- Total Time Spent Online:
- 29 days, 8 hours and 50 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 2181 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 231 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 2 votes
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- Ask a Question
706 posts of the member's 2181 posts (32.37%)706
- Chit-Chat
345 posts of the member's 2181 posts (15.82%)345
- Resolved Questions
178 posts of the member's 2181 posts (8.16%)178
- Suggestion Archives
79 posts of the member's 2181 posts (3.62%)79
- Journals
63 posts of the member's 2181 posts (2.89%)63
- Shared Resources
61 posts of the member's 2181 posts (2.80%)61
- News
59 posts of the member's 2181 posts (2.71%)59
- Fixed Bugs (3.x)
59 posts of the member's 2181 posts (2.71%)59
- Extensions
59 posts of the member's 2181 posts (2.71%)59
- Bug Archives
58 posts of the member's 2181 posts (2.66%)58
- Stencyl Essentials
13 posts of the board's 33 posts (39.39%)39.39%
- Ludum Dare 32
39 posts of the board's 190 posts (20.53%)20.53%
- Ludum Dare 31
39 posts of the board's 291 posts (13.40%)13.40%
- Ludum Dare 33
27 posts of the board's 240 posts (11.25%)11.25%
- Stencyl Jam 16: "Spooky"
44 posts of the board's 450 posts (9.78%)9.78%
- Polydes - Open Source Toolset Extensions
11 posts of the board's 122 posts (9.02%)9.02%
- Guides & How-To's
13 posts of the board's 204 posts (6.37%)6.37%
- Stencyl Jam 15
25 posts of the board's 398 posts (6.28%)6.28%
- Suggestion Archives
79 posts of the board's 1744 posts (4.53%)4.53%
- Teaching with Stencyl
9 posts of the board's 241 posts (3.73%)3.73%