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Topics - ichimitch

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I'm testing on two monitors. The primary display has 1440p native resolution and has G-Sync. The Secondary display has 1080p native resolution and does not have G-Sync.

When testing in a window on the primary display the game runs fine. However if I switch to Full-screen enabled, stutter is introduced. There are no issues running in fullscreen on the secondary display.

Although this is a high spec system, I thought perhaps the difference between 1080p and 1440p may be causing the performance issue. I tried every scaling mode available in order to show less of the game on the larger display. The stutter happens even in 'letterboxing' and 'no scaling' modes.

I disabled G-Sync in the system wide settings under Nvidia Control Panel. Then ran another test build in full-screen. No stutter. Confirmed... Stencyl games are not compatible with G-Sync.

As an end user this isn't a big deal as you can just disable G-Sync. If you're someone looking to publish your game to desktop it's a bit concerning... I'm yet to publish a game but I can just picture the negative user reviews on Steam from butthurt G-Sync monitor owners saying the game's performance is terrible (unaware they can just disable G-sync to fix it). Therefore I've moved this to the issue tracker:

Is the amount of RAM allotted to your game when testing correlated to the amount of RAM allotted to Stencyl by these .bat files?
Or once compiled do test builds run independently?

Ask a Question / [SOLVED] Unexpected problem on thread AWT-EventQueue-0
« on: January 30, 2020, 06:49:32 am »
Each time I'm about to implement a large change to my game I do a 'save as' and increment the version number, which is what I just did. Then I tried to open the new save and was hit with a vague error message saying I should post my logs and describe the problem.

I deleted Game v012, opened Game v011 and repeated the Save As process. Upon opening Game v012 I was hit with the same error again, confirming that the error was recreatable and didn't happen by chance the first time. I had a look at the log and the issue seems to be something Java related.

Getting a bit fed up with troubleshooting engine issues rather than working on games tbh.. F@#king Java.  Apart from what the error is and how to fix it, can someone explain why this problem-child of a language is even a part of Stencyl's backbone?

Ask a Question / [CLOSED] Errors when trying to compile.
« on: January 28, 2020, 01:21:44 am »
Previously I have only tested in Flash and HTML5. I'm now developing a game for Android so wanted to test on Android.
- Stencyl version is 4.0.2 (b10468)
- I downloaded the Android Tools using Stencyl's built in function
- I downloaded and installed the latest JDK from Oracle's website
- I downloaded and installed the OEM driver to connect my phone to PC via USB
- I enabled USB Debugging in the developer options in my phone.
- I connect the phone, selected Android from the test drop down menu and then clicked test.

I've attached screenshots and my logs


So it turns out that this error is not just an issue with compiling for Android as I thought it was...  I'm getting this error if I try to compile for any platform at all... Even Flash.

However, this problem only started once I installed Android Tools. With that in mind, and as the error seems to be Java related (not that I know how to interpret the error details), I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling different JDK versions. I've tried JDK 13.0.2, 11.0.6 and 8u241. I rebooted after each new install. The error remains :(

Ask a Question / [SOLVED] How to use a loop to flicker sprite?
« on: December 18, 2019, 05:46:59 am »
I can't figure out the logic for loops on my own...

I found an explanation of the loop blocks ( but I guess I'm a bit thick and need a bit of coaching to figure out putting them into practice.  ???

I've attached a screenshot of some code. You can see I've used a lot of "Do after __ seconds" blocks to achieve the actor sprite 'flashing'. I'm sure there are probably several better ways to do this.

If you want an actors 'mass' to change under various 'if' conditions can it be set using code blocks?

I want to create an 'collision' with 'member of group' event which is something along these lines:

Code: [Select]
When [self] hits an actor of [Actors A]
Set 'collision?' to 'true'
If 'collision?'
set collison group to [Actors B] for (collision shape #1)
set collison group to [Actors B] for (collision shape #2)

So the actor in question currently has two collision shapes which were set in the collision editor. Is there some way to set 'collison' attributes for the two existing shapes in order to use them with the said code block?

Ask a Question / Vector art software recommendations.
« on: July 09, 2018, 03:38:07 am »
Does anyone know of a user friendly vector illustration program? 
Ideally with the ability to snap lines to set angles, like holding SHIFT key in (raster software) Aseprite.
A bunch of shape tools would be good, too.

