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Messages - creatiwell

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 8
Ask a Question / Html5 game - publish proble-
« on: June 11, 2016, 05:29:45 am »
Hello folks,
are anybody know why I can`t test html5 game localy (at my pc) ?
as well and more important,game working good in experimental preview but once I export it it doesnt work.

I tried to upload it on Dropbox (as other offen do) but no luck :(  it simply black screen stay frezze..

How to upload in order to work,or even better - are there somone HTML5 game which work online????

yeah, we know that. is very old :P
No Stencyl is not sutiable for 3D but we can make 2D VR games anyway :)
Question is: Can we have do it at all?

It is for 3D games but thre are tons of way to make game which simulate 3D space even there isn`t real 3d.
Anyway,you think that we have acess to gyroscoope?

Suggestion Archives / VR = Virtual Reality (with google Cardboard)
« on: May 24, 2016, 11:40:54 am »
Is there any possiblity for somone to make extension for VR, so we can make the hotest game today - VR games?..

Ask a Question / Re: analytics for stencyl?
« on: January 11, 2016, 11:17:48 am »
I need for Android only

Ask a Question / Re: analytics for stencyl?
« on: January 11, 2016, 10:26:35 am »
yes but we (I) wanna  know who are our players? how they find my game...more interesting - why they didn`t find my game ? :D

Ask a Question / Re: analytics for stencyl?
« on: January 11, 2016, 06:07:45 am »
I am looking for same thing

Ask a Question / Re: Text Input Fields
« on: December 08, 2015, 11:17:42 pm »
I need same :(

Abandoned Bugs / Re: Can`t sign in? Can`t publish my game
« on: November 06, 2015, 01:38:18 am »
"you can try to use a proxy in the preference settings of Stencyl."

how I can setup?

Abandoned Bugs / Re: Can`t sign in? Can`t publish my game
« on: November 05, 2015, 02:28:28 am »
Level:     ERROR
When:      2015-11-05 11:26:59:297

Could not sign in because of networking issues.
1) You could not connect to our servers, located at
2) Our servers are down.
3) Our servers have moved, and your DNS cache has not been updated.

Abandoned Bugs / Can`t sign in? Can`t publish my game
« on: November 05, 2015, 02:16:59 am »
I have serious problem and I need help soon as possible.
I can`t publish for Android as that button is "grey" because I can`t sign in - that button simple not respond

I tired few new versions. I tried to unistall and install Stencyl again..still I have same problem :(
Please help I need stencyl soon as possible in this way I stucked and jobs are waithing..

Paid Work / Stencyl Developers - Skype Group
« on: July 18, 2015, 04:30:15 am »
Hey Guys,
All you are welcome to our stencyl skype group (14 members at the moment are there)
you can join anytime using this link:
skype:?chat&blob=e3PU91tjs0FTbeDcpTCdnekcZMsW12ZhdCg7N_aUUxb0TBRtrTIibnttbHblZkH1r_9KhOyxpKe8jg ***

What Skype Group offer:
  * Join and find artist or developer instant and faster (even and sound designers,writers etc..)
  * Make new contacts and start new project together with somone
  * Relaxed and friendly chat about your working experiance and so on...
  Is good for all who use stencyl
  U are welcome:
(copy/paste this link below if direct link doesn`t work)
skype:?chat&blob=e3PU91tjs0FTbeDcpTCdnekcZMsW12ZhdCg7N_aUUxb0TBRtrTIibnttbHblZkH1r_9KhOyxpKe8jg ***

Hi to everyone,
I made one test and I am very happy to say about "Google Game Service" Guys, it really works :D
Thanks to Stencyl dev who bring this extenstion inside of Stencyl ;)

Extension Ideas / Re: Google Play Games
« on: March 23, 2015, 07:48:24 am »
Wow,Finally <3 <3
Denver did you test it? it works? :D

I am not totally sure how much,Actualy I make conversion from 2.0 to 3x .Because around 10 games like this one I was already made in 2.0 (flash)  But I think one week is maximum with Designer together also

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