working on an actor that moves using different buttons; left, right, and jump, but I have run into the problem where when you move left or right it makes the actor float above the tiles, also making the actor unable to jump.
   Is there any way to make a 2 or 3 way joystick the moves left and right or even allows jumping, instead of a 4 way joystick? If not, does anybody have a possible solution to the floating problem? It only happens when the character has a looping animation in the behavior.

Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / Re: Flash to IOS game crash...
« on: April 03, 2012, 06:21:29 pm »
Not exactly sure what your problem is, but make sure that any Flash only behaviors that are running in the game from before you had converted it into an iOS game, if that is what you did, are under a "do only in Flash" bracket. If not, this often, but not always, causes the simulator to crash.

Additional Note: If this was the problem make sure to add a "do only in iOS" bracket with code that would work in iOS, or chunks of your game will be missing in the iOS version. Hope this helps.

Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / Re: iOS Simulator Problem
« on: April 03, 2012, 06:14:49 pm »
Also note that you will need to use Stencyl 2.0, previous versions don't work with Xcode 4.3.

I happened to be looking at this post and noticed this. Might just be me but I'm running Stencyl 1.3.4 and using Xcode 4.3 without problems. The simulator seems to be working fine for me.

Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / Re: No iOS Simulator on windows?
« on: April 03, 2012, 06:06:27 pm »
The simulator is only available on a Mac. This is Apple's restriction, not ours.

Reason being, you need Xcode to run the simulator or test the game on a device, which is only able to be installed on an Apple computer/mac.

Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / Floating Character Problem.
« on: April 03, 2012, 06:04:05 pm »
  I still don't know how to develop using StencylWorks completely and I can't seem to solve a problem I am running into. I am almost done with a game I have been working on, but for some reason when I have the character move "Left" or "Right" using buttons that can be pressed the Player floats about a tile off of the ground. I have tried to adjust the Behaviors controlling movement and I do not think it would be the actor's collision size. The character does not have the problem using key controls when tested inside of FlashPlayer instead of the iOS simulator.
  Any suggestions or helpful tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / Re: iOS Game in Portrait?
« on: April 03, 2012, 05:57:06 pm »
Yes you can, look at the left side of your screen while in your game in Game Center, the orientation option is under the "Mobile Game Settings" where you can chose between Landscape and Portrait.

Note: You will still have to adjust the screen size of your scenes accordingly.

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