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Messages - Gintonic

Pages: 1 2
I had the same problem. So I've made some changes in the old version (Abliblablobla's version) and got it runnning for IOS (Stencyl 8672) without problems (see attached file).
Exporting for Android (Stencyl 8734 on Windows) I got the error

Source path "\stencyl\workspace\stencylworks\engine-extensions/webviews/ndll/Android/" does not exist

I think, you have to make some changes in the Build.xml?! and rebuild it to get the Unfortunately I have no idea, how to do that. Maybe you have more luck...

Don't forget to backup your Universal.hx. You have to compare it with the new version after every Stencyl update.  It would be great to have it as a separate scale mode in Stencyl.

Maybe it's useful for someone:

I've added 4 new blocks to recieve informations from friends and the player.
For example, your can use the picture url to show the profile pictures of the player and his friends in your game.

Friends Data List:

[ 0 ]
   [ 0 ] Id
   [ 1 ] Name
   [ 2 ] Picture Url
   [ 3 ] Picture is_silhouette (0/1)
[ 1 ]
   [ 0 ] Id
   [ 1 ] Name
Player Data List:

[ 0 ] Id
[ 1 ] Name
[ 2 ] Picture Url
[ 2 ] Picture is_silhouette (0/1)

Picture info:

The API only specifies the maximum size for profile images, not the actual size.
Square: maximum width and height of 50px.
Small: maximum width of 50px and a maximum height of 150px.
Normal: maximum width of 100px and a maximum height of 300px.
Large: maximum width of 200px and a maximum height of 600px.
You can set width and height as per your need. Though facebook doesn't return the exact size asked for, it returns the closest dimension picture available with them.

is_silhouette: If a friend has no picture selected (is_silhouette = 1)

Extensions / Re: Send PNG to server Extension
« on: February 28, 2014, 01:39:47 am »
With the screenshot extension you can save the screenshot of a game

I wasn't aware that this existed - where is it located?,26840.msg154767.html#msg154767

Extensions / Re: Send PNG to server Extension
« on: February 28, 2014, 12:51:08 am »
It's only in the zip in my first post.   Sorry, haven't seen, that your talking about the screenshot extension.

Completed / set haxeflag [ADDED]
« on: February 26, 2014, 01:32:48 pm »
Does anybody knows, where I have to add this, to force the compiler to use the JSON Haxe implementation instead of  the native API?
<haxeflag name="-D haxeJSON" />

Extensions / Re: Send PNG to server Extension
« on: February 24, 2014, 01:46:21 am »
crossdomain.xml you will need, if your flash game and the url your calling  ist not on the same server:,24742.msg142249.html#msg142249

When you want to send an image from your app, for example a screenshot, the extension takes the bitmapData from it, encodes it to png and base64 encodes it, so you can send it to your server. At serverside you will need a script, that recieves the data and decodes it again to png and, for example, saves it. If you have an apache server with php you can take a look at the script in the readme.txt.

Extensions / Send PNG to Server [Extension]
« on: February 20, 2014, 12:08:30 pm »
I want to share this little (openFL) extension with you.
With this extension  you can send an actor (the bitmapdata of an actor) as a png file to the server.
With the screenshot extension you can save the screenshot of a game on the server and send the link to facebook withe the facebook extention.
The block:
send PNG from [actor] to Url [] with filename [myscreenshot.png]

You will need a serverside script (see example in readme.txt)

Tested on android, ios, flash (don't forget the crossdomain.xml).

Have fun :)

Thank you for that great behavior. Unfortunately I also can't import it :(

Extension Ideas / Re: [Android & iOS] Facebook Mobile Extension - OpenFL
« on: February 11, 2014, 04:45:18 am »
I've got the GRAPH_REQUEST to work (Android for now).

