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Messages - Bombini

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Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: GoldSpace (Working title: Space Pirate)
« on: November 09, 2022, 01:53:01 am »
I am still looking into which tech to use. I am still missing a proper light engine for Stencyl for example and a proper autotiling sytsem.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: GoldSpace (Working title: Space Pirate)
« on: November 04, 2022, 02:14:05 am »
Thanks a lot!
I am currently working on a small firefighting game to use/learn pathfinding and i hope that i can get back into a bigger later this year. I am posting progress on the discord.

I already have the idea for the next game but i still have to decide if i go sideview or top like in Goldspace.
The game is about a city which is invaded by huge creatures and you have to stop them being shot at them. You will have to destroy them from the inside out because there i no weapon strong enough to stop them.

Some sketches of the city view and how it can look like below:

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: GoldSpace (Working title: Space Pirate)
« on: September 01, 2022, 01:20:44 am »
Thanks for the kind words!
I agree and it the point i could not fix or maybe didnt have the energy for it: finding a partner for marketing.
I will approach it better next time ;)

Ask a Question / Re: Is Stencyl Dying?
« on: June 24, 2021, 11:59:22 pm »
I wasn't aware of the changelog channel. This is so cool!

Journals / Re: Knight of the Deep [Development Journal]
« on: June 23, 2021, 02:38:56 am »
Very cool! keep going :)

Ask a Question / Re: Is Stencyl Dying?
« on: June 22, 2021, 01:27:45 am »
Getting into Stencyl:
I think that is is difficult for someone new to Stencyl to find their way through the information and documentation as you said. There is a lot outdated information, a lot new which is very good but also difficult to find if you don't know where to look. It really helped me to use pre built behaviours in the beginning just to understand it. It would be helpful to clean up this web forum and i think Stencyl would need a dedicated person because it is also a lot of work. 

I also became quite frustrated at a certain point with this web forum. Moving my attention to the discord of Stencyl helped me a lot to get the feeling of being part of this community again. So i agree. This web forum feels outdated and merrak has a good point that this is not only a Stencyl problem.

Why am i sticking with Stencyl?
  • The way it works. I prefer it over other game making tools. I know how coding works but i cant write code. I get bored remembering the language and all the details. I am a visual guy.
  • The community is very nice, respectful and helpful
  • I know how it works after a few years

I think its really important to check what feature your game will need and if Stencyl supports it. Unfortunately this requires some work. I would use a different game maker tool if you wan to rely on certain features (proper light system for example) or a proper market place where you can buy code modules.

I think Stencyl is not using its full business potential because it makes is more difficult for new Stencylers like you. It feels like a small crowd of individuals which is for me actually one of the things i like best about it :)

Journals / Re: The Poppytales (Journal Thread)
« on: March 03, 2021, 12:14:07 am »
You know...i would cut scope if you feel its too much. rather have a shorter good game compared to a longer not so good game.
Maybe just shorten it.

Chit-Chat / Re: What inspired you to create games?
« on: March 02, 2021, 10:55:29 pm »
I was always amazed by creating worlds and their rules. I was fascinated by the few level editors you would find for Amiga games when i was younger. I was into writing and performing music for many years because i don't have the patience to learn a programming language. I understand the logic but i get annoyed by spelling errors.

One thing that worked for me was Actionscript 2 with a lot of copy pasting my own stuff.
You know i am a visual person.
That's why i started with games again when i found Stencyl.

What i like about creating games is that you can achieve something cool even in 5 minutes.
Its easy to pick up.

Journals / Re: The Poppytales (Journal Thread)
« on: February 18, 2021, 05:56:11 am »
Well...i think you might need to do a sacrifice and either focus on time or quality but there might be some options. Btw i think finishing the game should the ultimate goal.

  • Try someone to do the art for you. Yes you will need budget for it but it can also be cheaper then you might think. Ask artist to get an idea
  • Try to optimize your workflow when and find better tools when creating art to save time. his can also have a huge impact. There are some very nice tools for little money on for example
  • Continue with less good looking art. Its not perfect but i think finishing the game should have priority.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: GoldSpace (Working title: Space Pirate)
« on: February 06, 2021, 11:11:11 pm »
Hi guys,

thanks a ton for those kind words domagojbulat and mdotedot. Those mean a lot to me and i am very happy to hear that you enjoyed the dev log! Happy that we had that journey.

Thanks gurigraphics for the detailed feedback!
I totally agree to what you wrote. Especially the section around the progression and also the level design.
I was thinking about this a lot and i decided that its time to move on to a new project, take all the learnings and put those into the next game. There are also other technically parts i would like to improve. Pathfinding for enemies, different resolutions, the whole techtree done in a meaningful way, modable weapons and much more.

I added voice over to the intro of the game and did some last minute polish. The release will be soon but without a publisher. I will do one last post around that in a few weeks. The one big challenge will be art in the future. I did all the art myself and it is of course simple. Not too bad though, i think. Some call it retro but for many it might not be appealing. Paying an artist for this amount of art would have been impossible. I will have to see how i handle this.
Anyways, thanks again for the feedback. I will keep you posted but i can assure you that there will be another game.

Chit-Chat / Re: Full-Time IndieDev Journey (Original Post Not Updated)
« on: December 17, 2020, 02:02:08 pm »
Congrats :)

Journals / Re: The Poppytales (Journal Thread)
« on: December 02, 2020, 01:54:11 am »
I would make the speed of the background a bit slower but i think it adds something.

Journals / Re: The Poppytales (Journal Thread)
« on: December 01, 2020, 06:08:15 am »
Yes and move it with a different speed compared to the background when moving the player.

Very nice :)
I liked the moon level. I would add more visual feedback when you hit an enemy. This will give the player a satisfying feeling.
Also i would finetune the movement of the own tank. I think a bit faster and also faster reactions might be better.

Journals / Re: The Poppytales (Journal Thread)
« on: November 30, 2020, 05:11:10 am »
I think some graphical background elements (simple shapes) between level and background would help to add a bit more depth. Should not be a lot work.

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