Ask a Question / how to make an interactive pop up?
« on: May 14, 2012, 07:00:24 pm »
SO, if you did not know me and my two brothers are making a game which is currently called Renewal. By all means check it out, but thats not why I am here. I am here to ask for help with a pop up interactive box of some sort. O.K. so here it goes.
what we want is a pop up box for when looting a killed zombie or for looting anything else like a bag or a garbage bin ect. a pop up that pops up any time you are looting anything.
e.g. http://community.stencyl.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=10615.0;attach=10134 here we have a quick screen shot of outside the town. Do you see those zombies there? well when you walk up to one of them it will put you into a battle scene. When you win (and for the love of god, lets hope you win it will bring you back to this screen shot, then dim it down and a pop up will pop up with the items that you are able to take or loot from the downed zombie.
I would really appreciate this, and you will forever be in my debt!
what we want is a pop up box for when looting a killed zombie or for looting anything else like a bag or a garbage bin ect. a pop up that pops up any time you are looting anything.
e.g. http://community.stencyl.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=10615.0;attach=10134 here we have a quick screen shot of outside the town. Do you see those zombies there? well when you walk up to one of them it will put you into a battle scene. When you win (and for the love of god, lets hope you win it will bring you back to this screen shot, then dim it down and a pop up will pop up with the items that you are able to take or loot from the downed zombie.
I would really appreciate this, and you will forever be in my debt!