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Topics - YobKgames

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when i testing my game in my android device i wanna stretch only background not the actor
example : put the game  in the center of device and complete the void with the color of background  to keep the charm of actor size

excuse me for my bad english and thnx for the answering

i have many line of instruction and condition (200 line)  to do every seconde  that have a relation with another event in every seconde too who increment an attribute with 1 !
I'm afraid it could cause a problem? 
i wish that you understood me and thnx for your answer and excuse me for my bad english

all is in the title for example :
  if attribute = 1 create --->if attribute = 10 kill  and recrate in ather place ...ect
i tested many  algorithme but it still cause a problem

Ask a Question / Create actor if game attribute equal to 10
« on: May 05, 2017, 11:47:22 am »
i have an game attribute it up  with one after every one second i want to create an actor when this game attrribute equals to 10 whaat i havee to doo when i do it in when updating or when drawing it's create an infinity of actor help pleaaze

when i say create actor in when updating or when drawing that's create an infinity number of actor how to create only onee ?

this is the log  help pleaze

Ask a Question / Actor teleporting
« on: April 01, 2017, 06:26:27 am »
behavior to teleport an actor from point to another point in scene

Ask a Question / slow motion power ups
« on: March 26, 2017, 06:41:04 am »
i want to use an actor as a slow motion power ups for 10 seconde for example how can i do thiiiiisss pleaaaaze ?

what is the best way to use actor as an background animation without causing any problem  ? 

if not ? how can i use an sprite animation as an background animation 

thnx for your request

Ask a Question / rotate actor
« on: March 24, 2017, 09:35:28 am »
make an actor rotate around his self  ?

Ask a Question / rotate animation in different direction help pleaze
« on: March 19, 2017, 07:10:49 am »
i have ball it move in diffrent direction i want to add an  animation  for the move (like fire in the back ) but how to let it on the back of the actor in this many different dirrection ?
what i have to doo help pleaze 

Ask a Question / rotate animation in the direction of actor
« on: March 19, 2017, 06:49:03 am »
i have many many direction for my actor move how can i make the animation rotate in the direction of actor

how can i gain money with a game maded with stencyl and published to app and play store ?
if there are a difference between revenue of a game devlopped with stencyl and unity  ? what's this difference ?
what"s All I need to know to make money with my stencyl game ?
what's the maximum of revenue can i get monthly ?

Ask a Question / what's all the advantage to buy stencyl studio ??
« on: February 19, 2017, 05:06:36 pm »
google and apple devlopmment account payment are inluded in this 199 dollars or not ?  ...

after ending my game in studio version of stencyl what i have to do more to publish my game in apple and play store ?
I hope to have been clear excuse me for my bad english

Ask a Question / Problem with colision heelp pleaaze
« on: February 12, 2017, 06:01:42 pm »
i have two actor in two different groupe i activate colission between the two groupe but it still not collide  hellp pleaaze

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