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Messages - z26

Pages: 1 2
Game Ideas / Re: smash bros-ish game
« on: February 07, 2013, 10:29:42 am »
I would like to see the appearance tab, please.
Sorry, but I think I won't be good enough to solve your problem from a distance like that, especially when it's made on code I don't fully understand. While I think I'd have like 85% chance of resolving your problems if you sent me your game's code so I could try with trial and error method on it, I can fully understand that you may not want to give your game to anybody. At the same time, your game is still in early stage, so even if I had bad intentions there isn't much to rip off yet.

  My biggest concern is that there are several things more complex than what you are asking for help right now in doing a smb style game.  While it wouldn't bother me AT ALL to solve those 2 specific last issues if you sent me your code (it would most probably be easy), I fear that if complex situations happens too often you'll need to ask me for help like 12 times and that there will be more code in the end product written by me than you XD
If you are still interested by my proposition nevertheless, I'll give you my email.

Game Ideas / Re: smash bros-ish game
« on: February 04, 2013, 12:35:24 pm »
For the pics, go ahead.  I wonder if it has anything to do with the collision shape, or maybe the origin point option is badly set.

Game Ideas / Re: smash bros-ish game
« on: February 04, 2013, 04:23:07 am »
I am sorry that I am a bit of a procrastinator XD

About your problem, it's hard to answer without knowing more.  I am not too familiar with stencyl animations, but im pretty sure than with a vid of your character moving around and/or a pic of the tab where the animations are, it would be easier to know what's wrong. The default sprites are only single frames and not actually moving animations, maybe it has something to do with that..

Game Ideas / Re: smash bros-ish game
« on: January 28, 2013, 06:13:00 pm »
That one is more complicated.  You can't only disable the action of changing direction while in midair, since you will lose the ability to move in one direction.  I don't want to mess around with the boolean of the direction eithier, since there is a ton of things linked to it and I don't fully know the code.  That's one advantage of doing your code yourself instead of taking a kit, you understand it better. 

I was going to post a solution here, but because I don't understand very well the custom blocks, the animation manager and things around that, it's going to take me a little while to get how this code works and to think of a answer elegant enough not to be a pain to make. Meantime, can you post me other (probably easier) questions instead?

Game Ideas / Re: smash bros-ish game
« on: January 26, 2013, 10:31:00 pm »
He's right, a smash bros type game isn't the easiest type of game to make (but of course there is worse)

Originally I answered to you with a lenghty text, but just after completing it I figured out it would be much simpler with an image instead XD

Go on the ducking behavior and change it to this:

the 2 red things are an "if" and an "otherwise" (the stuff you must add), the "otherwise" is a copy of the one just above.

Another behavior of this kit already checks if your guy is touching the ground and stores it in an actor value, so by making this you simply retrieve the info (stored in the actor value "On Ground?"  I hope that helps.

I happen to be brainstorming right now on a game that would have a smb style fighting and movement (but with a gameplay different enough to be considered without doubt distinct), so I can answer other questions if you need me to.

Suggestion Archives / Re: Mini-Suggestion Thread
« on: June 03, 2012, 10:25:07 pm »
Hi, this is my first suggestion, since the others since so far the others I've thought of are too minor and subjective to be worth implementing.  I've recently stumbled on a really specific issue that however can be quite unpratical if you have the bad luck of having to deal with it.  If there's already a solution available to deal with this that I don't know of, then, sorry lol.

The issue is about making customs blocks (I don't know if it only applies to global ones or not), When you want to copy code having, "parameters" I think they are called, in it, once you paste, the parameters blocks are gone!  I know the disappearance happens to avoid the bug of referring to non-existant info, but it can make editing, duplicating or moving the code to another behavior very tedious, especially for mathematical/complex things.  There should be at least some alternate copy option present ONLY WHEN you are working with code in a custom block event that actually copy the parameters, so that if you place the code somewhere where there happens to exists parameters (and to be convenient: attributes) with the same name than the ones in the code it fits seamlessly together.

I'm actually don't need help with the problem since the manipulation I wanted to do wasn't that important anyway, so i'm going to leave my code as it is.  However, in case me or other users fall onto this same problem in more important situations in the future, it would be wise to implement this really small fix that is probably not that hard to make.

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