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Topics - johantri

Pages: 1
iPhone / iPad / Android / Nini The Hero Granny
« on: March 06, 2015, 04:05:14 am »

Hey guys, this is my first game ever. Try, buy, share the game with your friends and family or any support is very appreciated. I also made a promotional video for this

Get it now and help Nini to fight crime (Free Version) (Paid Version)

PS: how to embed youtube video anyway? can't get any method on google works :(

Chit-Chat / [SOLVED] How to embed youtube video in forum thread?
« on: March 06, 2015, 03:30:18 am »
I try everything, using the embeded link in youtube, using [video]...[/video] or [YT...[/YT] ... nothing's work :(

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Error messages in Stencyl Ubuntu 14.04 64bit
« on: January 30, 2015, 07:37:23 pm »
I was trying to duplicate a scene so i can easily create a variety of levels in my game. But suddenly after 8 (eight) succesful attempt to duplicate, this messages appear (see the attachment). What should i do? I try to export the game to OSX, it works perfectly fine. So i'm guessing it had something to do with Java

Resolved Questions / [SOLVED] Create Actors at given time
« on: September 28, 2014, 06:52:47 am »

I have a series of actors that i want to create. lets just call it actor A, B and C.

Actor A should spawned 1 second after the scene created. But 3 seconds later it died.
Actor B should spawned 5 second after the scene created. But 3 seconds later it died.
Actor C should spawned 9 second after the scene created. But 3 seconds later it died.

I have tried different techniques, but ended up a mess, sometimes the Actor A & C spawned, but the B was not, or vice versa. Can you help me how to fix this? Thanks

Resolved Questions / [SOLVED] Button is missing in Run and Jump Kit
« on: September 18, 2014, 08:51:34 pm »
Hello, i have a problem after testing my game in android.

So i change the default button inside the Run and Jump Kit. And also deactivate the "VirtualButton" behaviour and add the "On Screen Behaviour". And after that the button went missing on android or the other platform (flash and linux).

Can you please tell me what is wrong with my game?

Ask a Question / How to make my hero to climb ?
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:32:22 pm »
It's like prince of persia or flashback in the 80's... How do you suggest to do this in stencyl? there is a platformer kit but it only works for jumping.

Resolved Questions / [SOLVED] Stencyl build cancelled in Ubuntu 14.04
« on: September 04, 2014, 11:20:29 pm »
I am getting frustrated here. Since i upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit (fresh install) the Stencyl won't test my game, both in Linux or Android (but it's working on flash...). I attach the log for anyone who willing to help me..

Bug Archives / White line (gap) on tile set
« on: August 30, 2014, 04:22:47 pm »

When i test my game, i found a problem on the tile set. It shows a thin white line (gap) between tiles, but only at certain location. And this line is gone after the camera is moving. Can you guys help me to identify this as bug? or just something i did wrong? Please see attachment for the bug sample.

FYI : i made this game to disable the use of high res graphics, but the bug was also shown at high res (before i convert it for smaller game file size).

Resolved Questions / [SOLVED] Sound Atlas doesn't work
« on: August 22, 2014, 04:31:43 am »
If the sound set to "Sound Effect" sound type, it still loading upfront. And the game takes time to start.

But if the sound set to "Music" sound type then it will work. But it cause lags in game play.

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 64bit

So i tested on Android, which is galaxy S2. i found this error messages in the log viewer :

[LOG] I/trace   ( 7497): Script.hx:1875: No channels available to play sound
[LOG] I/trace   ( 7497): Script.hx:1898: No channels available to loop sound
LOG] I/trace   ( 7497): Script.hx:1875: No channels available to play sound

All the sounds were missing after a few minutes playing. Can someone help me?

So i tested on Android, which is galaxy S2. i found this error messages in the log viewer :

[LOG] I/trace   ( 7497): Script.hx:1875: No channels available to play sound
[LOG] I/trace   ( 7497): Script.hx:1898: No channels available to loop sound
LOG] I/trace   ( 7497): Script.hx:1875: No channels available to play sound

All the sounds were missing after a few minutes playing. Can someone help me?

i created one object that suppose to randomly spawned that act to increase player winning point. But when i try to test in android, the object is just disappear... that's really strange. But when i test it in Ubuntu, the object is just fine.

However the debug in mobile shows the object collision square, but the object it self is not there.

I'm using a large image images though, 2x. Could it be the reason? Because the RAM in mobile device not sufficient? And also the looping sound for background is sometimes muted in mobile. But it's randomly happening.

I'm using: Samsung galaxy S2, Ubuntu 12.04 64bit.

Hello guys, i have two objects. One is the bomb (64 x 64 px) and the other is bomb effect (256 x 256 px). The bomb effect created after x seconds of bomb appearing.

Now the problem is each time the bomb effect created, it always in the "offseted" position from the bomb. What i want is they both to be centered. What should i do? I tried to experiment to change the object origin, both the bomb and bomb effect. but the result is always the same.

i also attach the code for the bomb. I appreciate for any help. thanks in advance.

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