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Messages - leogallardo

Pages: 1 2
Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Problem opening 3.1 in 3.3.1
« on: June 19, 2015, 04:43:04 pm »
Hi guys, after some time I decided to download 3.3.1, my game was fully functional on 3.1, but now when I try to open it I get:
Ouch, this should not have happened! Please generate your logs and post them to the forum.

So attached is the log, I cannot run it in flash, because this is the error:

And running it on android is not working either, the app just closes after opening.

Any idea how to solve this one?

Thanks in advance :)

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Re: Problem visiting url without connection
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:21:03 am »
Really appreciate your help guys, all of you :) this one was a blocker for my game.

I don't have an iphone or access to one either, can anyone confirm this fix for that platform as well? That'd be awesome :)

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Re: VisitURL freezing app when lost internet connection
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:17:25 am »
Thanks @captaincomic ! I really appreciate this !

Would it be possible tho to have this commit before buying the studio version of Stencyl? I'd like to try everything out before buying the license which I'll eventually buy, but since it expires every year and I'm not always working with the game, could take some time until I actually release the game.

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Re: Problem visiting url without connection
« on: October 08, 2014, 08:46:54 am »
MODS, I created another post in the bug section, I truly believe this is bug since I'm building the code exactly as the tutorial from Web Request says.

Let me know if I need to delete this post, or if its not necessary.

Thanks :)

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / VisitURL freezing app when lost internet connection
« on: October 08, 2014, 08:44:55 am »
This is for mobile only, I tried it on Android 4.4.4 and Android 4.1 . Works well in flash

If there's a block that visits a url, and there is no connection, it freezes the app for about 2-5 mins.

The situation: I just need to sync the highest score a player has to my server. I don't need to sync, is not mandatory for the game to run, I just need that once the game is launched, it tries to upload the score, but if there is no internet connection just run anyways.

I built a simplified version of what I need, with a visit url that fetches a random number from here:

If I turn on internet, it works great. If i turn off internet, it freezes for like 2 minutes before switching to the 2nd scene.

Im attaching the test game, remember it's for mobile (I tried it on a Moto G running 4.4.4)

PS: I tried posting this issue on "Ask a question" but now that I think I tried every solution possible, I truly believe it's a bug.

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Re: Problem visiting url without connection
« on: October 06, 2014, 11:07:37 am »
@sdieters thanks for the reply, I tried it but no luck there, still getting a 2-5 mins freeze whenever there's no connection.

I tried it on a 2nd mobile (also android) and still no luck...

Thank you very much Max! I just took a look at the Android Utils link you sent me, they look really cool! I'll implement those in my app without a doubt.


Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Re: Problem visiting url without connection
« on: October 04, 2014, 12:12:30 pm »
Update: I disconnected internet on my pc, and tried the game on flash (after fixing the security sandbox issues) and it worked...

Still no luck on mobile

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Problem visiting url without connection
« on: October 03, 2014, 05:30:01 pm »
Hi guys!

Im running into some troubles (and truly frustrated). I'm building a game for android and iOS (not flash)

I'm almost done with my game, I just need to sync the highest score a player has to my server, and found out that visiturl without connection makes the game freeze for around 2 minutes and then starts once it realizes there is no connection.

To sum up, I don't need to sync, is not mandatory for the game to run, I just need that once the game is launched, it tries to upload the score, but if there is no internet connection just run anyways.

I built a simplified version of what I need, with a visit url that fetches a random number from here:
(it's just to test my point)

Is there a way to check the connection and then do the visiturl?

If I turn on internet, it works great. If i turn off internet, it freezes for like 2 minutes before switching to the 2nd scene.

Im attaching the test game, remember it's for mobile (I tried it on a Moto G running 4.4.4)

Thanks in advance

Ask a Question / Re: Scene names dissapear!
« on: October 01, 2014, 07:13:53 am »
Here too, every scene that had the behavior attached, lost its name :/

Bug Archives / Errors when compiling for Android
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:34:46 pm »
So this hopefully will help someone that is struggling with the compiling of a game in stencyl.

This solution is not science, and probably it's not a solution for ALL the errors out there.. but it's an error that I faced myself when trying to compile my game:

Despite the fact that there's a tutorial already done for installing stencyl correctly, I'm leaving the direct link to the java 6.31 that most people (included me) had troubles finding.

Second of all (and this is why this post is under BUGS) is:
I had 2 exact computers, the installer was the same, java was the same, the usb drivers were the same, yet whenever I tried to compile in one of them, I got all kind of errors for "file not found". One of them was named "Diseñador"
In my case (I'm from Argentina, so "Ñ" is a completely normal character), that was my problem.

In order to solve this, just change the "Workspace Folder".
You'll need to close all the games before). Then go to File --> Preferences

and change the workspace to something that has:

And boom! Compiling problems solved (at least the kind of problems referred to a "file not found".

Hope this solves someone's issues.

Cheers :)

Hi guys, is there a way to get device info like OS, version, screen size and resolution, I'd like to implement a user feedback feature using either email or webview, and for any of those options I need to send  the specs of the device as a GET variable, so the user doesn't have to fill those.

Is there a way to accomplish this?

Extension Ideas / Re: [iOS & Android] WebViews (in-app browser)
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:37:53 pm »
This is so awesome to get user's feedback without sending them to a web or email if the review is bad or if they found a bug!

Will this app add a different permission to install my game?

Resolved Questions / Re: Make a character jump when click on a region
« on: September 07, 2014, 08:59:19 am »
Where do you set the jumping to false again ?

This is where the jumping status goes to false:

@Innes thank you so much, that worked :D
This is the final code for the jump:

My biggest fear about that code was the "y mouse" part, since I was doing the game for mobile devices, but it worked perfectly.

I still think that it's a bit odd that one code (the one in the "Always" event, actually changed the isJumping to true, while the event "Click" didn't. Like you explained, it makes a lot of sense that the actor was still touching the floor when I clicked, that's why it didn't change the value, but why the other event worked? Ahhh programming haha.

I'm slowly understanding how behaviors work, I have a few attached to other actors and scenes, but this is only a one character thing, I didn't think it'd be necessary to create a behavior for this one, although I will, just to start getting familiar with them :) Thanks for the advice.

Resolved Questions / Make a character jump when click on a region (Resolved)
« on: September 06, 2014, 10:38:18 pm »
Guys, I need your help, I have the following situation:
I need my character to jump whenever I touch everything except the top part of the screen (because that's where all the config buttons and the ads will go)

At first (when I didnt have the buttons), i did this, that worked like beautifully:

Then i decided to create a region for the "clickeable" area, and create and event that only worked on that particular region...

It seemed to work perfectly on paper, but in reality.. it doesn't...

The part of the jump works when I click for the first time
The part where it changes the variable, doesn't... until the 2nd click..
That's causing my character to double jump until it gets the "is_jumping" set to true

A link to the swf (I also attached it)

I'm also attaching the project file in case someone needs it.

The first actor (the one on the left) works well, but it still jumps if I click on the top of the screen.

The actor on the right double jumps and I have no idea why... My logic says that if the actor DOES jump, it should change the value of the variable... since they're inside the same IF statement, but they dont...

Please, help?

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