Apparently there's an old bug (now fixed) where if you dragged an image into an actor to create animations you'd get extra broken collision poly shapes generated.
They look like this in the data.xml:
if you have actors with these polys present in a project and then upgrade the project to 4.0.1 you'll be unable to open these actors and will get the warning:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ShapeEntry ID is -1.
Deleting the polys in the data.xml fixes it but isn't ideal.
They look like this in the data.xml:
Code: [Select]
<sprite atlasID="0" default="0" defaultAnimation="0" desc="" id="39" name="Long" readable="false" shared="false">
<anim across="1" down="1" durations="100" height="32" id="0" loop="true" name="Animation 0" numframes="1" originx="64" originy="16" sync="false" version="2" width="128">
<poly data="4,0,0,16,0,16,16,0,16" density="0.1" fric="0.2" gid="-1000" id="-1" name="default" rest="0.0" sensor="false"/>
<poly data="4,0,0,16,0,16,16,0,16" density="0.1" fric="0.2" gid="-1000" id="0" name="default" rest="0.0" sensor="false"/>
if you have actors with these polys present in a project and then upgrade the project to 4.0.1 you'll be unable to open these actors and will get the warning:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ShapeEntry ID is -1.
Deleting the polys in the data.xml fixes it but isn't ideal.