Ask a Question / Re: Help! Bouncing head behavior
« on: January 11, 2016, 02:12:45 pm »
I would make it like this:
- If I run my head gets rotated to 45 degrees
- once I slow down based on how fast I run I trigger rotation around normal position firstly it rotates head with big speed and big angle but after some timew rotation speed slows down and rotates for smaller angle
- At some point it returns to normal position
The topic is not easy and depends on what you want to achieve. Im not interested in guessing what you want to accomplish.
- If I run my head gets rotated to 45 degrees
- once I slow down based on how fast I run I trigger rotation around normal position firstly it rotates head with big speed and big angle but after some timew rotation speed slows down and rotates for smaller angle
- At some point it returns to normal position
The topic is not easy and depends on what you want to achieve. Im not interested in guessing what you want to accomplish.