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Messages - crystalnoir

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Ask a Question / Re: Question about actor and tearing
« on: November 21, 2012, 11:47:55 am »
Already tried it, but same thing. I didn't say that Stencyl does not the job or is not good, I just said that I have problem with it I don't have with other tools.

And if I try to understand, it's because I like Stencyl and would like it to "work correctly" with me ^^

Ask a Question / Re: Question about actor and tearing
« on: November 21, 2012, 10:42:39 am »
Tested on two computers + 1 (my friend) and we have the same problem...I didn't really sure this is a "no chance" :(

I don't know if we talk about the same thing. The problem I see, is like a sync problem that I didn't have on this three computers with the same project coded in monkey (poo language and for flash).

so I think there is something between Stencyl and our computers but this is not flash itself.

It's difficult to describe the problem because for your eyes may be this is "smooth" but not for mine :) the problem is like a sync problem between the frame rate and the refresh time of the screen (and monitor).

That's why we have in some games a "vsync" option to avoid this problem.

Test this :

This is the same thing (a little bit more advanced), but with the same background and graph, but not coded with Stencyl, but compiled for Flash. You should see the difference, and what I try to explain. This example is perfect on the 3 computers.

Ask a Question / Re: Question about actor and tearing
« on: November 21, 2012, 07:12:55 am »
Oki, I didn't want to upload it on StencylForge because it's just a test and not a game.

But I upload the project on my Dropbox, you could find it here, just copy the folder in your game folder :

As you can there are just a background, two animated sprite and a behavior for the player. The graph is just some I used, I had in a tutorial book for an other software, just to test.

The problem is , when I test this, the movement is not smooth. (just use the arrows keys to up and down the sprite), we can see that the sprite "shakes" like a tearing or something.

I have code the same thing in my "brut code" language and I don't have this problem in flash.

Thank you.

Ask a Question / Re: Question about actor and tearing
« on: November 21, 2012, 02:17:31 am »

Thank's. If you want but I don't think it's necessary because I have just a behavior with this inside (see the image joined).

That's all, nothing else ^^ And this code is inside a always loop, and the behavior is attached to a sprite (png file).

I try to change and instead of use an always loop, to use just a keyboard action event, but this is the same.

Ask a Question / Re: Question about actor and tearing
« on: November 20, 2012, 01:38:30 pm »
Thank you for your answer. It's not the computer, my friend tested it and this is the same. I sent him the stencyl version and the monkey version (code only and flash compil'), and this is the same on his computer.

Don't have test the friction, may be I have to look at this, but I just used the "set y speed" fonction tu move my sprite so I don't know...

Ask a Question / Question about actor and tearing
« on: November 20, 2012, 07:34:09 am »
Hi (Re),

I'm going to try to be the most understandable as I can, because it's a little difficult for me to explain that in english.

I have two problems.

The first is about actor and behavior. If I create a behavior, and assign it to an actor. If later, I modify this behavior, my changes is not updated for the actor. If I want to I have to reaload my project. I tried to delete the behavior from the actor and reassign it but that doesn't work.

The second problem is a tearing problem. When my sprite moves, the movement is not smooth. I have some glitch or may be "tearing". I don't know how to avoid this with Stencyl. I know that flash is not the quicker plateform but I 've done a test to compare :

I coded the same thing with an other language that export in flash too. I wanted to see if the problem came from flash or from my Stencyl project or something. It seems that is not flash because the "other compilation" with my other tool, is perfect, I have no tearing (like image dropping).

My "code" in Stencyl is not a big code, just the same as the crash course 2 , I make a sprite moving in the y axis with arrow keys.

So my question is : is there a way in Stencyl to avoid this "tearing" ? or is there a tip for that ?

Thank you in advance.

Resolved Questions / Re: Unable to import font [Solved]
« on: November 20, 2012, 06:26:08 am »
Oki thank's and sorry :)

Resolved Questions / Re: Unable to import font
« on: November 20, 2012, 06:01:02 am »
Ah, I have already used this feature :) In fact I thought Stencyl will import fonts itself if we have made a copy in his data/fonts folder. In fact I have to import them manualy if I understand correctly :) ?

