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Messages - cammerammer1

Pages: 1
What's a good place to post a Stencyl game published for Windows/Mac?

I've used Stencyl for about 7 years now, & for whatver reason the software doesn't give an option to publish games to other computers (ex. Mac doesn't allow you to publish to Linux or Windows). Why?

Chit-Chat / Re: Is Flash dead? no, no its not.
« on: March 22, 2017, 07:29:19 am »
How did you make all that money buy publishing flash games?

Chit-Chat / Health Mangement Issues
« on: August 12, 2016, 08:43:42 pm »
Hi I'm having trouble with Stencyl where the player character refuses to spawn after I attached Health Management to them. Worse is that NPCs with Health Management Do spawn. Help. :'(  :-[  ???

Pages: 1