ok forget the post I posted earlier
how would I simulate two scenes?
one for my hud and one to put into the hud's screen port?
kinda like two windows but the inner one not able to be moved.
if it help I when on the irc with no luck
here is the conversation
[16:25] == Shadowblitz16 [
webchat@c-24-143-121-25.customer.broadstripe.net] has joined #stencyl
[16:26] <Shadowblitz16> back so how would i do that
[16:26] <Shadowblitz16> ?
[16:27] <Shadowblitz16> I can't use the normal camera behavior be cause I have a hud that I have a small area for the game screen
[16:28] <Shadowblitz16> I don't want to overwrite half the game screen with the hud
[16:43] <Dmangames> Shadowblitz16: I don’t really get the problem. Can’t you just make your screen bigger then so that it won’t matter if your HUD covers some of it?
[16:44] <Shadowblitz16> no as I want to use a camera too just a sec I can upload a pic
[16:49] <Dmangames> Okay
[16:51] <Shadowblitz16>
http://imgur.com/VMm9kdA[16:52] <Shadowblitz16> ok so as you can see there would be a x y width and height
[16:53] <Shadowblitz16> however the hbor and vbor would be how far the camera will let the player move intill it tracks the player
[17:09] == irock [~irock@c-69-137-78-47.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #stencyl
[17:09] == mode/#stencyl [+o irock] by ChanServ
[17:10] <Dmangames> Are you drawing your HUD on the screen so that they never move?
[17:12] <Shadowblitz16> well no I do plan on not moving the player however I would like it to actully follow the player for future reasons
[17:13] <Dmangames> So you want the player to be able to move away from the center up to a certain point, where the camera will then catch up?
[17:13] <Shadowblitz16> yes depending on the scroll speed
[17:14] <Shadowblitz16> however I also want the x,y,width, and height
[17:14] <Dmangames> I think you should still be able to use camera follow behavior. Just modify it to allow some slack.
[17:14] <Dmangames> I think you
[17:15] <Dmangames> you’re thinking of camera in a different way
[17:15] <Shadowblitz16> I don't know how to do the xy w h thing though
[17:15] <Dmangames> The camera is the entire screen
[17:15] <Dmangames> Including the HUD
[17:15] <Shadowblitz16> and I can't have two?
[17:15] <Dmangames> You don’t really need two
[17:15] <Dmangames> Imagine you don’t have the HUD
[17:15] <Dmangames> You just follow the player around
[17:16] <Shadowblitz16> yes but then the player will be able to fly behind the hud when he's near the edge
[17:16] <Dmangames> Then if you want the HUD, you just draw it onto the screen’s with absolute positions
[17:16] <Dmangames> Ahh
[17:16] <Dmangames> That won’t happen if you follow correctly
[17:16] <Shadowblitz16> ?
[17:16] <Dmangames> Your camera will never allow him to leave the center is the default for camera follow
[17:17] <Dmangames> so he’ll always be in the center is the default for camera follow actor
[17:17] <Dmangames> You can tweak it in the settings so that he’s always at a differenct point, in your case, more to the right
[17:18] <Shadowblitz16> yes but if the camera is the entire screen that means the hud too right?
[17:18] <Shadowblitz16> so when the hud hits the room edge the player will keep moving going behind the hud
[17:19] <Shadowblitz16> am i right?
[17:19] <Dmangames> That’s true. If you can’t move the camera anymore, then the player will go behind the HUD
[17:19] <Dmangames> In that case, you could draw some invisible barriers for the player
[17:20] <Shadowblitz16> how would I do that?
[17:20] <Shadowblitz16> regions?
[17:20] <Dmangames> you could for example create an rectangular actore with collisions
[17:20] <Dmangames> Regions don’t really have collision
[17:21] <Shadowblitz16> but then room edge behaveors won't work
[17:21] <Shadowblitz16> like edge bounce and edge wraping
[17:21] <Dmangames> Oh I see
[17:22] <Dmangames> Alright then just give these invisible actors events that trigger on collision
[17:22] <Dmangames> that switch the scene
[17:23] <Shadowblitz16> won't more actor equal more memery usage though?
[17:23] <Shadowblitz16> its a little extensive for what i'm trying to do
[17:24] <Dmangames> Yeah, that’s true. I’m sorry I couldn’t come up with a more direct solution
[17:24] <Dmangames> I’m pretty new to stencyl as well
[17:24] <Shadowblitz16> its ok
[17:24] <Shadowblitz16> ya I came from gm studio
[17:24] <Dmangames> Ah I see
[17:24] <Dmangames> Did you make any games there?
[17:24] <Shadowblitz16> well kinda
[17:25] <Shadowblitz16> I prototyped many of my ideas
[17:25] <Shadowblitz16> I made one that was fairly playable
[17:25] <Dmangames> An RPG I’m assuming?
[17:25] <Shadowblitz16> nope space shooter
[17:25] <Dmangames> Oh neat!
[17:25] <Shadowblitz16> asteroids with powerups
[17:26] <Dmangames> Cool
[17:26] <Shadowblitz16> it used a power and special system
[17:26] <Shadowblitz16> basicly..
[17:27] <Shadowblitz16> you can always shoot infinite bullets but powers like machine, beam, mines, homingmissile, pushwave used ammo
[17:27] <Shadowblitz16> and..
[17:28] <Shadowblitz16> specials like shield, teleport, and frenzy could only work intill special peramiters where met
[17:29] <Shadowblitz16> like shield having hp and teleport only being able to be used 3 times
[17:30] <Shadowblitz16> and frenzy basicly was a spinning baracade of energy that would damage thing on touch 3 times
[17:30] <Shadowblitz16> each
[17:31] <Shadowblitz16> I want to make a better version of the game
[17:31] <Shadowblitz16> but parenting sucks in gamemaker
[17:31] <Shadowblitz16> so I'm trying to learn this
[17:31] <Shadowblitz16> is there things like inheriting in stencyl?
[17:34] <Shadowblitz16> can you help me find out what is wrong with my code here
http://imgur.com/zXsPzay[17:34] <Shadowblitz16> it lets me rotate right but left only works intill I hit 0
[17:35] <Shadowblitz16> then it clamps