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Messages - dreph

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Ask a Question / Re: Collision Detection not working
« on: January 29, 2018, 10:17:42 am »
It may be due to the group of the enemy projectile does not collide with player? If you go into settings for the project, and go under groups, you can set which groups collide with which.  On the enemy projectile, go to properties, and choose a group make sure that is meant to collide with player group.

Then, of course, you need to make sure that when the player collides with one of those projectiles, that he reacts via a behavior similar to the behavior of the enemy reacting to the player projectiles.  If you need further assistance, please let me know.  I will take a look at your project after I take a shower.

EDIT:  I cannot download your file and open it.  Might be how it was exported, but it does not work for me.  Double check all of the above and get back to me with some screenshots of your logic, groups, properties, etc. :)

Ask a Question / Re: Weird Mouse Clicking Issues
« on: January 27, 2018, 07:13:19 pm »
I think it was literally the location of the mouse pointer was misleading me... that's what I get for trying this when I'm sick...

Mouse pointer was spawning in a different location than the mouse actually was...

Thanks for helpin' out! lol

I had figured out that my mouse and cursor didn't line up, however I found a weird issue.  It's working, but I'm curious:

I was only able to set the X and Y position of the cursor on the mouse cursor itself (the actor).  I had it set to "If alive, set X/Y coordinates to X/Y Mouse input + X/Y Camera" directly to the actor.  If I tried to set this in a scene behavior, it would only spawn it, and not follow the mouse (Even duing an "Updating" statement).  Any explanation for that? 

Ask a Question / Re: Weird Mouse Clicking Issues
« on: January 27, 2018, 07:10:39 pm »
To answer your question, it is an actor.  I did the debug draw and this is what I see.  Clearly it's the problem, but I don't understand what I am seeing, honestly. 

So, the debug drawing helped me figure out where the original actor was drawn, but it also seems to leave a trace of the actor after every draw.  After about a dozen pauses, I notice some FPS drops.  Is there a way to clear up those drawing spaces?  Or should they just disappear if I "Kill" the actors after game is unpaused?

Ask a Question / Re: Weird Mouse Clicking Issues
« on: January 27, 2018, 06:11:58 pm »
I think it was literally the location of the mouse pointer was misleading me... that's what I get for trying this when I'm sick...

Mouse pointer was spawning in a different location than the mouse actually was...

Thanks for helpin' out! lol

Ask a Question / Re: Weird Mouse Clicking Issues
« on: January 27, 2018, 05:49:40 pm »
To answer your question, it is an actor.  I did the debug draw and this is what I see.  Clearly it's the problem, but I don't understand what I am seeing, honestly. 

Ask a Question / Weird Mouse Clicking Issues
« on: January 27, 2018, 05:23:08 pm »
Okidoke, so I've been dabbling with creating my own inventory system.  Let me start off by saying my logic is probably really gross and can be simplified, but everything works... unless I move the camera to another part of the scene...

Now I know what you're thinking, I didn't compensate for the camera with the drawing of my menu... but I did!  The inventory system spawns in the center of the screen, the slots and icons spawn in the correct position, visually.

However, the icons are only clickable in the inventory if I stay in the original camera position at 0,0.  If I move the player down, and say move the camera 50 pixels down, the icons and inventory spawn exactly where they need, but I have to click in an invisible space 50 pixels above the icon to use the item.  It's like the collider is staying at the original X,Y with the camera, but the icon (actor) is moving with the inventory as intended. 

For this prototype, I applied the event to use the icon directly to the actor, not a behavior, but as an event.  Just as simple as "If clicked and health not full, give a little health", and the same for the magic.  All of them work as long as I don't move the camera.

Here's a quick Gif Example.  First one is working in the original X,Y camera of 0,0.  The second is an example of what happens if I move down and try to click on the menu item.

Ask a Question / Re: unable to publish on andriod
« on: January 24, 2018, 06:42:08 am »
It has been some time, but for me I had to go into my Android settings on my test device and enable USB Debugging, or the like.

This is to a third party site with a simple walkthrough

hope this helps, and if not I honestly don't know.

Ask a Question / Re: Text Adventures (Not... what it sounds like)
« on: January 23, 2018, 06:11:34 pm »
Yep! It looks like if you let it use a default font, and set another font elsewhere, it will get converted by default.

Just took the time real quick to double check.  If I define a font, draw, define another font, then draw again, both fonts are independent. 

Ask a Question / Text Adventures (Not... what it sounds like)
« on: January 23, 2018, 03:27:49 pm »
Hey Stencylers!

It's been a while, but I have jumped full force back into Stencyl again. I haven't had too much time to experiment, but I could not find an article on this specifically.  So I wanted to ask.

Can you have two "Drawn" text objects on the screen with different fonts?  I set the font before drawing, and it changed all of the other fonts in a different behavior attached to the scene.  The change font came from an actor. 

Do I need to set the font for the other one's beforehand to avoid this?  Is it that simple?  Thanks in advance.

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Re: Clearing Data in Maps Error
« on: July 07, 2015, 02:52:47 pm »
Actually I can't use the lists for this function... it keeps returning "null" even though the value is 0 (not nothing, literally 0, the number).   What's the best way to use the maps and be able to remove them without the bug I posted? There's got to be someone who's figured it out or else there would be a huge rush to fix their new feature, no? :)

Ask a Question / Re: Back to FPS Issues - Loading Games/Big Lists
« on: July 06, 2015, 10:06:13 am »
I almost positive i have hit my boundaries of my existing knowledge. Not equipped with the coding knowledge or knowhow to write my own collision detection system.  Thanks but i think i just have to work around the limitations of Stencyl, or move to unity if i need to go bigger.

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Re: Clearing Data in Maps Error
« on: July 06, 2015, 07:06:29 am »
I guess I will have to be more specific and use a list, and remember where I store all my data.  Not too big a deal, just requires better documentation :)

Ask a Question / Re: FPS Drop After Game Pause/Drawing
« on: July 06, 2015, 07:05:17 am »
Is your pause button linked to anything else?
Do you have code that ignores pause? (actors that are set to ignore, scene behaviors)
When you say 'draw' do you mean only draw? Are there actors involved?
Try not using regions to see if that does anything.

Other then that, the tiles must be affecting it.

Gosh I hope the tiles aren't affecting it.  At least to the degree I think they could be.

I realized I have multiple tiles drawn in one spot (that I am going to fix), would overlayed collision boxes cause FPS issues after a pause if they weren't affecting anything before?  Do Tile collisions turn off/on during pause/unpause?

EDIT:  Nope it's not the collisions... damn I hope it's not the tiles...

That would work for me but I'm using the existence of a specific type of tile for my code. (I know I'm weird :P)  I will just add a "remove tile" before my "set tiles"

EDIT:  I added a "remove tile" before each additional set tile and that resolved it completely.  Thanks!

Ah yes, i figured setting the tile would simply replace it, not double.

So you're saying i need to remove tile then set tile instead of just set tile over the existing?

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