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Messages - RulezTeam

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Ask a Question / Re: App Scaling on Android: Full Screen doesn't work
« on: March 25, 2014, 10:31:24 am »
Thank you rob1221,

but what about this two articles :

both says that every app (android too) MUST be created at 320x480 because Stencyl adapts application on every screen with its scaling mode and with our graphics import (4x).

Now, you tell me that I should use a big scene; can you explain what scaling mode should I use ?

Thank you for your support.

Ask a Question / Re: App Scaling on Android: Full Screen doesn't work
« on: March 25, 2014, 10:13:29 am »
Hi rob1221,

excuse me, but I don't understand you answer.
Is my scene 320x480 too small ? Doesn't it scale for HD or Full HD screen ?
Or must I use block camera to center it (on first scene) and then my app are center on every device ?

Thank you

Old Bugs (3.x) / Re: Android Debug: Device Monitor error
« on: March 25, 2014, 08:34:01 am »
Seem to work on Windows x86 but not on Windows x64

Old Bugs (3.x) / Android Debug: Device Monitor error
« on: March 25, 2014, 08:17:06 am »

If i try to use Device Monitor to debug my android app I have this error :

Ask a Question / App Scaling on Android: Full Screen doesn't work
« on: March 25, 2014, 07:28:34 am »

I've tested various scenes, background, and single images to test Full screen scale mode on Android.
My game screen is 320x480 and my images and backgrounds have a resolution of 1280x1920 and I've imported them at the highest scale (4x)
On settings/mobile I have set Android to Full screen and Maximum Scale to 4x.
I have tested this on two device with resolution of 720x1280 and 600x1024 but  I have the same screen problem: the image use scale 2x (that's ok)  but start at left top corner and not in center, so my app are totally orientated to the left of the screen.

If I use No scaling option, my images are correctly centered in the screen, but there are black stripes all around the app.

So, what can I do to use full screen scaling to work ?

Thank you

Ask a Question / Scale Mode doesn't fit my device's screen
« on: March 23, 2014, 03:58:45 pm »
I've created a mobile game with 320x480 base screen resolution, and i've imported all tiles and actor at 4x (for scale to HD display), but when I have tested my game on my device (720x1280) games is create in left corner, with no full screen stretch or fit to my width resolution. I have tested stretch to fit and scale to fit too, without success (my screen have too much black screen).

What can I do ? Where can I look for resolve my problem ?

Thank you

P.S.: i have already read this topic

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