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Topics - Innes

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Ask a Question / Anyone tried FGL Enhance?
« on: September 17, 2016, 06:40:25 pm »
I just read an explanation of FGL Enhance (recently updated to V2) on Emanuele Feronato's blog:

It looks pretty good, and I was wondering if any Stencylers had tried it.

Chit-Chat / Stencyl Video Courses discounts - last chance
« on: March 03, 2016, 06:17:49 pm »
For those of you who don't know me, I wrote the first official Stencyl book (still in print and available). Visit the book's web site for more details: I have also created two successful Stencyl video courses, which have over a thousand students and almost all five star reviews (I got one four-star review - all the others are five-star)!

Due to Udemy's upcoming change to their pricing policy at the beginning of April, this is the last chance for me to offer my Udemy Stencyl courses with massive discounts:

Create your first video game from scratch without coding
54 lectures, 7+ hours video
normally $99
$10 until 3rd April 2016
Get the full course for $10 by clicking here!

Create video games with Stencyl - an introduction

12 lectures, 1.5 hours video
normally $9
$5 until 3rd April 2016
Get the introductory course for $10 by clicking here!

Both courses come with a no-questions 30 day money-back guarantee.

Please note that due to Udemy's change in pricing policy I cannot extend this offer beyond 3rd April 2016.

If you're interested, here's why I'm offering the above discounts on the Udemy video courses...

Udemy are implementing mandatory price structures across the board starting April 4th 2016. From that date, instructors can only price their courses from $20-$50. The maximum discount that can be offered is %50, so the cheapest course that will be available on Udemy is $20 with a maximum 50% discount = $10.

For many Udemy customers (i.e. potential students), this could be great, but I do wonder about the high-end, professional courses that are worth the $200-$500 price tag - they can only charge a maximum of $50 now.

The problem for me is that I will no longer be able to offer deep discounts for loyal customers, friends and acquaintances; my main Stencyl course is normally $99 for over 50 lectures and more than 7 hours of video tutorials. I often discount it down to $35, but I like to offer it to friends and Stencylers for much less. Unfortunately, with Udemy's new mandatory pricing model, I won't be able to do that any more. I haven't decided on the final pricing under the new model, but it's likely to be around $50, which means that after April 4th, it could only be discounted to $25.

With regards to my short, Stencyl beginners course, the standard price is $9, and I like to discount it to $5 for my friends and existing Stencylers. With the new pricing range, it will have to be $20, meaning the lowest discounted price after April 4th will be $10.

Udemy have written thousands of words on why they have chosen this pricing model. They have written how it will be great for students, and even better for instructors. I believe the truth is that it will provide Udemy with bigger profits; they have pretty-much cornered the online video education market by allowing Instructors to create huge, professional video courses, and set their own prices and discounts (with very low fees to Udemy), and now that they have millions of students and tens of thousands of courses, they are switching to a more profitable model, with only a few weeks' notice.

I am sure that some people will be reading this, thinking that I should give the courses away for free. The reason that I can't do that, is because I make my living by providing training! I am a professional IT trainer and author, and this is my full-time job, so unfortunately I cannot give my work away!

Hi all,

Two discounts available: one from Packt Publishing, and one from me:

Packt Publishing are currently offering the eBook version of Learning Stencyl 3.x Game Development: Beginner's Guide at a 50% discount. With the discount, the ebook should be US$13.50.

The discount is available by entering the code LSGD50 at the checkout. Here's the link to the book on the Packt website:

Please note that the ebook discount expires on November 12th 2015.

I am offering a discount on the Stencyl Video course (over 54 lectures & more than 7 hours of video tutorials) on Udemy. You can get the complete course for life, for US$13 using this link:

The video course discount expires on December 20th 2015.

Chit-Chat / Stencyl Video Training Course $9 offer
« on: February 26, 2015, 06:25:28 pm »
As some of you will know, I have a Stencyl video course on Udemy. The course has over 50 lectures and more than 7 hours of HD video.

