What about a projectile weapon?
I tried making a projectile-typed wave but it kinda wasn't what I was looking for.
Physical weapons won't be used in this game, so no sword and stuff. The "mellee" attack is rather a by magic formed sword wich appears only temporarly and the "magic powers" have to be restored to use it again. I actually think I might have an idea for a "projectile type weapon" matching the idea that weapons are formed my magic. Gotta think that out for a while.
On a sidenote: Since the game is basicly about life and death and those lost souls stuck between dimensions the "weapons" are soulcrafted magic and rather killing enemies you release posessed beeing from these souls. No blood, no harm and thus safe for children. No need to indicate "free at age
". ² Let me know if youd like me to make some mechanics for this game... or a partner on it
As far as I can finish what's needed on my own I'm good. I know of some possible future problems wich I might not solve on my own regarding enemy AI, but I might be wrong with that as I was with most of the problems I've solved, I hope I'll prove me wrong again.
Yesterday I took the communities advice to overhaul the colour palette for the forest hut typed theme. Divided the palette in background & design object and jumpables. The poles holding the highground jumpables use the same palette as the jumpables . Not sure if that's good to keep. Using a third palette would be confusing, the jupmables and poles belong together, so logically I used the same palette. Any advice for seperating or keeping it the way I used the colors?
Although the story is psychologically deep and a bit dark, without creep-stuff. Don't know yet if I can display it in the game as good as I my vision is. Still studying game and games psychology on that topic how to make a game narrative, already figured out how to keep freedom for different storybased paths.