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Topics - YobKgames

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Ask a Question / What is the best advertising Admob or unity ads ....
« on: August 27, 2017, 07:29:10 am »
Hi . so here are my question

What is the best advertising company that brings the most ??
Can WE integrate more than one company in one app ??
What is the method of integrating other than admob in stencyl? (unity ads for example )

Thank you in advance for your answer
have a nice day

So i just finished a game And I intend to publish it .

 What is the best way in detail to add a system of ads in stencyl  ( banner and interstitial ) ? 
and what i have to do to get it and where ? (google and apple ? )
what i have to do to generate maximum revenue from this ads ?
 thank you very much for help me

Ask a Question / canceling an updating event ?
« on: August 13, 2017, 07:42:51 pm »
for optimizing my game .
I wonder if we could cancel an when updating event and how? if not. Could I replace it with a do erey 0.01 second loop  and canceling it in a condition ??

in would like to create a game with a long vertical scene In which actor will be created randomly With an actor who rises without stopping .
i tride to animate an fixed actor inmy scene and create an vertical scroloing background it's look good 
but  i think i will have problems later with the spawning in the top of screen and moving to bottom of scene
Its will not be too fluid and esthetic
so what do you think it the best way to do this kind of game ????

Hello guys .  i need help emergency
i want to know if The country of  launch of an application  is determined by the ip (position (countrie) of launch ) or by the coordinates of the bank   account ??  or by the cooridnates of devlopper account ( google & apple)  ?

i'm from algeria, and in app purchase or post an Paying application are not valid in my countries . So i think to publish my game since france , So I want to know how I can solve this problem of position . help Pleaze
 Thank you in advance for your answer

Hello guys .
i want to know if The country of  launch of an application  is determined by the ip (position (countrie) of launch ) or by the coordinates of the bank   account ??  or by the cooridnates of devlopper account ( google & apple)  ?

i'm from algeria, and in app purchase or post an Paying application are not valid in my countries . So i think to publish my game since france , So I want to know how I can solve this problem of position . help Pleaze
 Thank you in advance for your answer


Ask a Question / Multi touch does not work ?
« on: July 20, 2017, 06:53:31 pm »
i have two button in my screen that i have to press it in the same time but  when i test my game in android device i  cant press the two button at the same time !!! help how to activate multi touch (i enable it in setting mobile user input but it still not work)  in stencyl or something like that ?

i wanna use the loop do every ...seconde with an number attribute
but the the loop apply only the initial value of number attribute after a few time I say that the number attribute change it change but the changing does not apply to the loop ..... Any solution helppp pleaaaaze
the idea its to do think everey 1 seconde and after a few time do it every 2 seconde and after time do it everey 3 seconde ...ect the value of the loop channge

Ask a Question / Draw number attribute in center of an actor
« on: June 14, 2017, 08:29:45 am »
all is in the title

scale to fit letterboxe  rejected by apple ? always ?  why  ?

i decided to use scall to fit full screen mode so  how much space in the bottom of screenI have to leave it empty ? Knowing that there is already a great vacuum in some  devices caused by the scalling ????  help pleaze

i  can't  find a solution to my scalling idea !
than i decided to share you my Problem in detail, i hope that you can help me 
 this scalling suits me 

i"ts scall to fit (letter boxe) But the problem as you can see There is some space lost at the top and bottom of my android device screen ( and other it depends the device )
To have a full screen I have already tried stretch to fit scalling But it Distorts My actor ( size ) so The game becomes ugly on some devices , knowing that the original size of my actor is important .
So i want to use the last scalling mode ( letterboxe) . Nothing is wrong with it Because the background is black. except that i have an background actor who appears In the game . at some moment ,  And borders of screen game become remarkable :( .. 
i hope that you understand what i say  .

sincerly i want to use stretch to fit to my background actor haha and scall to fit letter boxe for the rest of the game x) x)   that's thé idea  haha Helpp pleaazeee and thnnxx for answeriing

I read your answer in my last topic ! But i  can't  find a solution to my scalling idea !
than i decided to share you my Problem in detail, i hope that you can help me
this scalling suits me 
i"ts scall to fit (letter boxe) But the problem as you can see There is some space lost at the top and bottom of my android device screen ( and other it depends the device )
To have a full screen I have already tried stretch to fit scalling But it Distorts My actor ( size ) so The game becomes ugly on some devices , knowing that the original size of my actor is important .
So i want to use the last scalling mode ( letterboxe) . Nothing is wrong with it Because the background is black. except that i have an background actor who appears In the game . at some moment ,  And borders of screen game become remarkable :( .. 
i hope that you understand what i say  .

sincerly i want to use stretch to fit to my background actor haha and scall to fit letter boxe for the rest of the game x) x)   that's thé idea  haha Helpp pleaazeee and thnnxx for answeriing

Ask a Question / What is The best scaling mode for mobile ?
« on: May 16, 2017, 12:42:25 pm »
what"s the best scalling mode for mobile android and ios  to keep the charm of the game (dimension of the actor , the position ,  And keeping the game  centred  ....ect ?
Propose your techniques and your ideas for me

Ask a Question / Problem scaling (stretch to fit)
« on: May 13, 2017, 04:54:40 pm »
when i choose stretch to fit in scalling mode (android) my actors loose many many of they charm
So i wanna scale only back ground and keep the size of actor same as when i choose the scall mode ( scale to fit) ??? iittss possibleee help pleaze
the scale mode  scale to fit its good for me but it still Leave empty in the top and at the bottom of screenn
And I'm afraid it will cause problems later (  admob position...ect)

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