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Messages - hosoji

Pages: 1
iPhone / iPad / Android / Pi7d (iOS and Android)
« on: September 29, 2015, 12:51:39 am »
I just released Pi7d, a casual mobile game in collaboration with PenguinCube, a design studio.
Pi7d is based on Pi7, a retro limited edition finger-twister toy designed and released by PenguinCube back in 2012.
Pi7d is available for iOS and Android devices and is free to play.


Google Play:

Happy gaming.

Ask a Question / Google Play Leaderboard supported?
« on: April 24, 2015, 02:25:47 am »
So I know this question has probably been asked a myriad of times but all the posts about this topic that I've stumbled on seem to be dated 2014 (i.e. pre 3.3)
So here is the question again: Does Stencyl support a Google leaderboard and if not, is there any way to set it up, even if through an extension (that is supported on Stencyl 3.3 obviously)?

Ask a Question / Re: Stencyl 3.3 Build Error
« on: March 30, 2015, 06:09:56 am »
I had the same problem.
I disabled all extensions and the build completed successfully.

Ask a Question / Loading/Unloading Atlases in 3.3
« on: March 30, 2015, 03:00:44 am »
When using Stencyl 3.3, if I bind  atlases to scenes in the Atlas section of the Settings menu,  do I still need to include the load/unload blocks in my code?
If so, do I load/unload prior to transitioning to the scene in question?

Considering that the Stencyl help section still hasn't been updated to include instructions for atlas usage in the current version, any information would be highly appreciated.

Resolved Questions / Re: Game not building on 3.3 (worked on 3.2)
« on: March 20, 2015, 03:30:47 am »
Problem resolved when i disabled extensions.

Resolved Questions / Game not building on 3.3 (worked on 3.2)
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:37:24 am »
I uploaded my app to iTunes Connect yesterday and while the upload was successful, they later gave me the Invalid Binary error because the AppStore now requires 64bit, which is an issue that was apparently fixed in Stencyl 3.3.
I update Stencyl, open my game project in 3.3 and i update the project and clean it.
However it no longer succeeds when building.

I checked the log and can't figure out the reason but i feel it has something to do with:
[openfl] ld: warning: ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/hosoji/stencylworks/games-generated/Pi7d/Export/ios/Pi7d/lib/arm64/libwebviews.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (arm64): /Users/hosoji/stencylworks/games-generated/Pi7d/Export/ios/Pi7d/lib/arm64/libwebviews.aignoring file /Users/hosoji/stencylworks/games-generated/Pi7d/Export/ios/Pi7d/lib/arm64/librating.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (arm64): /Users/hosoji/stencylworks/games-generated/Pi7d/Export/ios/Pi7d/lib/arm64/librating.a

Any ideas?

Ask a Question / Re: Measuring the time it takes to execute an action
« on: March 09, 2015, 10:52:46 am »
Hey, thanks for pointing me to this.
I just tested the extension on mobile and I tried out your solution.
The problem is it just increments from 0 to 1000 ms (2000, 3000 etc). I'm not able to get a measurement for anything below 1 sec in duration.

Ask a Question / Re: Measuring the time it takes to execute an action
« on: March 09, 2015, 06:19:05 am »
It's not the animation time I'm looking for, it is the time it takes between lifting my finger off a button and the software recognizing this and switching the button to the 'untouched' animation. Basically how many milliseconds that process takes.

It seems insignificant but I'm trying to work around the iPhone's simultaneous touch point limitation (which i'm told is currently 5 for the older models) and this information is essential to my planned workaround.


Ask a Question / Measuring the time it takes to execute an action
« on: March 09, 2015, 05:18:43 am »
Long story short, I need to measure the time it takes in milliseconds for an actor to switch animations (upon touch release) in a game I'm working on but I can't seem to get this working.

I found this old thread in the forums:

Only I'm not advanced enough to figure out how to implement such a function on my own.
Would love some advice on this if possible.


Ask a Question / Loading Image from File is crashing the game
« on: February 12, 2015, 03:40:52 am »

I'm working on a menu in a game and there is a small image I wanted to include so I decided to use the Image API to load the image from a file.
Using the same code for all 3: The gif version didn't appear and neither did the bmp version. The only one that worked was the PNG file but even that would cause the game to quit after like 8-10secs on my iOS device. The file size is less than 50kb so I doubt that's the problem but I can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.
Note: At this point I'm just trying to get the image to appear without the application quitting/crashing, I haven't really positioned it properly or anything like that (as per the design).

Ask a Question / Re: Adding an attribute value to a share url
« on: February 11, 2015, 06:50:43 am »
Pay no mind to my IF statement (which I need for my menu).
Just look at the Open URL block

Ask a Question / Re: Adding an attribute value to a share url
« on: February 11, 2015, 06:25:39 am »
So I got the first part to work, it now tweets the "My highscore is [value]."
Still not sure how to go about getting it to post the highscore without letting the user edit it prior to tweeting.

Ask a Question / Adding an attribute value to a share url
« on: February 11, 2015, 06:01:36 am »
So I made a button that opens a Twitter URL which has the text "My highscore is " followed by the Game attribute. I used the [text&text] block with the share url and pre-written text in one and the [GameAttribute as text] in the other but that basically opened the Twitter Url with the first part of the text but not the highscore.
I'm aware that this isn't perhaps the best practice to begin with as the user can alter their score from the Twitter page before they post. So my question is two-fold: How can I get the attribute value into the URL? (code block?) and: Is there a better way of doing this without allowing the user to alter the score value? (Maybe using  REST APIs?)

Resolved Questions / Re: [SOLVED] iOS Device Certificate problem
« on: December 16, 2014, 03:23:24 am »
Hey guys,
I was getting the same error as gstevenshome and I redid the whole certificate process as well. I verified everything from the Apple distribution certificate to the distribution provisioning profile. I installed all provisioning profiles to Xcode (including the development profile as suggested by rob1221.
This took me a step further in the process. I get prompted to allow access to the certificate and after i grant access, it moves from "compiling" to "sending to device".  Then I get an error but the log viewer doesn't specify anything about it. I tried this multiple times to no avail. Now I'm stuck again.
I should also mention that i'm on the Starter version of Stencil 3.1. It was my understanding that I can test on an iOS device before upgrading to the 'Studio' version that supports mobile publishing.
Any thoughts? Would really appreciate the assistance.

Pages: 1