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Messages - GameArtForge

Pages: 1 2
Game Art / Re: Game Art Forge - Art Resources
« on: December 03, 2012, 01:06:35 am »
Hi, Innes

Thanks for the advice, I've added the information as per your request, hope it helps.  Glad to see your using some of the artwork already ! :)

Zerosimms : Thanks, I appreciate that.

Djip123 : Thanks, also ! :)

You can follow on Twitter also, for updates ( although I will try to update this thread wherever possible ) : -

Paid Work / Re: Call for resources for inclusion in Stencyl Book
« on: December 03, 2012, 01:04:03 am »
Hi, Innes

Thanks for the offer, I would like to present the Game Art Forge : -

Free Art Resources in .PNG formats ( at varied sizes ), and the original .Ai source files.

Please see website for copyright information and attribution.


Game Art / Re: Game Art Forge - Art Resources
« on: December 02, 2012, 11:21:52 pm »
Hi, Innes

Yes, you are correct, no attribution needs to be given, would love to see how my artwork is used though, so I would appreciate links, but again, it's not necessary ! :)

I think the main thing for me is, to keep it free, so that I don't see the artwork being sold on by anyone else in it's current form.


EDIT : I'll update the website a little later to clarify this ! :)

Game Art / Re: Game Art Forge - Art Resources
« on: December 02, 2012, 02:19:30 pm »
Hi, And thanks for the feedback, everyone

I've decided to trial option B

So, I've uploaded a number of assets ( in .PNG and .Ai Formats ), which are available free via an Ad-sponsored link ( which only last 5 seconds maximum )

Hope you find the assets useful, and let me know if you have any specific requests, and I will add them to my list of 'things to do' ! :)


Game Art / Re: Game Art Forge - Art Resources
« on: December 01, 2012, 08:20:30 pm »
Hi, djip123

Thanks for your feedback, I know the art will more than likely be ripped off at some point and be made available elsewhere, such as the nature of the internet is, which makes option B slightly more appealing, albeit still copyrighted to the downloader who can use the art personally or commercially, but not resell it.  Starting with A and then switching to B would only serve to anger those who have paid for it initially, so I'm still in a quandry as to the best solution.


Game Art / Game Art Forge - Art Resources
« on: December 01, 2012, 03:33:15 pm »

I'm soft launching a new website / blog early next week : -

The site is intended to provide game / media art assets at an affordable price range.  I would also like to take requests for the type of assets that you would like to see in the future.

In this interim stage, where the site is in progression, I have been looking into the best ways of offering the resources to you, the enduser, in the best possible way.  I have been lead to 2 possible ways to do this : -

( A ) Paypal - Simple paypal payment system, where the enduser pays for the content at an affordable price.  Seems more professional.
( B ) Ad - Based - All content is free, hosted on free file sharing sites, but I make money from ad-based links ( such as ) to the sites.

Given those two choices, what would you prefer ?

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