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Topics - TanyaBanana

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / I Need help with Ladders - Please. ( Stencyl 3.3.2 )
« on: August 08, 2015, 11:47:13 pm »
I am stuck. Can someone please help me.

I want to create a ladder in a platform game.  -  I am trying to use this...
" the Climb Behavior posted on StencylForge "

But I am getting this error...   ( I think this code is for an older version of Stencyl. ?? )
and Yes - I have created a 'region called ladder' - but I stll get this error...

ClimbLadder: scripts.Design_244_244_ClimbLadder has no field engine
   from scripts.Design_244_244_ClimbLadder
   line: 179
   columns: 4-23
ClimbLadder: scripts.Design_244_244_ClimbLadder has no field engine
   from scripts.Design_244_244_ClimbLadder
   line: 180
   columns: 11-30
ClimbLadder: You can't iterate on a Dynamic value, please specify Iterator or Iterable
   from scripts.Design_244_244_ClimbLadder
   line: 180
   columns: 11-30

Pages: 1