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Topics - chrizt

Pages: 1 2
Ask a Question / apple rejected app
« on: April 06, 2017, 03:55:45 am »
the app was on app store, but it gets rejected now. no code changed. any what cause this?

Stencyl Jam 16: "Spooky" / stencyl game jam 16 collaboration
« on: September 14, 2016, 04:35:56 pm »
i am looking for an artist to partner up for the coming game jam. contact me if anyone is interested, please show your art example too. i will fill the programmer position. thank you guys

Paid Work / stencyl developer looking for work
« on: August 21, 2016, 04:17:57 am »
i have been using stencyl for few years, in the past few years i have been working on few games for same client. i am in need of extra project to work on for long term/short term. i can provide graphics as well if needed. as for genre i am more interested in developing strategy or RPG game. i am ready to be tested before work if the project is big enough.

i am also looking for collaborative projects and team up with an artist.

 my contacts is on my signature

example of my past work:

Game Art / need some art for game?[PAID]
« on: February 23, 2016, 07:57:18 am »
anyone who need some arts done for their games can contact me here or directly on skype. note that we are not interested in profit sharing project.

here is some example of the graphic.

graphics below is not allowed to be used on any circumstances. thanks for the understanding

iPhone / iPad / Android / Fix Car Mechanic: Station Game
« on: November 04, 2015, 11:00:21 pm »
check out the game i recently made. hope it gives much fun while playing it
just published it to kongregate, please help to rate the game if you like it. thank you

Bug Archives / 8678 mobile only bug
« on: October 02, 2015, 11:51:38 pm »
testing on android tablet with 1x and 2x graphics on mobile setting enabled make the game appear as only white screen.however you can 1x 2x 4x on "solved" the problem.all atlas setting is enabled and binded to the scene.

1x 2x graphics dont break game on an android phone, i am not sure why it does on tablet.

Resolved Questions / works ok on flash but not on mobile[SOLVED]
« on: December 31, 2014, 11:33:38 am »
i am not sure how to say this but one of my game has been tested on flash but its not working correctly on mobile.
i have no specific code which only run on flash or mobile, so they both are using 100% same code.
so i have this "money" in my game which when you click it, you will get some money based on the customer order.
my code limit the money gained to be less than 50.. so the most expensive thing will still pay only 50..
on flash it works ok, but on mobile all of sudden the money just can reach 100 even 200.. i am not sure what can cause this.
also the image instance cropping is not working correctly on mobile(the green bar on top of the screen)

i attached the flash version. where all gone wrong(also happen on ios))

note: if you notice why i can publish to ios/android while i am not subscribed, to be exact its a game for my client and he is the one who published it.

Archives / list suggestion
« on: September 04, 2013, 05:49:59 pm »
i dont know if its has been suggested before, but it will really helpful if we can delete the entire starting value from a list rather than 1 by 1 when needed. while deleting the list attribute can fix it but its annoying to put it back again on some blocks where it was used.

Resolved Questions / open url block[solved]
« on: January 20, 2013, 12:38:57 pm »
i am using open url block to open an url in an new tab but for unknown cause, a friend of mine cant open it on his chrome because it's blocked by pop up blocker. is there any solution to this? my browser is set to block pop-up too. i have no problem on my computer here. i am not sure what cause this because its actually open a new tab not a new browser window.

i tried on old chrome and firefox and its work well. my friend is using the newest chrome version

Archives / forum moderator
« on: January 02, 2013, 01:47:58 pm »
i think this forum must have a official moderator to answer question in the forum. especially to answer technical problem. i often set up threads which ended no solution given. waiting for days for answer which at the end even cannot solve the problem or no answer at all. it is really frustrating to be here. if this thread still get no answer from stencyl, i think there is no point on wasting time and money here anymore. i didn't ask how to make this or that, i simply ask for support on why i still cannot test locally on my ipad and there is no single reply from stencyl side. is it worth it to wait for days to solve a problem which can be solved in less than an hour if someone is here to guide me?

sorry to make this post, but i am already so pissed off with this kind of service. everytime i asked i simply get a reply to follow up a link and see guide there, is it so hard to provide an assistant to do the job in the forum like it should?

Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / getting certificate
« on: December 21, 2012, 09:37:25 am »
i just purchased an ipad and iOS developer license but i don't know how to get the certificate.. i have tried to see the instruction from jon, however i found it's not clear enough for me.. i am using win7.. anyone can help please?

Ask a Question / killing actor
« on: December 04, 2012, 02:58:06 am »
do i need to clean the attribute value when using "kill actor"? or "kill actor" completely clean anything from the memory so it wont eat any space? also is disabling behavior will affect anything for this case?
i am using 2.2

Ask a Question / behavior
« on: November 25, 2012, 12:39:01 pm »
is deactiving a behavior which i currently not using has any effect to the performance?
ex. if i have 2 different movement behavior which i can switch depending on the situation..

Ask a Question / lag?
« on: November 24, 2012, 04:47:41 pm »
i am working on a character movement.. the fps stays at 60 fps.. however i see it a bit lag.. is lag will affect fps?? or is it just imagination?? i wonder why it seems lag while the fps stay at 60.. stable..
anyone know how to lock fps?? i need to try using lower fps

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