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Messages - t4u

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 28
Ask a Question / Re: Help! Bouncing head behavior
« on: January 11, 2016, 02:12:45 pm »
I would make it like this:
- If I run my head gets rotated to 45 degrees
- once I slow down based on how fast I run I trigger rotation around normal position firstly it rotates head with big speed and big angle but after some timew rotation speed slows down and rotates for smaller angle
- At some point it returns to normal position

The topic is not easy and depends on what you want to achieve. Im not interested in guessing what you want to accomplish.

Ask a Question / Re: Help! Bouncing head behavior
« on: January 10, 2016, 10:16:25 am »
The question is too big. Show on example what result you want ot achieve.

Ask a Question / Re: How to make a in the air jump
« on: January 10, 2016, 10:03:09 am »
on button push actor in y direction and push actor in x direciton (or -x depending on arrow). This will do a jump and moxing to the dside. Do you really need a fountain like movement?

Ask a Question / Re: Showing damager counter per hit
« on: January 04, 2016, 06:09:15 pm »
Make permanent text in enemy. When player atttacks enemy set text to value of damage in enemy object. After some time set text to empty text

Ask a Question / Re: If 3 clicks in 0.5 seconds - bonus
« on: January 04, 2016, 05:55:15 pm »
Your question is not precise possible designs:
1. You get title saying  "now click for bonus!" and if you click 3 tiems during  0.5 secondsyou get bonus
2. Every click can be a begining of sequence

Side question
if click sequence like this #0 0.1 #1 0.2 #2 0.3 #3 0.4 Do I get two bonuses?

See if it works

(Option 1)

When created
bool_1 = false // Are 3 seconds being counted

Mouse pressed
 if  not <bool_1>  {
     bool_1 = true
    clcik_counter = 1
    do after 3 seconds
      {  bool_1 = false
          if click_counter>=3 { bonus  } 
else { click_counter++}
Option 2

When created
t_1 =0
t_2 =0
t_3 =0

When mosue pressed
if (click_counter<1)
   { if (click_counter==0 ) t1 = time// current time since beginign of the scene
     if (click_counter==1) t2 = time // current time since beginign of the scene
 t3= time
if (t3-t1<0.5) {bonus}



Start here:

Then ask more detailed qwuestions on forum.

Ask a Question / Re: Create only ONE Actor (not like in update event)
« on: December 21, 2015, 03:46:16 pm »
on update
 if (my_bool){
    create actor;}

Ask a Question / Re: Unique copies of same actor?
« on: December 12, 2015, 02:55:39 pm »
Why not having a platform as attribute instead of using sensors?  Your goblin could get x of platform and x + width of platform.

+ If you want help post code

Ask a Question / Re: Better Way to manage Scene behavior?
« on: December 12, 2015, 02:52:19 pm »
How would I do it:
- One behavior for Create, on mouse press etc.
- Second behavior for general use Events
- Third (and maybe fourth) for Level events

PS I know your pain

Chit-Chat / Re: Ludum Dare 34- Are You In ?
« on: December 07, 2015, 05:02:51 pm »
- Are you in?
- Maybe... Real life affairs want to keep me away from taking part in LD.

Ask a Question / Re: Cannot add item to list
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:36:01 pm »
try: add  (as text(applies)) to  testlist

Ask a Question / Re: Yes/No answer collection!
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:34:57 pm »
and depending on the amount of yes, the player gets 1 of 5 chairs.

I don't udnerstna . How do you see it. I press yes => what should happen and based on what?

I get that if I press yer or no the question should increase by one. But what's the deal with chairs?

Screenshot 3 is bad. It should be done as (When pressed on self) in actor behavior

Ask a Question / Re: I'm new
« on: November 20, 2015, 12:42:15 pm »
Crewate new blank project? Press + as you open stencyl

Ask a Question / Re: a little n00b question...
« on: November 20, 2015, 11:14:34 am »
I don't ge tyour post.

What do you want exactly. Show with pictures.

Ask a Question / Re: Cool strategy game (I hope) City Beneath
« on: November 20, 2015, 11:13:05 am »
If you want opinion upload it on newgrounds.

It's so ugly I don't even feel like trying it out.

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