Ask a Question / Need to learn how to debug....
« on: July 06, 2018, 11:14:01 am »
I'm just trying to recreate old simple games to learn as I go.

This game has an issue that I seemingly can't figure out no matter how long I try...  Bullets sometimes lose all X and Y speed and stop dead in their tracks.  I've also noted that once this happens enemies can pass over them without collision.

I keep examining the code blocks but I'm at a loss.  Can someone give me some pointers on how to debug such things? And if gracious enough take a quick look under the hood to tell me what bad practices I'm doing?..

Extensions used are:
All in one Booleans -,29132.0.html
Workflow Utilities -,44968.0.html

I'm working on a main menu for a desktop game

There are two settings under the sound menu:
BGM volume
SFX volume

Since I will always assign the music to channel 0 it was pretty straight forward.  I created a number Game Attribute to store "BGM volume" value and then set the volume of channel 0 to that value.

I essentially want to do the same thing with the SFX volume. I created a number Game Attribute to store "SFX volume" value and now I want to apply that value to the volume level of every channel except channel 0.  What would the best way be to achieve that?


As a second part to the question... I'd also like the game to 'remember' the volume settings so that next time the game is run it will retain the users settings.  Should I use the save/load blocks to do that?

Ask a Question / [Solved] More than two control inputs at a time
« on: May 10, 2018, 03:34:27 am »
So I just discovered in my game that I can't push three buttons at once. If I do, one of them does not register...

The game is... well, just think Pinball with Arcade and RPG elements. 

I gave one of the characters a special ability where he can spawn a 'shadow ball'.  It's an extra ball which has no effect on the lives attribute and the camera doesn't follow it.  When it's created it drops into the chamber with the spring so that the player can pull back the spring and launch it into play.

The problem is that if I'm already operating two control (usually the left and right flippers) I cannot operate a third (such as the special ability button or the spring release button).  If I try, the third and subsequent inputs will not register. I thought perhaps it was a limitation of Flash, so I compiled and tested the game for Windows but produced the same issue.

Is this a known issue with a known solution?

Ask a Question / [solved] Crash when compiling for Windows
« on: May 10, 2018, 01:28:45 am »

Disregard. I have no idea how... but it's fixed.


My game compiles fine in Flash but when compiling for Windows it crashes :(
I've attached the log files. Can anyone tell me what is going on?..

Ask a Question / Bar that fills over time [solved]
« on: May 07, 2018, 04:54:17 am »
My game has a side pane separate to the play field which contains character portraits.

Beside each portrait I wish to create a bar which fills over a set amount of time as a visual indicator for when that character's special ability will be ready for use.

It's probably a simple matter, but I'm stumped... I see there is a "draw rectangle" block. So that's probably a good place to start but I'm unsure of how to use it in addition to a number attribute  so that it will "fill" over time... Halp?

Ask a Question / [solved] detect angle of collision
« on: May 04, 2018, 10:41:16 am »
Basically, I want 'Actor 1' to know from which angle 'Actor 2' collided with it so I can it can push it back at the same angle.  Is there a way to detect the angle from which a collision occurs?

Something like:
When 'Actor 1' hits 'Actor 2' push 'Actor 1' sharply toward degrees 'angle of collision' at force 50

Stencyl provides top, bottom, left and right collision detection but I'm hoping for something with a bit more scope

- I've read articles on 'scaling' and 'full screen mode' in Stencyl's documentation. I still have questions
- I'm starting work on a game targeted at desktop use.
- The screen size will be set to 16:9 ratio, as that is the current standard for desktop monitors
- If I start by assuming the maximum resolution PC users are  likely to use is 4K UHD and work backwards from a 4x scale of 3840×2160 then my list of scaling sizes looks as follows:

1x = 960 x 540
1.5x = 1440 x 810
2x = 1920 x 1080
3x = 2880 x 1620
4x = 3840×2160

My questions are:

-Assume a user has a desktop resolution of 1280 x 720 or 1366 x 768 (both common resolutions) and is running the game in fullscreen mode. The article on full screen mode says that scaling will 'pick the closest match (rounded down)' So in either of these cases it would choose to use the 1x scale assets at 960 x 540? Is there any way to override that and tell it to use the 1.5x scale assets?

- It's unlikely, but what would happen if the user's desktop resolution was below the 1x scale resolution?

- Can the fullscreen resolution be changed in-game? Or will fullscreen mode always be dependent upon the desktop resolution?

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