Old Bugs (1.x/2.x) / Deleting/Renaming Controls Doesn't Work Until Restart
« on: October 27, 2012, 05:00:39 am »
TLDR: if you delete or reassign a key, until you restart Stencyl, you will either still see the key (if deleted) or see the old name (if renamed)
Repro steps:
- Create a new game using the Jump and Run Kit
- Compile and play the game. Notice how you jump with Z.
- Click on the Settings button > Controls
- Delete duplicate definitions of keys (Z and X). Leave the Z instance called "jump."
- Rename "jump" to "Z"
- Delete "duck"
- Save and close all tabs if desired
- Click on Actor Types > Jumper > Behaviours
Here's where we find our juicy bug.
- Click on Jumping. Notice the jump key still says "jump." It should say "Z."
- Click on Ducking. Notice the key assigned is "duck," which you deleted.
Work-around: restarting Stencyl shows the correct keys, and assigns the ducking key to "No Control." Closing all tabs, closing the game, etc. doesn't seem to do this.
Repro steps:
- Create a new game using the Jump and Run Kit
- Compile and play the game. Notice how you jump with Z.
- Click on the Settings button > Controls
- Delete duplicate definitions of keys (Z and X). Leave the Z instance called "jump."
- Rename "jump" to "Z"
- Delete "duck"
- Save and close all tabs if desired
- Click on Actor Types > Jumper > Behaviours
Here's where we find our juicy bug.
- Click on Jumping. Notice the jump key still says "jump." It should say "Z."
- Click on Ducking. Notice the key assigned is "duck," which you deleted.
Work-around: restarting Stencyl shows the correct keys, and assigns the ducking key to "No Control." Closing all tabs, closing the game, etc. doesn't seem to do this.