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Messages - Justin

Pages: 1 ... 199 200 201 202
Resolved Questions / Re: Problems with Dialogue Messages by Justin
« on: April 05, 2011, 07:47:29 am »
Keep in mind that it's still a work in progress, and that I've been revising it quietly for some time now. What you are using is very much an... alpha stage of the finished product, you could say.

As for  doing something after a message has been displayed, check the examples from Bubble Ninja again. It's not very convenient, but it's what you can do in the meantime before I include support for post-message actions.

Resolved Questions / Re: Problems with Dialogue Messages by Justin
« on: April 05, 2011, 03:39:47 am »
Design_0_0 is indeed the name of my main dialog behavior, which is a code mode behavior. "fromString" and "setMessage()" are not static properties, though. You shouldn't try to call them like that. Use the messaging blocks provided in Design Mode.

If you need an example, I'll make Bubble Ninja public for a short while. Check the "Scene -> Cutscene" behaviors that have the word "Conflict" in their name. You'll see examples of calling the message behavior.

Shared Resources / Re: Cutscene pack
« on: March 31, 2011, 07:35:33 am »
About the zooming features, go ahead. Glad I could help... and without really doing anything, either. What luck. :]

Don't worry about credit or anything though.

Shared Resources / Re: Cutscene pack
« on: March 31, 2011, 06:39:31 am »
While laying in bed this morning, I came up with half a dozen new ideas that I'd like to incorporate into this pack.  Stay tuned...

I've heard the best time to program is when you're away from the computer. :)

I can agree with that... :P

Good luck, Greg. This is really turning into something!

Old Bugs (1.x/2.x) / Re: Unable to Download
« on: March 30, 2011, 03:17:41 pm »
You have to download the zip build.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Super Rocketeer
« on: March 29, 2011, 05:37:19 pm »
I've gotta say, the make-over you gave this game is absolutely.. orgasmic.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: A fighting game
« on: March 29, 2011, 05:32:56 pm »
NobodyX, let's save humanity.

This game rocks!

Resolved Questions / Re: Why do we have Global Custom Blocks?
« on: March 29, 2011, 01:12:35 pm »
It's actually pretty easy to do. You don't even need a custom block. Just grab a message receiver, name it something random, put in a code block, and do the same thing as you would with the custom block.

I have to say, I'm really enjoying the ability to inject code into DM. This is a pretty neat trick.Thanks, LH.

Resolved Questions / Re: Why do we have Global Custom Blocks?
« on: March 29, 2011, 10:22:26 am »
It's not actually inside the other function. The trick that LH uses is actually closing off the DM function, importing the Dictionary class, and then creating a dummy function that will be closed off naturally by the DM block.

I've actually just thought of a nice block for DM. A standalone code block. Can't be attached to other blocks, like the event wrappers that behaviors start with. This would put code straight into the behavior, without having to resort to a clever workaround like LH posted.

Dialog Extension / Re: Dialog Database Index Thing
« on: March 28, 2011, 11:17:35 pm »
As a notification, I took after the specific tag style in the original post as I was converting the message system in one of my old games from Java into AS code. It's incomplete, but I uploaded the behavior to Forge. It could become the basis for the Engine side of this project, if somebody down the road decided to make an Extension out of it.

Resolved Questions / Re: AlchemyExit error?
« on: March 28, 2011, 11:08:26 pm »
I'm still not quite sure why this was happening, but I did fix it... somehow. I realized it was only happening when I created orange bubbles, and then I realized that orange bubbles had a square collision shape instead of a circle.

It stopped happening after I set the collision shape to a circle like the rest of the bubbles.

Resolved Questions / Re: AlchemyExit error?
« on: March 28, 2011, 01:45:56 pm »
@LH: Pressing continue yields no new information.

@Greg: I actually don't have much going on so far as physics are concerned in the game. Really, all that's happening, is the bubbles are constantly having their x and y values set to match with the grid.

@Alexin: Heh, that would have been interesting to see.

This error only occasionally occurs when I place a new bubble.

I've just found that setting the bubbles collision group so that they can't collide with each other somehow keeps this error from happening. (I'm not using the bubble cannon just yet. Right now, I'm using a behavior that allows me to place bubbles with the mouse, in order to test a gameplay behavior. In other words, the bubbles really shouldn't be colliding with each other in the first place, so this really confuses me.)

Resolved Questions / AlchemyExit error?
« on: March 28, 2011, 01:07:05 pm »
I've suddenly begun getting this error. It seems like it's related to the physics engine? The top couple parts of the stack trace seem to be missing though. Anybody with prior experience, or who knows why this error happens?

Ask a Question / Re: [Idea] Menu Builder Extension
« on: March 21, 2011, 06:16:14 pm »
Alright, I've got the SDK, and the sample extension is up and running. How do I go about bundling data with the game, and how can that data be accessed via behaviors?

Ask a Question / Re: [Idea] Menu Builder Extension
« on: March 19, 2011, 04:27:41 pm »
In that case, it seems like it would be a simple matter of creating a single behavior to read the data and create menus based on that data. All that would be left would be to add that behavior to every scene which has the menus. Unless behaviors can be added through extensions, which would eliminate even that step.

Is generic data limited only to text? Can images also be bundled with the game?

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