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Topics - ericblak1947

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / Actor not showing when game is tested
« on: December 25, 2011, 11:06:10 pm »
I made an actor and no matter what i do it will not show up in the scene when i test it. Other times it was there but invisible. Anyone else ever encounter this? The other actors i created work fine.

Ask a Question / Number of men actor has displayed.
« on: December 24, 2011, 10:52:24 pm »
The last thing for now is the number of men the character has. So when he dies he loses a man. and also displaying this on sceen.

Thank again,

Ask a Question / Timer and item count carried over to different scene.
« on: December 24, 2011, 10:50:26 pm »
On one level you have to collect 3 keys. The problem is that I made the key rooms as different scenes. I want the timer countdown and key count to be carried over to each scene that is related to that level. Also I need the key so that each of the three keys can only be collected once.

Thanks again!

Ask a Question / Set amount of items collected and pathway opens.
« on: December 24, 2011, 10:47:53 pm »
Hey, i read the post on asking questions. And it said to start a new topic for each question. So here's my second.

I have an item that is collected. Gears in this case. How can I make it so that when you collect the set amount of gears a barrier or wall will disappear?

Ask a Question / Actor dies when timer runs out.
« on: December 24, 2011, 10:44:48 pm »
Hello, I have been working in stencil for about a month now. I love the program and the game is coming along, and shows a lot of promise. I have I few questions that I hope someone can help me with. I’ve been reading the forum and have learned a lot. I’ve been dissecting kits and learning ton of new tricks. Here is my question.

I have a timer running at the top of the screen. When the timer reaches 0 I want the character to die. What would be the easiest why to achieve this?

Thanks for any one who can help me out!

Game Art / 2 days into my first Game!
« on: November 27, 2011, 01:12:55 am »
It has been 2 days (3 hours a day) and my game is coming along nicely! I can't wait to add levels enemies, scoring, and work out the bugs! Here is a peek!

4 levels Done!

Game update! Link below!

Pages: 1