Happens on: Windows export, Flash
Scenario: actor has an animation with a solid collision box of one group, and a sensor collision box of another group.
Top collisions of this actor with a tile are registering bottom collisions. If the sensor collision box is higher than the solid collision box (meaning the sensor hits a tile before the solid collision), this behavior is consistent, registering a top collision followed by bottom collisions.
If both solid and sensor hit the tile at the same time, this doesn't happen. A solo sensor collision box doesn't register the specific side of a collision, so something is definitely wrong.
Sample game: Arrows to move, Z to jump, click to reset.
If you jump and hit the tiles, the console will print "top", followed by a series of "bottom", as shown in the attached image.
Happens on: Windows export, Flash
Scenario: actor has an animation with a solid collision box of one group, and a sensor collision box of another group.
Top collisions of this actor with a tile are registering bottom collisions. If the sensor collision box is higher than the solid collision box (meaning the sensor hits a tile before the solid collision), this behavior is consistent, registering a top collision followed by bottom collisions.
If both solid and sensor hit the tile at the same time, this doesn't happen. A solo sensor collision box doesn't register the specific side of a collision, so something is definitely wrong.
Sample game: Arrows to move, Z to jump, click to reset.
If you jump and hit the tiles, the console will print "top", followed by a series of "bottom", as shown in the attached image.