Thank you. (sorry for mistakes in english...)

Resolved Questions / Re: Unable to import font
« on: November 20, 2012, 05:35:39 am »
Thank you for answer. But in the settings panel I don't have "font". Just have tab like Settings, Web, Loader, Attributes, Controls, Groups, but not Fonts :(

I try to search in each categorie but I didn't find it. Is it a pro feature ?

Resolved Questions / Unable to import font [Solved]
« on: November 20, 2012, 02:56:07 am »
Hi everyone,

I have an issue with Fonts. After some searches, I found that we can have fonts in the Stencyl list (when creating font), I just have to make a copy in the data/fonts folder of Stencyl.

I've done that, but after restarting Stencyl, I can't see them when creating a new font.

I have made a copy of my Windows ttf font in the data/fonts but they don't show up.

What I am doing wrong ?

Thank you in advance :)

News / Re: Stencyl 3.0 - Design Once. Play Anywhere.
« on: November 18, 2012, 02:53:05 pm »
Ok thank's, I asked this because on the comparative page, only Ios subscribers have something like "earlier access" on the table :)

And what about WebGL ? do someone has any informations about this ? :)

News / Re: Stencyl 3.0 - Design Once. Play Anywhere.
« on: November 18, 2012, 02:27:59 pm »
Hello guys :)

I wonder, will Stencyl 3 html 5 support for WebGL ? :)

And another question, Can Stencyl Pro users (and not Ios users), have access to the closed beta ?

Thank you in advance :)

Ask a Question / Re: Crash problem with Test Scene
« on: May 10, 2012, 05:15:51 am »
Thank your for all your answers :) I'm going to test the CTRL R features and may be the nighty build :)

I will tell you what later :)

Thank's !

Crystal Noir

Ask a Question / Re: Crash problem with Test Scene
« on: May 08, 2012, 12:17:06 pm »
Game relative issue, difficult to believe, just because if we close the project and reopen it (or relaunch Stencyl) that works without changing anything.

For the log that's a good idea but we have to have an error to find something. The problem is that we don't have error each time, just the game that doesn't see "changes we made".

The problem is not in fact the game. If I open the balloons game I don't have any problem because I haven't changed anything on it.

The problem occures when we modify something and try the game after saving it, and then, there is 3 possibilities :

1 - the game launches itself and all work (so no problem)

2 - the game launches itself but the last code added doesn't do anything (for example I add collision detection). So I exit Stencyl. I restart it, and recompile the game, works this time

3 - the game launches itself but we've got an error (rare). So I exit Stencyl, restart it and recompile the game works this time without error. (The next time I have this kind of error that disappear when I relaunch Stencyl, I will make a copy of this with the logs).

When the problem occurs the most often is the case n° 2.  I have the feeling that the problem is what Cole said : Stencyl doesn't realize that a file has been changed (at the same as we save it before compile the game).

After, why time to time, we have an error (I can't copy paste here because the more often I have the problem is the case n°2 without the error), I don't know, but that's the same kind of issue : restart Stencyl and all works very well after.

I hope , you will understand what I try to explain, it's difficult for me to find my words sometimes and I make a lof of language mistakes I think (english is not my first language) :)

Thank you

Ask a Question / Re: Crash problem with Test Scene
« on: May 08, 2012, 05:39:13 am »

I'm sorry to bump the topic but it just happens to me, several minutes ago. But this time without error :

I've coded some functions (very simple), attached my behavior and test the scene. The game launches itself correctly but my code doesn't work (nothing happens). I looked at my code but I didn't understand why this simple code didn't work.

I've simply relaunched Stencyl and hoooo that works now...

Time to time, if I want my code to work I have to relaunch the app. Sometimes, I don't have any error, and sometimes I have some. For now, the more often is I don't have error but my code doesn't work and I have to restart Stencyl to make it works.

Thank you, and sorry for my english...

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