Occasionally, Udemy offers courses at silly prices, and when that happens, I'm happy for everyone to know about it.

Udemy's current offer is $10 (but it expires 28th February), and I'd like to beat that, and offer the course for $9! As far as I am aware, the cheapest that you can normally find my course is $35, and I don't think I have ever discounted it lower than $9.

Here's the coupon link:

Please note this coupon expires on 31st March. Please feel free to share this coupon; I have not limited the number of coupons available.

For those of you who don't know me, I am the author of Packt Publishing's Learning Stencyl Development: Beginner's Guide, and I am a professional technology trainer - training people to use technology is my job! I'm not just some random person who has created a video course and stuck it on Udemy!

Chit-Chat / Counting slowly on-screen (blog post)
« on: January 19, 2015, 09:21:22 pm »
Hi all,

I've added a new post on my blog. It explains how to make a number (such as a score) increase slowly on-screen.

Chit-Chat / Stencyl Video Course $10 limited time
« on: January 02, 2015, 05:22:14 pm »

Offer extended to Monday 12th January.

Hi everyone, and Happy New Year for 2015.

To get the New Year started, I have reduced the price of my main Stencyl video course on Udemy to $10 for one week only. This offer is just for Stencyl forum members, and is the lowest I have ever priced it*. It will go back up to its list price* at midnight January 9th2 Monday 12th January 2015. I won't be repeating this offer, so grab it now if you want to take advantage!

The course has over 50 lectures with more than 7 hours of HD video, and you'll learn how to create a complete video game with:

Intro screen
Sound effects
Pause feature
... and more

Over 300 students are already participating in the course, and it has received all 5 star reviews. Once you have joined the course, you have lifetime membership!

I encourage you to visit the course home-page using the above link, where you'll see detailed information about the course, including a list of all the video lectures. There's also an introductory video and several complete lectures that you can watch for free (if you are watching the free lectures as a guest, you will see them in standard quality video - course members can see all videos in HD quality).

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Innes Borkwood; I am a qualified teacher, Professional Information Technology Trainer, and author of Learning Stencyl 3.x Game Development (Packt Publishing).

* The list price is $199. You can find coupons for less if you search the Internet, but it's never as low as $10! This $10 offer is a once only discount for Stencyl forum members to start the 2015 New Year, and expires at midnight, January 9th Monday 12th January 2015.

Chit-Chat / Your favourite technical books?
« on: December 13, 2014, 12:25:31 am »

The best technical books I have ever read are as follows:

Professional SQL Server 7 Programming by Robert Vierra:
Foundation Actionscript 3.0 Animation: Making Things Move by Keith Peters:

These two books took me from 'zero to hero', and enabled me to complete some major projects that I worked on. Both are beautifully written and extensive in their content.

Obviously this one should be at the top of everyone's list, (no bias of course):

I have very few printed books now, but of the five sitting on the bookshelf next to me, right now, one of them is Professional SQL Server 2000 Programming (updated version of above)! Another one is... well... you can probably guess!

What are your favourite technical books, and why?

Ask a Question / Animation count?
« on: November 04, 2014, 02:29:01 am »
Is there a way to obtain the number of animations associated with an Actor Type?

The reason I would like to determine the animation count, is because I have an actor with several animations, and I want to select a random animation upon creation. I know that I can name the animations 1, 2, 3, etc, and do something like this:

[switch animation to <as animation (random number between 1 and 5)> for self]

This assumes that there are 5 animations. If I subsequently add animations, I would have to manually change the value from 5 to the number of animations, or manage it with an attribute. My preference is to manage variables like this 'hands-off' as it reduces the possibility of errors - in this instance, as animations are added or removed.

Teaching with Stencyl / Free Stencyl Course on Udemy
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:23:50 pm »

Please note that due to high demand, this course is now free for educators via request only. Please PM me if you are an educator, advising approximately how many coupons you need, and I'll endeavour to respond within 48 hours.
Hi all,

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Innes Borkwood, the author of Learning Stencyl 3.x Game Development: Beginner's Guide (Packt Publishing, 2013). You can find more about the book at  I also have a successful commercial Stencyl course on Udemy (more about that below).

