- Total Time Spent Online:
- 4 days, 12 hours and 50 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 418 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 28 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 4 votes
- 12 am
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- 1 pm
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- 11 pm
- Ask a Question
336 posts of the member's 418 posts (80.38%)336
- Resolved Questions
34 posts of the member's 418 posts (8.13%)34
- Ludum Dare 33
9 posts of the member's 418 posts (2.15%)9
- Stencyl Jam 13
9 posts of the member's 418 posts (2.15%)9
- Ludum Dare 31
8 posts of the member's 418 posts (1.91%)8
- Ludum Dare 30
4 posts of the member's 418 posts (0.96%)4
- Ludum Dare 29
3 posts of the member's 418 posts (0.72%)3
- Old Bugs (1.x/2.x)
3 posts of the member's 418 posts (0.72%)3
- Stencyl Jam 12
3 posts of the member's 418 posts (0.72%)3
- Chit-Chat
2 posts of the member's 418 posts (0.48%)2
- Ludum Dare 33
9 posts of the board's 240 posts (3.75%)3.75%
- Ludum Dare 30
4 posts of the board's 122 posts (3.28%)3.28%
- Ludum Dare 31
8 posts of the board's 291 posts (2.75%)2.75%
- Stencyl Jam 13
9 posts of the board's 650 posts (1.38%)1.38%
- Ludum Dare 29
3 posts of the board's 324 posts (0.93%)0.93%
- Ludum Dare 32
1 posts of the board's 190 posts (0.53%)0.53%
- Teaching with Stencyl
1 posts of the board's 241 posts (0.41%)0.41%
- Stencyl Jam 12
3 posts of the board's 916 posts (0.33%)0.33%
- Ask a Question
336 posts of the board's 110223 posts (0.30%)0.30%
- Stencyl Jam 15
1 posts of the board's 398 posts (0.25%)0.25%