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Topics - ipe 369

Pages: 1 2 3
Game Art / Free Custom-Composed Music
« on: December 26, 2013, 01:38:32 pm »

Just thought I'd post this offer here; it's basically explained by the title - I'll create a custom game soundtrack for your game to your description, PM me if you're interested. :)

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Bounce Crash
« on: July 01, 2013, 08:41:19 am »
Hello! Recently I (sort of) finished a game, which i have uploaded to for feedback. I'd be glad if you guys could take a look at it and tell me what to improve!:D

Oh and yes, I do realise that it has no sound. I'm working on it.

Also, if anyone could come up with a better name than this (Yeah it's appalling, i get that) Then that'd be great. Preferably some sort of pun.


Paid Work / Custom music [Paid or revenue share]
« on: May 06, 2013, 09:31:19 am »

I've been composing music for a while now, but i could never get anything down in a digital format due to incredibly low quality recordings and bad synthesizers - UNTIL NOW :D
if you're making a game and need custom sound tracks, i'd be very grateful if you could PM me with what you need making and a price for it all and we can discuss things from there!

Here is an example of what I can do:

Thanks again! Take care!

Paid Work / Free Pixelart
« on: April 13, 2013, 02:04:25 am »
Okay so, basically I need to improve my pixelart skills, and it's approached the point where I wanna try and see what it'd be like to work for someone and produce pixelart with a deadline. So, if you're making a game and you need someone to do the graphics for you, I'd be incredibly greatful if you could just drop me a pm :)
You don't have to pay me anything, although credit for the graphics would be nice, I'm really just getting experience right now.
Here's an example of one of my recent animations I did

Took a few hours to do, and is 20 frames total. This is the style of pixelart that I make most of the time haha, so if your game won't suit this style it may look odd... I'll give it a try though:P
Sorry you can't see his legs, if you're curious, they're blue.

Take care!:)

Ask a Question / Check for any key being pressed
« on: March 29, 2013, 02:31:54 pm »
How do you check for any key on the keyboard being pressed? not a specific one, i just want to know about any keyboard activity. I presume i'm going to need action script for this...
Thanks in advance, take care! :D

Ask a Question / Sidescroller, plane kept level with camera?
« on: January 21, 2013, 11:28:22 am »
God dammit, problem after problem, havin' a bad week.
right, basically, this is probably poop easy to you lot, but i've never made a sidescrolly game thing, so, how do i keep the plane level with the scrolling camera, without having it being pushed back? Also, don't just say set the speed to the same of the camera, doesn't work because it's never perfect... i always get an annoying jittery movement because the cam moves forward then the player moves forward...

Ask a Question / Font Space (not spacing, space as in _)
« on: January 19, 2013, 11:35:30 am »
Makin' a game, made a font, but the spacing didn't work. Googled it, got a nice fix using code which put a 1 pixel space between letters. When i do this, however, a space character, becomes MASSIVE. How can i stop this?

Ask a Question / Full screen grayscale filter?
« on: January 19, 2013, 10:26:58 am »
Okay, i'm making a game where i make a slow transition from colourful (ish) to basically grayscale, then zap colour back in for effect at the climax of the game. What i'm looking for is a behaviour (or something) That takes the saturation out of all the colours until you reach grey. You must be able to vary it too, so, half grey and full grey. My idea was to make an actor the size of the screen and in the when drawing event draw a translucent rectangle over the screen to make things grey-er. Not sure if this is the best solution, i'll try it now. Any ideas of how to do this in another way?
Thanks for yer time:)

The method i suggested above simply provides a foggy effect, it doesn't de-saturate things. To be fair, didn't think it would. I'll try some different blend modes.
Difference is interesting, definitely makes the scene darker, but none make it grayscale:(

Ask a Question / Tis a slippery slope.
« on: November 19, 2012, 01:08:39 pm »
Right, sup again!
I am having a problem with slopes in my game. Normally i don't use em, so now i'm having the problem: The player is sliding down the slope! :O I don't want him to, because the slope is stairs, so how can i stop this? Setting his x speed to 0 every loop doesn't work either :(

Ask a Question / Saving scenes (Yes i know game attributes, gimme a chance)
« on: November 06, 2012, 11:44:19 am »
As a note, i feel i've asked this in a thread before, but have no idea how to check... It may have just been a dream and i never got round to it...

Right, bare with me, I know you must get a few questions that go along the lines of
'How do you stop a scene resetting when you revisit it?'
I'm not going to ask that :O I realised this was impossible without the use of game attributes. And i don't want a million game attributes listing the location of pots for every scene... SO, i was thinking...
Would it be possible, with code mode, to create a class that would store and save the stencyl actors in an arraylist (or the flash equivalent... and array the doesnt run out) then wrap it in a custom block to replace the switch to scenes. THe custom block would then switch the scenes, go into the storage class, retrieve the arraylist, then check each actor in the scene if it needs to be moved / changed.
Is this possible? Would it be sensible? Could I make it 'save' with stencyl's save and load game functions?

Ask a Question / BufferedImage in as3?
« on: October 16, 2012, 02:21:47 pm »
Is there a class similar to the BufferedImage class in java for as3? It needs to be able to set a certain pixel to a colour inside it, because i've managed to make light (finally) but i need this class to make it lagless :P

Paid Work / Looking for an artist, will share revenue
« on: October 14, 2012, 12:12:09 am »
Lookin' for an artist to collaberate with me on a project, preferably a pixelartist. Will share whatever the game makes 50 50.
I haven't decided on a project yet, maybe you can help with that one :)
Post back to this topic if you're interested

Ask a Question / Make an actor stay inside a region
« on: September 15, 2012, 03:52:24 am »
I have a question:
How can i make an actor stay inside a region? For example, say you had a goat tethered to a post, how to make it so the goat couldn't stray too far from the post (With a rgion obviously) Is this possible? I'm going to be using the physics engine with this, so basically i need to detect when the actor is at the edge of the region then keep him there but not disable any physics.

Game Art / Practicing pixelart
« on: September 08, 2012, 10:30:41 am »
Recently i've been practicing pixelart to use in games. I'd love for anyone to give me some tips :)
Heres what i've done so far:
listed respectively
A book
A computer
a lamp
a table (Stuff to put the book/computer/lamp on
a squirrelly thing
A picture
Another picture
Another book
A detective guy

Chit-Chat / Passive leveling
« on: September 08, 2012, 06:50:08 am »
Sup :)
Just been thinking, anyone ever come across a game with passive leveling? As in, it doesn't tell you you've leveled up, you just slowly get more powerful over time? I'm talking about an rpg game btw :P

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