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Topics - Segaboy12

Pages: 1
Stencyl Jam 12 / Scorged Moon
« on: April 30, 2013, 08:06:44 pm »
Play it now right here

Before you play you can read the description

The story of this game is about young teenager named Victor who sneaks into a forbidden castle and finds out about a century year old zombie apocalypse that happened in his town. This game features alot of platforming and there are no enemies and no score (not yet). This is a sneak peek of a bigger game that I'm currently working on that is set to be released in June. This is my first game and i'm happy I finally got it released. Anyway I hope people like it and thanks for playing.
Here are some links you can follow



And my blog

Ask a Question / Reducing your SWF file
« on: November 26, 2012, 02:03:05 pm »
I just finished my game, but it's to big for an upload or a sponsorship. Is there away on stencyl to reduce the games size if so how. And if not are there any free SWF compressors out there that I can use. Thanks

Pages: 1