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Topics - z26

Pages: 1
Fixed Bugs (3.x) / custom block oversight for the image instance type
« on: December 03, 2014, 08:34:51 pm »

If you try to add an entry in a custom block's input field that is  of the "image instance" type,  when you click "ok" the entry isn't created and is ignored, as if nothing happened. 

That doesn't cause me any issue, since as a fix I'm going to use the "anything" type instead, but I wanted to point this out.

Ask a Question / Screen Resolution in a game for PC AND mobile
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:53:47 am »
I would like to make a game that runs on both pc and mobile.  I think I mostly understand how sprite scalling works on mobile.

However, I haven't seen any option to run your game at 2x or 4x when on pc.   Running a game at 1x on a PC makes the game too small for my tastes (unless you make the 1x version of the game quite big, making it too big for old phones).  Is there any solution for that or I would be better off making a PC version with higher resolution separate from the mobile version?

On a completely separate note, I am using the image api on this game.
AFAIK Images from the api don't scale  automatically like sprites, which isn't a big deal since I can manually detect  whenever the game is running in 1/1.5/2 or 4x and then use an image that is correctly scaled.
To do that however, I need to detect what is the screen resolution of the device my game is running on.  I haven't found a block to do that, is there any line of code I could use for this?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT:  I've found the answer myself for the first question, it was really easy.  You can change the x factor of the game for web/flash and windows just as easily as for mobile in the respective settings for the respective platforms.  I feel stupid for missing that!  However, my second question still remains.

Pages: 1