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Topics - FlammusLucis

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Ask a Question / How do I set linear drag above 1? [Solved]
« on: February 28, 2017, 07:17:46 am »

I am making a game where the player moves the character by holding down click, and the character is pushed towards the position of the click.
A problem I ran into is when the player releases left click the character continues coasting for too long, making it hard to control consistently.
The linear drag for the character actor is set to full, but I am trying to find a way to set it above 1 so that the character slows down faster.

A long time ago I thought I saw a thread explaining how to do this, (an extension I think) but I cannot find it anywhere. Does anyone know where that extension is, or is there a line of code I can add, or is there another way to get the same effect?


Hello,  I am making a game where if two actors of the same type overlap, then one of them is killed. (it is a randomly generated turn based game.)  The problem is, the behavior that does this is an actor behavior attached to both actors, and they kill each other, but I want only one to die. I remember seeing somewhere that each actor has an assigned number in the scene, and I thought that if I could reference that, than I could kill the one with the lower number. but I cannot remember where I saw that, could anybody tell me where I could find information about this?


Resolved Questions / I need help with a room saving behavior. [solved]
« on: April 19, 2016, 04:52:23 pm »
Hello, I am making a game that is comprised of randomly generated 3x3 rooms, right now all you can do is wander around.
here is the link to the WIP:

The room saving works by keeping track of the x position and y position of each room, and using "x pos;y pos" as a key for a map. the item that the key represents is a list of lists of all of the actors, their x and y coordinates, and their layer.

I achieve this through the code in the picture: when a room is created; if the map has key "x pos;y pos" get the lists from the map and create an actor for each one, otherwise; randomly generate a room and then place each actor generated in the proper lists.

The random generation is working like a dream, the only problem is that the code inside the "for each actor on screen" wrapper never runs. (I even tested this by placing the "exit game" block inside the wrapper, nothing.)

Can anybody help me with this problem?


I have a game that has one scene, and when you leave the scene the scene reloads, with new randomly generated content.

Whenever you leave the scene it sets a unique key in the map to a list of lists of each actor, their position, and their layer. If you walk into a room that the map already has, then it gets all of the actors from the map.

The only problem is, whenever you reload a scene or actor it resets all of the attributes, including the map. I would have the map be a game attribute, only game attribute maps can only hold numbers or text, not lists.

How can I get the attribute to not reset when the scene reloads?

Resolved Questions / Converting lists to text.
« on: April 15, 2016, 04:05:04 pm »
Hello, I am working on something where a list is converted to text so it can be stored in a global Map, and I was wondering if when you use  the "anything as text" block to convert lists to text, how does it end up being formatted?


In clarification, say there was a list called fruit: {apples, oranges, bananas}  would "fruit as text" return "applesorangesbananas"
"apples, oranges, bananas" or something else?

Thank you.

Chit-Chat / First completed game!
« on: April 08, 2016, 11:24:16 am »
Hello everyone, I just published my first complete game on the arcade, RGB blast. It is an endless shooter where you fire blasts of red green and blue light at enemies, coloring them until they are white. Please check it out and tell me what you think.

You can find it here:

Thank you.

Resolved Questions / Where is the Exit Block?
« on: February 14, 2016, 10:09:01 am »
I'm trying to make a behavior that closes the game, but the "exit game" block is not in my palate. Does anyone know why?
here is a screenshot of where it should be.

I was wondering if in a custom event, when the event is triggered, does code that comes directly after loops and time delays run while the loop or time delay is running, or after?


I'm having trouble figuring out how to do this, I want to have a health bar at the top of the screen that shows the health of whichever enemy was last hit. It works, but only for the first enemy that is hit. When I shoot the next enemy, it still shows the
health for the first enemy that was hit.

I think the problem is with the "set actor last hit to (self)" but I can't figure it out.

Hello! I might be a little too new to be posting a challenge, but I would like to know how more experienced stencylers would do this.

So for the challenge:
In my game I wanted to be able to throw a knife, so that it spun in the air and continued forward until it hit a wall. If the blade of the knife hit the wall, then it would stop spinning and stick there. However; if the handle hit, then it would bounce off and fall to the ground. (Also, there needs to be a mechanism that kills the knife in some way, so that the scene doesn't get cluttered with a lot of actors.)

I will be posting how I did this. :)

(Edit: attached how I did this.)

Bug Archives / actionScript error 1034 when I try to open a scene.
« on: January 08, 2016, 03:03:15 pm »
Hello, when I try to open a scene(in-game) this error pops up, if I hit continue the scene pulls up but doesn't recognize any input,
Here is the text in the window:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert com.stencyl::Engine@aeaa0d1 to com.stencyl.models.Actor.
   at Type$/createInstance()[C:\Program Files (x86)\Stencyl\plaf\haxe\std/flash/_std/Type.hx:135]
   at com.stencyl.behavior::Behavior/initScript()[C:/Program Files (x86)/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/behavior/Behavior.hx:79]
   at com.stencyl.behavior::BehaviorManager/initScripts()[C:/Program Files (x86)/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/behavior/BehaviorManager.hx:97]
   at com.stencyl::Engine$/initBehaviors()[C:/Program Files (x86)/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/Engine.hx:1114]
   at com.stencyl::Engine/loadScene()[C:/Program Files (x86)/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/Engine.hx:985]
   at com.stencyl::Engine/enterScene()[C:/Program Files (x86)/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/Engine.hx:1781]
   at com.stencyl::Engine/onUpdate()[C:/Program Files (x86)/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/Engine.hx:2583]

I am attaching a screenshot and my logs.

Does the block {if the left side of actor 1 was hit} return sides relative to the actor or scene? (For example, if the actor was upside down, and a projectile hit the -X side of actor, would it give the same result as if the actor was right side up?)

Ask a Question / Saving and multiple profiles.
« on: January 07, 2016, 10:31:11 am »
Hey, I was wondering how the saving function worked in regard to multiple profiles. Is there a way to have multiple saves in one game without erasing previous saves? I could manually set each of the game attributes to another game attribute, but is there a better way?

I can't figure out what's wrong with my code, I have the "when control is pressed" event, but when I press the control nothing happens. (The behavior is attached to the actor, the actor is in the scene, and the control "R" is set to the right key.)

I attached my code and logs.

When I try to print something, I can never figure out if it was printed or not, because there are so many lines in the log viewer. I tried the search bar and filters on the top of the log viewer but I had no success, I tried looking on stencylpedia but there is no Log viewer page, and the other pages that mentioned the log viewer were no help, could someone tell me how it works?

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