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Messages - JeffreyDriver

Pages: 1 ... 149 150 151
Ask a Question / Timed Events (Do After) Problem
« on: March 29, 2016, 08:30:06 am »
I've been trying to get to grips with timed events, and despite my reading and experimenting I can't quite get my head around something.  I have a script that stuns enemies, and it does work in part, but the effects aren't removed after a set time. I've been trying to remove the effects using the 'Do After' block, and I've tried several different ways. Please see a screenshot attached with two methods I've been trying.

When enemies are hit, they change colour, drop, and buzz around on the floor. After 10 seconds they should revert back to their original colour, get up and start flying around again. I've been trying to get this working for two days, and would appreciate a little help. Thanks.

Ask a Question / Re: Reversed Gravity & Jumping
« on: March 28, 2016, 03:54:03 pm »
Well, thank for your help any way, tigerteeth. It is appreciated. I still learnt a couple of useful things, so it wasn't in vain.

TheIndieStation, I look forward to seeing that tutorial! Cheers.

Ask a Question / Re: Reversed Gravity & Jumping
« on: March 28, 2016, 11:03:21 am »
Let us know if that solves your problem!

Thanks a lot for your help, but we're not quite there yet I'm afraid! Moving still works whether gravity is reversed or not, but I still can't jump from the ceiling.  I'm guessing I've gone wrong somewhere, but I can't spot where. I've attached a screen shot of the jumping code.

Ask a Question / Re: Reversed Gravity & Jumping
« on: March 28, 2016, 06:25:57 am »
I think I've managed it! I've attached a screenshot. Thanks.

Ask a Question / Re: Reversed Gravity & Jumping
« on: March 28, 2016, 04:55:31 am »
1. Look at how your jumping behaviour works
2. Create a boolean that shows if gravity is upside down or not
3. Adapt your jumping behaviour in the case that gravity isn't upside down.

It's hard to be more specific without knowing what your jumping behaviour is.

Thanks. I'm really new to Stencyl so I have just used the Jump behaviour which shipped with it. I don't yet fully understand how it functions, so haven't dared to really mess around with it much. I'm at a bit of a loss. I've included a screenshot. Cheers.

Ask a Question / Reversed Gravity & Jumping
« on: March 28, 2016, 03:53:59 am »
I've created a script to flip the gravity on a key press but I've run into a problem with jumping. Although the actor can move around on the ceiling,  it can't jump off it like it can on the floor.

Anyone have an idea on how to fix this?

Ask a Question / Follow Target Behaviour
« on: March 21, 2016, 10:03:08 pm »

Apologies if this has already been solved, but I couldn't find an answer anywhere. I have an issue with the 'Follow Target' behaviour where any  actor it's attached to is bound to the game screen and not the scene area.  The enemy which is tracking the player gets dragged along and pulled through objects if the player moves too far away.

I've spent quite a bit of time  playing with the behaviour to see if I can get it to refer to the scene rather than the screen, but I'm at a complete loss, and I haven't been able to find a suitable replacement behaviour. Any help gratefully appreciated. Thanks.

Ask a Question / Problem With 'Invaders' Tutorial
« on: April 27, 2014, 05:41:26 pm »

I've been trying to teach myself to use Stencyl by using the 'Invaders' tutorial. My problems occurs at step 37 when I try to test the game. I'm pretty sure that I've followed all the previous steps exactly and I've gone through them, but I'm still at a loss.

Any help very much appreciated. Please see the error logs below.

