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Topics - SomethingWicked

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / RPG Inventory Kit.
« on: July 01, 2012, 09:14:32 am »
Alright I'm using the RPG inventory kit and need help with three things.

1. How do I draw a actor from the inventory list.
2. Is there a way to add sound files to the list, As a actually playable item.

Game Art / A question regarding art types.
« on: June 22, 2012, 03:47:54 am »
Looking around this site I couldn't help but notice that most of the artwork seems to be done in pixels. There are a couple of games done with vector style art but not many and while I have read of people using 3d art in their work flow, I haven't seen any examples. What I was wondering is the dominant use of pixel art due to personal preference,marketing or is this style just easier to work with in Stencyl?

Pages: 1