- Total Time Spent Online:
- 61 days, 12 hours and 22 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 2545 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 74 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 11 votes
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- Ask a Question
1264 posts of the member's 2545 posts (49.67%)1264
- Resolved Questions
368 posts of the member's 2545 posts (14.46%)368
- Chit-Chat
128 posts of the member's 2545 posts (5.03%)128
- Journals
106 posts of the member's 2545 posts (4.17%)106
- Game Ideas
55 posts of the member's 2545 posts (2.16%)55
- Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5
48 posts of the member's 2545 posts (1.89%)48
- Fixed Bugs (3.x)
42 posts of the member's 2545 posts (1.65%)42
- Bug Archives
40 posts of the member's 2545 posts (1.57%)40
- iPhone / iPad / Android
39 posts of the member's 2545 posts (1.53%)39
- Suggestion Archives
31 posts of the member's 2545 posts (1.22%)31
- Ludum Dare 31
27 posts of the board's 291 posts (9.28%)9.28%
- Stencyl Jam 15
16 posts of the board's 398 posts (4.02%)4.02%
- Ludum Dare 32
7 posts of the board's 190 posts (3.68%)3.68%
- Ludum Dare 33
8 posts of the board's 240 posts (3.33%)3.33%
- Past Contests
6 posts of the board's 199 posts (3.02%)3.02%
- Ludum Dare 28
9 posts of the board's 331 posts (2.72%)2.72%
- Bug Archives
40 posts of the board's 1697 posts (2.36%)2.36%
- Stencyl Jam 13
15 posts of the board's 650 posts (2.31%)2.31%
- Abandoned Bugs
21 posts of the board's 997 posts (2.11%)2.11%
- Suggestion Archives
31 posts of the board's 1744 posts (1.78%)1.78%