What I did:

Add a new block
C:\Program Files\Stencyl\plaf\haxe\extensions\facebook\blocks.xml

   <block tag="fb-friendlist" spec="Facebook Friendlist" code="FacebokExtension.facebookFriendlist();" type="action" color="gray" returns="void">


Add the functions
C:\Program Files\Stencyl\plaf\haxe\extensions\facebook\FacebokExtension.hx

    public static function facebookFriendlist( ) : Void {
      fb.addEventListener( HypFacebookRequestEvent.GRAPH_REQUEST_RESULTS, _onGraphResults );
      // GRAPH_REQUEST("/me") ); GRAPH_REQUEST("/me/friends") );
    public static function _onGraphResults( event : HypFacebookRequestEvent ) {
        trace( 'sResult:'+event.sResult );

Updated thid file
C:\Program Files\Stencyl\plaf\haxe\extensions\facebook\project\android\fr\hyperfiction\

this way

because of

Now I recieve the list of friends GRAPH_REQUEST("/me/friends") );
and GRAPH_REQUEST("/me") ); works also, but only on my nexus one.
If I try on 2 other android devices (not google), the app crashes. Does anybody have an idea, what can be the reason?

Extension Ideas / Re: [Android & iOS] Facebook Mobile Extension - OpenFL
« on: February 10, 2014, 05:03:08 am »
I'm sure You are busy. I've just used the screenshot behavior in my game and could be great to post this screenshots on the Facebook. Would You try to add this to Your extension? IF You haven't used this behavior, I can give You every steps (but it is easy to use, specially for You).

Does anybody know, where I can find that screenshot behavior zawrot13 is talking about? Had no luck in StencylForge...

Extension Ideas / Re: [Android & iOS] Facebook Mobile Extension - OpenFL
« on: February 09, 2014, 03:25:55 am »
Unfortunately I've get an error:

[LOG] Running command: BUILD
[LOG]  - Running command: haxe Export/android/haxe/release.hxml -D android -D android-9
[LOG] C:\Program Files\Stencyl\plaf\haxe\extensions/facebook/fr/hyperfiction/HypFacebook.hx:21: characters 2-7 : Class not found : ShortCuts
[ERR] java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -2
[ERR] java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -2
[LOG] Unexpected problem on thread Thread-10: String index out of range: -2

I'm on Win7 and testing the extension for android.

What I did:

- Step 1 to 3b: everything fine
- Step 3c: got error - neko.dll not found
   To solve this, I've installed haxe3, still the same error. Then I've installed neko and change the path. Then it works.
- Step 4: done
- Step 5: running the game then, I got that error.

Does anybody know, what I did wrong?


"haxelib install inthebox-macros" installs the files in
C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Stencyl\plaf\haxe\lib
I've copied the folder to the right place and now I get no compiling errors.

Extension Ideas / Re: changing path to haxe
« on: December 19, 2013, 12:25:16 pm »
Ah, ok. I thought, I have to use haxe2 for compiling the extension stuff outside of stencyl:

"Using a text editor is a perfectly fine solution.
If you want to use use an IDE, you'll need to install Haxe 2.x (not 3.x), otherwise your computer won't be able to build from outside Stencyl's environment"


Extension Ideas / changing path to haxe
« on: December 19, 2013, 12:02:09 pm »
I've installed haxe 2.10 and after I've made some changes in an extension I try to compile the ios stuff by clicking on 'build' in the project folder I got errors.

How can I change the path from


to haxe 2.10 in


haxelib path hxcpp
-D hxcpp

Haxe Compiler 2.10 - (c)2005-2012 Motion-Twin
 Usage : haxe -main <class> [-swf|-js|-neko|-php|-cpp|-cs|-java|-as3] <output> [options]
 Options :
  -cp <path> : add a directory to find source files
  -js <file> : compile code to JavaScript file
  -swf <file> : compile code to Flash SWF file
  -as3 <directory> : generate AS3 code into target directory
  -neko <file> : compile code to Neko Binary
  -php <directory> : generate PHP code into target directory
  -cpp <directory> : generate C++ code into target directory
  -cs <directory> : generate C# code into target directory
  -java <directory> : generate Java code into target directory
  -xml <file> : generate XML types description
  -main <class> : select startup class
  -lib <library[:version]> : use a haxelib library
  -D <var> : define a conditional compilation flag
  -v : turn on verbose mode
  -debug : add debug informations to the compiled code
  -help  Display this list of options
  --help  Display this list of options

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