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Messages - Guzzz

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Ask a Question / Re: What devices to put into Excluded Devices list?
« on: November 06, 2019, 11:43:48 pm »

Ask a Question / Can we use SKStoreReviewController?
« on: November 06, 2019, 07:03:40 am »
Do we have an option somewhere in Stencyl to use SKStoreReviewController for iOs? Has anyone tried to use SKStoreReviewController?  Any experience to share?

Ask a Question / Re: What devices to put into Excluded Devices list?
« on: November 04, 2019, 10:25:42 am »
I'm also curious if I can put some restrictions on downloading for iOs.
As I can see the best devices for me starting from iPhone 6s and iPad 5th gen. (2017)  are all using iOs 13. So I guess I can limit my ipa with iOs13. The problem I see that iOs 13 is only a couple months old and it makes sense to include some old systems, like iOs 12.4 which is the final system for iPhone 6 and it's almost a 1 year old. What do you think? Is it a good idea to restrict the minimum version with iOs 12.4?

Ask a Question / What devices to put into Excluded Devices list?
« on: November 04, 2019, 07:09:08 am »
While my game is live I am still learning about the performance of the game. I already know that my game (because of the engine or something else) is quite exacting to the specs of the devices. For example, it's great (about 55fps) on iPhone 7 and iPhone 6s. Often crashing after loading the next scene on Samsung S5 Neo, iPhone 5S, and iPad Air 2. If I compare these devices ( I can see that the main difference I can notice between them is CPU. It seems that with CPU higher than 1.8 GHz everything is fine. Google Play, strangely enough, suggests filtering devices by RAM, which in all of these devices is the same 2Gb. So, what should I do? How to filter out the week devices with lower than 1,8 GHz CPU? What am I not seeing in my comparison?

Ive seen on stackverflow people mentioned they use in plist Bluetooth to block old iPhones to install the app. I’m still not sure how it works because I think it’s important to prevent  people to download on old devices. So it should be done on App Store I guess. But I’m still interesting how to exclude old devices. 

Thanks, rob1221!

It seems now Apple is fine about my ipa.
btw, what is "web views error"?

I've created a ticket 3 weeks ago, but no one replied.
Meanwhile Apple says that I need to fix this issue before uploading a new binary. Please, I really need to publish my game on the next week.

Ask a Question / Re: Multiply in-app purchases per click
« on: October 20, 2019, 03:20:23 pm »
I see! I did what you suggested  and noticed in Log Viewer several times (in my case its a popup actor) actor has been mentioned. So I decided to run an experiment and moved all the purchasing events into the scene and so far it works! I actually have the button "buy remove ads" already in the scene and it didn't work as well, so I thought this experiment will fail. I guess "buy remove ads" didn't work for some other reason... Anyway... I created brand new product ID on Google Play Console and now it works. Im gonna try more in the next couple of days, but so far it's good... and conclusion: never put purchasing event into actors,  only into scenes! Especially if these actors are going to be killed like popups, because in this case purchasing events are accumulating somewhere in a weird way.

Ask a Question / Re: Multiply in-app purchases per click
« on: October 20, 2019, 02:02:55 pm »
I'm not very sure what you mean by printing Actor. Actor that has been created?
I printed out how many buttons I have on the screen and how many times this button has been pressed. In both cases 1.
Here is the log of what happened when I pressed 1 time button and purchased 3000 instead of 1000 coins. Where "quantity 1000gold" with the following number is amount of product ID player has (thats what called "unmanaged" or "not used"). "1000gold triggered" is a custom event that runs the code for adding in-game currency, save game attributes etc. "Using" is the moment when the block "use product ID" is running.


10-20 22:51:44.971 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:425: 1000gold triggered
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:192: 0
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:191: quantity 1000gold
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:185: using
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:184: 0
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:183: quantity 1000gold
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:181: adding 1000 gold
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:416: purchased
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:425: 1000gold triggered
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:192: 0
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:191: quantity 1000gold
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:185: using
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:184: 0
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:183: quantity 1000gold
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:181: adding 1000 gold
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:416: purchased
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:425: 1000gold triggered
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:192: 0
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:191: quantity 1000gold
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:185: using
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:184: 0
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:183: quantity 1000gold
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:181: adding 1000 gold
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:416: purchased
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:425: 1000gold triggered
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:192: 0
10-20 22:51:44.961 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:191: quantity 1000gold
10-20 22:51:44.951 13848 14599 I trace   : Purchases.hx:302: Saved Purchases
10-20 22:51:44.951 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:185: using
10-20 22:51:44.951 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:184: 1
10-20 22:51:44.951 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:183: quantity 1000gold
10-20 22:51:44.951 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:181: adding 1000 gold
10-20 22:51:44.951 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:416: purchased
10-20 22:51:44.921 13848 13848 I trace   : Purchases.hx:302: Saved Purchases
10-20 22:51:44.921 13848 13848 I trace   : Purchases.hx:45: Purchases: Successful Purchase
10-20 22:51:37.381 13848 14599 I trace   : Source/scripts/ActorEvents_720.hx:405: pressed btn to buy 1000 coins

