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Messages - misterfreeze

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Shared Resources / Re: New Tileset: Shadowlands 2
« on: December 14, 2014, 09:18:04 am »
Thanks @8Bit Pony.
The small T shadows demonstrate shadows falling to the right of tiles. I added this just to show that you can in fact choose your light source - left or Right. There are also some variations in width and angle. You can use this set just for the semi transparent shadows if you prefer to use your own / other tileset :-)

Shared Resources / New Tileset: Shadowlands 2
« on: November 25, 2014, 06:15:31 am »
Please take a look and don't forget to rate and comment - it does encourage me.
Released under public domain so you're free to use commercially without any attribution.
Why am i so nice?  :)

Shared Resources / Re: New Minimalist Tileset - Shadowlands
« on: November 23, 2014, 11:16:08 am »
Thanks Donni11. 
It was just an idea i was playing with while learning how to make my own tileset and decided to share as a Public Domain  asset.

Shared Resources / New Minimalist Tileset - Shadowlands
« on: November 22, 2014, 02:11:45 pm »
Hi folks!
I have created a simple Tileset for you called Shadowlands available on Stencylforge. It's a very simple minimalist set with semi transparent drop shadow tiles,  a simple window and a tunnel tile if your player needs to walk through a column.
I've released it to the Public Domain so please do rate it.
If i get positive feedback, i will expand it further with many more features.

Ask a Question / Re: Character Glitching. Need Help.
« on: November 08, 2014, 05:24:14 am »
I wonder if this problem is similar to the one i had when making the Greem Hopper Game. The player somehow managed to get stuck inside the tiles from time to time. The only solution was to increase the boundary collision points, making them a few pixels wider. I think it could be a Stencyl bug. What's your take on that @Innes?
Slightly off topic: i suggested in another post that it would be great if there was a Stencyl code block repository where devs could post their screenshots of solutions to common problems and it would be a great learning aid to creative souls who are not that hot with coding and game logic.
There are so many good answers on the forums but they're rarely visual answers and how hard it is to find that answer months / years down the road! Just an idea :-)

Ask a Question / Big Flash Project for Desktop
« on: November 07, 2014, 06:42:36 am »
I am wondering if i should run into any problems developing my Flash game for desktop if i want dimensions that are about 800 X 600. I have quite large backgrounds and realize that i'll have to optimize by converting many areas into tiles. Is this the correct way to  go? Some objects will be tweened with small child sprites that animate - to avoid creating huge sprite sheets.
Can anyone tell me how well a game / interactive adventure should run on desktop as a Flash export.

Ask a Question / Re: Super Belly Boarder - How To
« on: November 03, 2014, 11:09:12 am »
Oops! My bad.
Apologies @sdieters. I was analyzing a platform demo by Tuo just before posting. I think they call it a Freudian Slip LOL.
I am following you on youtube via Artificial Studio so that should make up for my error :-P.

Ask a Question / Re: Super Belly Boarder - How To
« on: November 03, 2014, 06:31:01 am »
Thanks Tuo.
Any chance you could do a tutorial on this when you have the time?
The important features would be varying platforms and enemies / obstacles etc
plus floating gems and power ups

Ask a Question / Super Belly Boarder - How To
« on: November 03, 2014, 04:06:09 am »
I think Super Belly Boarder is one of the best Infinite Runner games i've played as a Stencyl creation. The developer obviously knows his stuff inside out. I've seen many tuts on creating platforms off-screen, but nobody seems to know how to add those all important extras like the actual obstacles that sit on the randomly generated platforms as they appear from the right. How to position them and also the gems and power ups is a mystery to me. Am i alone?
Platforms also vary in length and i'm wondering does the game developer use separate platform sprites or generate seamless X - position tiles?
Anyone care to chime in with their expertise thanks.

Ask a Question / Re: Endless Runner/ Terrian Generating?
« on: November 03, 2014, 03:58:41 am »
Does anyone know how to add more actors - obstacles, gems etc - on those platforms that are spawned off screen?
How should this be achieved while offering a sense of randomness?

Chit-Chat / Robot Phone Home
« on: October 31, 2014, 05:28:49 am »
I love this simple point & click game made in Flash - i believe.
It would be interesting to know if all the game mechanics could be achieved with Stencyl 3.0.
What's your view?

Paid Work / Re: Looking for 8-bit composer
« on: October 29, 2014, 06:58:35 am »
Did you have any luck? I am also looking for an 8/16 bit chiptune type cpmposer for PC.

Ask a Question / Share Your Expertise on my Blog!
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:51:23 am »
I have set up a new Blog aimed at 2D game developers and would really like to start adding some quality tutorials and tips etc on everything Stencyl and 2D related. In return, i will link to any site or game of yours and will include full attribution to you at the end of the post.  If you have any books or assets worth sharing with the world - free or paid, then please get in touch.
Thanks  ;)

Suggestion Archives / Visual Code Block Wikipedia Idea
« on: October 25, 2014, 04:29:27 am »
I am not sure if this learning aid already exists, but here's my suggestion.
To have a Code Block Wiki that shows actual images of the Stencyl code blocks for specific functions.
I believe this would be an ideal learning aid to those who are Stencylpedia graduates, and now need a way to formulate ideas and see solutions to the most asked for 2D game features. For example:
Player enters an elevator and is transported to next level where he exits. Or maybe he needs to jump onto an ascending balloon, maybe jump down again and interact with a switch that releases a door for enemies to come out...etc etc.
I would personally love this and i'm sure many newbies and intermediate users would too. Now i know many will say, it's up to the game developer to use the logic provided and think for themself.  This is fine for those of you who are blessed with program-friendly brain cells. More creative types would welcome it, just as those non-creatives amongst you would welcome a few tutorials on colour theory and how to compose good 2D game characters. I won't say to you 'Hey, you know how to use Pencyl? Now go draw some amazing 2D sprites.'
Any feedback welcome  ;D

Ask a Question / Re: Parallax using actors
« on: October 24, 2014, 02:11:15 pm »
I downloaded the Parallax Behaviour recently and discovered that if you have the vertical parallax set, it seems to put the actor way below where you positioned it in the scene. Did you experience this. It's really annoying and the solution is to turn off vertical parallax or go into the behaviour and make some changes - but i haven't done that yet as i'm still scrawling through the Forums for answer - many that never get answered.  You can then change the attributes for any actor that uses this behaviour. I am surprised you haven't had any relies so far omnivore as this effect is so important in 2D games.

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