I have just published a basic Stencyl course on Udemy - "Create video games with Stencyl - an introduction". This course is available completely free of charge to educators if you use the 'coupon' link below, and I hope it will be of use to educators who would like to introduce game development into their classroom, but don't know where to start. There are currently 12 lectures and over 1 hour of tutorials. The course starts with the absolute basics, and covers:

  • Locating and downloading Stencyl
  • Testing some sample games
  • Working step-by-step through creating a basic game
  • Reviewing the game and considering improvements
The game is very basic - it's the framework of a 'catching' game, in which the player moves an actor to catch some objects falling from random locations within the scene, but it's a good starting point if you have never used Stencyl before.

You can find the introductory course here:

I have had a successful, more advanced, Stencyl game development course available on Udemy for about 12 months now, which you may also find useful if you want to delve a bit deeper into Stencyl development, and pick up some more skills for utilising Stencyl in the classroom. The advanceD course has over 50 lectures and more than 7 hours of HD video. The course is on Udemy for $199, but I am happy to offer it to Stencyl forum users for $29 -just click on the following link:

I do hope that educators find the free access to the introductory course useful.

EDIT: 13th Oct 2014. I'm delighted to announce that over 500 students joined the free introductory course during the first few days after publication.

EDIT: 17th Oct 2014. The course is still free with the coupon link. The coupon link may change in the future to prevent abuse, but I will endeavour to keep it free for education users.

Chit-Chat / Waypoint Follower behavior - video tutorial
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:13:53 pm »

I've created a high definition video tutorial on YouTube, for the Waypoint Follower behavior that I have uploaded to StencylForge.

Here's the link:

The Waypoint Follower behavior makes it incredibly easy to make any actor(s) follow a predefined path. The path is specified by adding some other actors in the Scene Designer, and telling the behavior that they are waypoints.

Suggestion Archives / Drop-down option for equality blocks
« on: September 23, 2014, 12:32:39 am »
I think this may already have been suggested, but I can't find it...

It would be a great time-saver if the green equality blocks had a drop-down to select the options. I would say that, most of the time, I create comparisons in pairs or quads, which means I have to switch out the equality block several times.

Screenshot attached.

Chit-Chat / Duke Dashington review & competition
« on: September 20, 2014, 04:51:13 am »
Many of you will know that Adventure Islands, who has developed several excellent games with Stencyl, has recently released Duke Dashington for iPhone and iPad.

The game is doing very well on the App Store, and I'm pleased announce a review of the game on The Stencyl Blog, along with a competition, for which the prizes are two free copies of the game!

Thanks to Adventure Islands for donating the competition prizes.

You can find the review here:

Ask a Question / Elegant way to remove null from end of string
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:15:02 am »
I'm getting data from a URL, which results in my text ending with a null, and the null is displayed on-screen when I draw the text.

I can eliminate the null by extracting [part of text] starting at 0 and ending at length of text -1. It works, but it's ugly!

Does anyone know of a more elegant way of removing the null? It's not critical, but I don't like ugly code!

Ask a Question / Downloading JDK 6?
« on: August 01, 2014, 05:10:09 am »
Is it possible to download Java SE DK 6 without creating an account with Oracle?

Thanks in advance.

Ask a Question / Missing OK button on Settings | Groups dialog
« on: December 15, 2013, 11:09:08 pm »

LeonardoParadox is trying to follow the tutorials in my book, and there is a problem in the Groups dialog box. It appears as expected (allowing the selection of tiles, players, etc.), but there is no OK button to confirm the settings.

There is a screenshot in the original thread linked below:,27261.0.html

I have provided a screenshot from my installation which has the OK and Cancel buttons, and LeonardoParadox has provided a screenshot showing what appears to be the same screen without the OK and Cancel buttons.

Can anyone help?

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