[LOG] Action: Test Game...
[LOG] Save in place.
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/game.xml to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/game.xml.bak
[LOG] Writing out local resources.
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/resources/data.xml to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/resources/data.xml.bak
[LOG] Mark actor's sprite as clean (disk).
[LOG] Mark actor's sprite as clean (disk).
[LOG] Mark background as clean (disk).
[ERR] java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
[ERR] Can't write out resource. Unsupported type.
[LOG] Mark actor's sprite as clean (disk).
[LOG] Mark background as clean (disk).
[LOG] Skip writing out Background.
[LOG] Mark background as clean (disk).
[LOG] Writing out scenes.
[LOG] Copying over snippets.
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/snippets/list.xml to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/snippets/list.xml.bak
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/snippets/ to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/preview/scripts/
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/snippets/ to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/preview/scripts/
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/snippets/ to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/preview/scripts/
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/snippets/ to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/preview/scripts/
[LOG] ActorEvents_0 is clean (on disk and already copied). Skip.
[LOG] ActorEvents_3 is clean (on disk and already copied). Skip.
[LOG] ActorEvents_5 is clean (on disk and already copied). Skip.
[LOG] SceneEvents_0 is clean (on disk and already copied). Skip.
[LOG] Saving block favorites.
[LOG] Write String out as file to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/favorites.xml
[LOG] Write String out as file to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/prefs/favorites.xml
[LOG] Done writing game.
[LOG] No matching processes belonging to you were found
[LOG] [killall, neko]
[LOG] 1
[LOG] No matching processes belonging to you were found

[LOG] No matching processes belonging to you were found
[LOG] [killall, arm-linux-androideabi-g++]
[LOG] 1
[LOG] No matching processes belonging to you were found

[LOG] No matching processes belonging to you were found
[LOG] [killall, cc1plus]
[LOG] 1
[LOG] No matching processes belonging to you were found

[LOG] No matching processes belonging to you were found
[LOG] [killall, tail]
[LOG] 1
[LOG] No matching processes belonging to you were found

[LOG] No matching processes belonging to you were found
[LOG] [killall, ios-sim]
[LOG] 1
[LOG] No matching processes belonging to you were found

[LOG] Write String out as file to: /Users/jeffreydriver/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/Logs/flashlog.txt
[LOG] Closed tail.
[LOG] [/Users/jeffreydriver/Downloads/Stencyl-full/plaf/haxe/haxelib, setup, /Users/jeffreydriver/Downloads/Stencyl-full/plaf/haxe/lib]
[ERR] Could not delete file: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Assets/graphics
[ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
[ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
[LOG] Unexpected problem on thread AWT-EventQueue-0: null
[LOG] dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/libneko.dylib
[LOG]   Referenced from: /Users/jeffreydriver/Downloads/Stencyl-full/plaf/haxe/haxelib
[LOG]   Reason: image not found
[ERR] Could not delete file: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Export/iPhone/build
[ERR] Could not delete file: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Export/cpp/mac/bin
[LOG] Copy file from: plaf/haxe/mochi.swf to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/mochi.swf
[LOG] Copy file from: plaf/haxe/newgrounds.swf to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/newgrounds.swf
[LOG] Copy file from: plaf/haxe/cpmstar.swf to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/cpmstar.swf
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/ios-icon-half.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Icon.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/ios-icon.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Icon@2x.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/ipad-icon-half.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Icon-72.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/ipad-icon.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Icon-72@2x.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/Icon-48.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Icon-48.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/Icon-76.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Icon-76.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/Icon-96.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Icon-96.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/Icon-120.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Icon-120.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/Icon-128.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Icon-128.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/Icon-152.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Icon-152.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/Icon-256.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Icon-256.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/Icon-512.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Icon-512.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/master-icon.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Icon-1024.png
[LOG] Skipping... Ship
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/resources/1-0.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Assets/graphics/1x/sprite-1-0.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/resources/1-0@1.5x.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Assets/graphics/1.5x/sprite-1-0.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/resources/1-0@2x.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Assets/graphics/2x/sprite-1-0.png
[LOG] Copy file from: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/resources/1-0@4x.png to: /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games-generated/Invaders/Assets/graphics/4x/sprite-1-0.png
[ERR] /Users/jeffreydriver/stencylworks/games/Invaders/resources/2.png (No such file or directory)

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