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Messages - amir82a

Pages: 1 2
Does it shows daily, weekly and all scores together  in a game?
I am trying show scores in scores scene!
I have 3 different Attributes to save daily, weekly and all scores in game and use to show them
but when I try to get them from leaderborad it does not works and just save all scores not daily and weekly!
I have used even 3 different leaderborad id for each one! but does not work too!
please check attachment and tell me what is problem?

oh sorry
I have find the problem
It was my mistake
I was using a unicode font to draw scores and my font does not have English alphabet
thanks so much for responds and your great extension!

I have a text Attribute "player name"
in settings Player can input name
There is a submit score button which submit score and player name to LeaderBoard!
you can see details in attachments!

another problem I have is:
after submitting scores the leaderboard does nt show new score! Even while I have put a " do every 5 sec" block in events.
I have too use a refresh button to get new leaderboard scores!

Thanks for you great extension which I was looking for and need it so bad for my game!
I was working on that for 2 days to find out how it works :D I am really beginner in stencyl and its my first game!
I wish you make a sample game to show all features of this extension
specially sending and showing high scores, which I need so much
and a PDF file which explain how to use, is so good too!

My problem now is When I show leaderboard in scene it just show numbers not player names
I have created a "List Attribute" in my game and when game connect to Nuggeta, leaderboard will be saved in my attribute
I have used drawing blocks to show items of attribute! but it just show numbers! how can I show player names and scores together?

Ask a Question / Re: Submiting Scores to Server In Android
« on: June 04, 2014, 11:30:59 am »

Ask a Question / Submiting Scores to Server In Android
« on: June 03, 2014, 01:02:04 pm »
Hi all
I know for IOS I can use gamecenter to submit game scores and show other players scores
what about Android?
any service or website you know which stencyl support?

Ask a Question / Submiting Scores to Server In Android
« on: June 03, 2014, 12:20:58 pm »
Hi all
I know for IOS I can use gamecenter to submit game scores and show other players scores
what about Android?
any service or website you know which stencyl support?

No I want buttons be on the banner
Something like pic I have attached

I think I must create an attribute then set Banner to an Attribute bye using "set PauseBanner to [last created actor]"
then use "Send [PauseBanner] [to back]"

something like that
But the problem is I dont know what kind of attribute must be, Actor did not works!

I am making a game for android and you know in APK file you must have 4 different size for graphic files, images make your game big in file size, I have a game over banner, a pause banner, a success banner and a mission failed banner, now you see why I need use drawing instead images!

@sdieters thanks
It works but the problem is the drawing is always on front and I cant create other actors on it!
I need create reset, back to home buttons there!
but they go behind drawing banner!

Hi guys
I don't know how use drawing  when my player die and game over happens instead creating a image!

in my game when game over happens it uses creating a actor as game over banner on screen, but I want use something like as drawing HUD by using drawing rect as banner!
How can I do that?

Ask a Question / Re: controls do not work in Flash Browser
« on: May 26, 2014, 03:12:14 pm »
maybe you did not define control keys or did not attach it to player

i had same problem, i have used 2 different control ways ( keyboard for flash, Accelerometer for android)
and most of times controls did not work, until i have disable Accelerometer to test for flash!

Ask a Question / how can I use Unicode in stencyle?
« on: May 26, 2014, 02:26:12 pm »
Hi Guys
I have seen in stencyl 3.1 enhancements:
Support Unicode in downloaded text or text from external files via Script.convertToPseudoUnicode().

please somebody explain for me how can I use unicode by this feature?
If I write by unicode in Draw Text pallet and use a unicode font it does not work! what is a external file and how can I use to draw text?

Ask a Question / Re: Why APK size is so more larger than swf?
« on: May 23, 2014, 12:29:21 pm »
yes guys you are right
the main part of APK file which affect on APK size is related to graphic files in folders inside assets\assets\graphics
there is no way to reduce them cause everyone of them is used for special screen size

I have found out that at least size of APK file made by stencyl is almost 3.4MB ( for 1 scene no actor)

and why size is important for me?
cause I want use stencyl to make games for local market in my country (iran) and you know cause we have problem about internet bandwide here,  and most of people use 2g for cellphones then size is a important factor here :P ( its funny when you see somebody has iphone S5 or xperia z2 using 2g internet service :D )

Ask a Question / Re: Why APK size is so more larger than swf?
« on: May 22, 2014, 02:00:59 pm »
its not just related to scale!
If you do your best in scaling even apk size is almost 15X than swf size!
It must be related to android coding created by stencyl and I hope them improve that!

Ask a Question / Re: Why APK size is so more larger than swf?
« on: May 19, 2014, 12:04:55 pm »
APK made by stencyl!

made by Unity at least size: 8 MB
made by Stencyl at least size: 12 MB
while swf made by stencyl is just about 500K

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