As you can see the custom event ("1000gold triggered") is running when purchase succeeds several times despite booleans preventing that.  Also you can see that the actual amount of product IDs been bought is only 1, the rest is just repeating of the code inside of costume event ("1000gold triggered") that has been triggered by "purchase succeeds" event. The actual command to buy is inside of the code when pressed button event, so I guess its why only 1 product has been bought. 

Ask a Question / Re: Multiply in-app purchases per click
« on: October 20, 2019, 11:10:03 am »
I don't know about any purchase ID but I think there should be one. BTW email confirmation I get from Google Play on my testing account says about purchasing only one product per click.
I know Google Play is a complex system and there are a lot of steps where one can make a mistake, but I just don't know where else I can check and what I can fix...

Ask a Question / Re: Multiply in-app purchases per click
« on: October 20, 2019, 10:13:22 am »
I created a brand new Google account and created a new product ID for my 1000 coins in the game. So when I tested on my device when I pressed the button I bought 1000 coins, when I pressed second time I went through the buying process but received not 1000 but 2000 coins. When I pressed button 3rd time I received 3000 coins even though I have blocks with "spent product ID" and I'm using print "quantity of product ID " blocks and it always shows 0 after the purchase and spending blocks.

Has someone even tried to make in-app purchases for Android with Stencyl?

Ask a Question / Re: Multiply in-app purchases per click
« on: October 20, 2019, 04:16:38 am »
I also have this block in the first scene, see attachment. When running on my device it prints me "can make the purchases" which goes after "if product ID =" blocks. These blocks themselves are not printing. Does it mean there is an error with product ID? At this moment none of my product ID is working.
Is there any way to check if my device can see product ID on Google Play? Because "purchase failed" is not saying a lot.
p.s. I've checked payment method on my tester's account and deactivated old builds on Google Play.

Ask a Question / Re: Multiply in-app purchases per click
« on: October 19, 2019, 01:45:41 am »
Thanks for the reply!
I do have events "a purchase fails" and "purchase is canceled". Everything works fine on iOs and everything worked fine with google testing product IDs (android.test.purchased and android.test.canceled). The boolean becomes true at the very beginning therefore this code cannot be read until it rolls back to false. It becomes false always 0.6 seconds after the success, fail or cancel events. I don't think there is a problem in logic of the button, I think there is a problem with requesting information from google play and using this information.
Im really puzzled by whats happening with in-apps in my game right now. For example.
When I press Buy 100 Coins (at some point it broke somehow and started to show me only Purchase failed popup) I receive Purchase failed popup, I press ok. Then I press  Buy 100 Coins again and I receive Purchase failed popup, I press ok and immediately receive another Purchase failed popup. I press ok. Then I press Buy 100 Coins again and this time I receive 3 Purchase failed popups in a row. So there is a pattern. If I've already pressed button 9 times and I press it again I am going to see 10  Purchase failed popups in a row.
If I delete the game from the device and install it again it doesn't change anything. If I delete however product ID on Google Play Console and make a brand new everything works great for a while and then it goes crazy again.
I deleted other google accounts from my device in case if this somehow interfere with purchasing. I also going to look into Google Play Console, maybe I should leave only one build active, because right now I have 2 alpha and one internal.
I will appreciate any help!

Ask a Question / Re: Multiply in-app purchases per click
« on: October 18, 2019, 01:52:47 pm »
Yes. It's almost the same. It's a bit simpler. Without free unmanaged android purchases with ID and spend product ID blocks.

Ask a Question / Re: Multiply in-app purchases per click
« on: October 18, 2019, 04:12:51 am »
I've just found a bizarre feature of my problem. I have 2 products: 100 coins and 1000 coins. When I first pressed to buy 1000 coins it gave me 1000 coins without any problems. I've just tried and bought 8 times 1000 coins and I received 8000 coins in total. But, when I tried to buy 100 coins and received "Purchase failed" popup, and after that I pressed buy 1000 coins I've received 2000 coins instead of 1000. And since then I could buy only 2000 coins at a time. I tried 5 more times and every time I pressed buy 1000 coins I received 2000 coins. The email confirmation haven't mentioned any multipliers. 

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