First off, the ads don't work. I connected my Google Ad Mob to the project. I even tried uploading the game to Google Play and installing it from the phone. I followed the Stencyl Ad Mob guide and I have test ads enabled.
I tried using both banner ads and interstitial ads and they just don't show up.
I made sure to initiate the ads and load the interstitial.
When the game starts, I initialize ad mob, then load the ad.
To test it, I made an actor that displays the ad when clicked.
I also added a normal banner ad with When Created in a scene.
Are all three fields in
Settings > Mobile > Monetization > AdMob Ads - Android filled out with the id starting with "
Did you wait for the "ad area loads" event before using the "show ad" block for the interstitial? It may be helpful to print debug info to the logs or to the screen so you can see exactly when the events have triggered.
Did you use the events to check for admob "fails to load" error, for both the banner and interstitial?
Second off, testing the game via Test does not work.
It tells me to generate logs. Here are some generated logs:
- I did try this on a clean project and it still doesn't work
- My USB debugging and all that works because testing a game directly from the engine works for the Godot engine
Running into the same issue as yesterday again. Searching the logs for "
Link: libApplicationMain-", there were a number of attempts to compile the game during this Stencyl session.
It looks like it was failing at first. You tested a different game (Android Game 3) and that worked. Then you went back to Tilefinder, cleaned the project, and tried again. Your first attempt after cleaning the project was to publish an APK. This worked. You published an APK again, and again it worked. Then you tried to test, and it failed with the same linker errors. Later attempt to publish an APK still worked, and later attempts to test still failed.
I'd assume that cleaning the project and then testing would make it work. I think that there's some internal configuration mismatch between testing and publishing that's causing this. I'll try to reproduce it and fix it soon.