Ask a Question / Re: How do we place Webiews 2.0 master at X,Y, like we could with the older WebVie..
« on: October 22, 2015, 06:59:23 am »
I had the same problem. So I've made some changes in the old version (Abliblablobla's version) and got it runnning for IOS (Stencyl 8672) without problems (see attached file).
Exporting for Android (Stencyl 8734 on Windows) I got the error
Source path "\stencyl\workspace\stencylworks\engine-extensions/webviews/ndll/Android/libwebviews-v7.so" does not exist
I think, you have to make some changes in the Build.xml?! and rebuild it to get the libwebviews-v7.so. Unfortunately I have no idea, how to do that. Maybe you have more luck...
Exporting for Android (Stencyl 8734 on Windows) I got the error
Source path "\stencyl\workspace\stencylworks\engine-extensions/webviews/ndll/Android/libwebviews-v7.so" does not exist
I think, you have to make some changes in the Build.xml?! and rebuild it to get the libwebviews-v7.so. Unfortunately I have no idea, how to do that. Maybe you have more luck...