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Topics - Genadiy

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / Saving High Score Problem
« on: February 26, 2014, 04:44:04 pm »
I will keep this short and simple I have a timer that goes up every second and when my character dies I want to save the high score to the next scene. I wrote a code to do that but its not saving! hears my code what could be wrong?

Resolved Questions / Random Scene switch [SOLVED]
« on: February 25, 2014, 05:06:36 pm »
Hello guys so basically I have a starting scene + 5 other scenes (so 6 all together) when I press the start button on the starting scene  I want a scene behavior to switch  to a random scene, I wrote a code and used examples from other forum posts but so far it's not working properly (when I click the start button the scene does not switch)  Hears a photo of what I got going

Resolved Questions / Setting timer as high score [SOLVED}
« on: February 20, 2014, 04:20:01 pm »
Hello guys,  I'm going to jump straight into to this. So basically I want to set up a timer in my scenes (adding a point every second). I want the current time to save as a high score but if the current high score gets beat I want to save that current score as the new high score.(hopefully that's not confusing) I have 5 scenes and I want the high score to stay the same for all of them until that new score beats the current high score.

Hear are some pics of my coding and I know I'm defiantly way off. So basically I got my timer to do what I wanted it to do and that is for it to go up by one every second and the timer resets after every scene, I'm just having trouble saving my high score and replacing the current high score.

Pages: 1