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Messages - dreph

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Ok, I understand that saving involves game attributes.  I am building procedurally generated maps, and would like to save and load the same terrain after I have generated it.

To save the map how I understand, which I don't really... would mean that I would have to have a list/map with tile id's and load it ?  Is there a simpler way to get away with saving game state instead of a handful of variables?

Ask a Question / Re: Loading Screen for a Scene
« on: June 23, 2015, 04:37:41 pm »
With the windows platform, the load time is exceptionally shorter.  Still can't get a loading screen for it to happen.  It might involve custom code I am unaware of.

Ask a Question / Loading Screen for a Scene
« on: June 23, 2015, 04:01:11 pm »
Greetings!  It's been a while since I have played with Stencyl but I just got back into it when I decided to try out some procedural generation with the code blocks given.  I've actually had quite a bit of success, however I am curious of 2 things:

1) The code blocks I have pieced together to generate the world are working relatively great... but when they are run, the scene becomes unresponsive.  I have tried to draw text prior to the script running, but alas it seems to do the same thing.  The worlds I was working with before were 1500x128 tiles wide, and I was trying to generate all of the terrain at once... is there a way to make a loading bar for that or when that script is running, am I kinda outta luck? (Flash test, Windows test works much better it seems).  Eventually it all works, but while it's loading, it's just the default flash loading bar showing 100% loaded, and non responsive.

2) Is it possible to load terrain as the player moves into the area?  In a "If row/column enters region following player, load tiles per proecural generation forumlas" kinda fashion?

Teaching with Stencyl / Re: Per User Preferences
« on: February 05, 2015, 03:19:29 pm »
haha ok! Yet again I was able to figure it out before anyone could chime in!

Apparently, the profile copy utility we use to copy a completed profile over to the default profile in our system had copied the preferences for AppData to use the administrator profile that you see in the screenshot.  Unfortunately the only current fix is to rebuild the profile and copy it correctly. 

We are probably going to work a registry fix to take care of this lab so that we don't have to reimage to get Stencyl working for the kids, but the new profile copying program we use does not have this issue, as we have tried it with success.

Teaching with Stencyl / Per User Preferences
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:19:48 pm »

We have installed Stencyl 3.2 on 40 lab machines for student learning purposes.  The Stencyl install and preferences file have been set up just fine and automatically goes to the students' network drive.  That's no problem...

Our current issue is during compiling the first educational project (Project 1) the students receive an access denied error during (something like that) referencing an administrator folder that is not write accessible to students, for obvious reasons.

When I compile under an authorized account, the line just says "Game was compiled in place" and does not reference this Administrator profile... I understand that it is probably something to do with our Group Policy, however I think there should be a line of code to throw in the Stencylworks.prefs file that would choose a different temp directory to build the XML.  Similar to the global.workspace line.  Maybe a global.tempfiles kinda line?  I understand this may not be enough information, but just let me know. 

Ask a Question / Re: Can I execute Javascript within Stencyl custom code?
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:26:16 am »
Oh yes, long term server support would be hosted elsewhere. Still I would have to have the backend running and since I have hosted servers before (as insecure as they may be lol) I figured... what the heck!

Thank you again for your time, most informative.

Ask a Question / Re: Can I execute Javascript within Stencyl custom code?
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:09:43 am »
You answered more than I asked, and that was incredibly helpful.  Thank you for taking the time to post such awesome information. 

Let me see if I am correct in my assumptions:

I can use Node.js/Socket.IO to host a server that receives and sends information based on client input.  I can use the visitURL block to exchange event information from the clients, and store game variables on the server?  Saaay:

I'm making a turn based game like Words with Friends, all logistics aside, could I use this visitURL block to send information to my node.js?  Would it be better to have a WAMP server running .php and have a .php script?  I'm much more familiar with WAMP servers than node.js, and I would gladly write a php script to handle all of this.

Ask a Question / Can I execute Javascript within Stencyl custom code?
« on: November 30, 2014, 08:45:38 am »
Honestly, this is more of a hypothetical question.  What I am trying to do is pass Stencyl code/values to a Node.js server, and before I get my hopes up I wanted to know if this is possible, and what steps to take to accomplish this.  I'm not looking for very specific steps, but generic steps like:

1) setup server to receive variables at specified html file
2) send variables from client to server listener via code block
4) profit

I'm not sure if I have to call a script (like javascript within html) within haxe, or whatnot. 

Also, I'm just getting into actual coding, and I realized that Stencyl says it supports Java, but doesn't specifically say "JavaScript".  I read somewhere that Java and JavaScript are two different animals.

I know I sound scatterbrained... I haven't had my coffee.  I'm just gonna keep drilling at codecademy and check back later.  I can still benefit from knowing it :)

Ask a Question / Re: Can I have a conditional background?
« on: November 22, 2014, 08:27:36 am »
Yeah I suppose so... just figured there may be a way to set a background like animation.  Thanks :)

Ask a Question / Can I have a conditional background?
« on: November 22, 2014, 08:03:27 am »

I was just wondering if it is possible to load a background given a condition in game.  Couldn't find anything on it, but I could be looking in the wrong places.

Example, if a player flicks switch one, the background changes to red, and if they flick switch two, it changes to blue.

Resolved Questions / Re: Android vs Flash logic issues
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:19:11 pm »
Alrighty... answered my own question again.

Apparently every once in a while, Stencyl will not overwrite the original file on your phone.  I removed the app, compiled it, and logic was working just fine.

Resolved Questions / Android vs Flash logic issues
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:39:27 pm »

I am having issues with consistency in my logic.

I have something in place so that a player can tap the screen of the android device to make the character go up... I have also set logic in place to make it so once the player has touched ground, they cannot take off again.

Works perfectly as it is supposed to in Flash... once the player lands, it disables movement altogether.

On android, it seems to not be working... Any suggestions?  I am going to be home in about an hour so I can post code snippets, but just hoping someone knows what I am missing without the code.  Seems simple enough...

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Re: Killing an active actor
« on: November 15, 2014, 11:57:48 am »
knew it was something simple :) thanks.

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Killing an active actor
« on: November 15, 2014, 11:53:58 am »

I am experiencing issues and I'm not quite sure if I'm missing something:

I want to make it so the player is active off screen (so that it can come back down after it leaves the top of the screen), but when the player hits the ground, I want him to die.

I made the player active, and upon killing itself, it gives me the error attached.

I also attached the make active blocks for the player.

Resolved Questions / Re: Error on Click
« on: November 11, 2014, 09:53:50 am »
Gosh... I feel very newbly...

It was an issue in my code... didn't change something from the default to the necessary variable... durrp :P

In case anyone else gets a similar error, just make sure you've set everything properly in your code.

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