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Topics - Risbo

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / Values
« on: March 28, 2014, 02:47:54 am »
Well hello everybody here i am again, i got a new idea for my new game and im strugling to do some things so any help would be great....the circles are rotating light and when you got 2 same colors touching  you touch that space and you get points now how can i do that  the yellow half of circle has a different value then the other half and i dont wanna that you get points if the colors not mach if you know what i mean.

Ask a Question / MEMORY USAGE?
« on: March 06, 2014, 12:41:29 pm »
I made a animation with 60 pics 1frame per second, 3.37mb pictures used...and Stencyl wont show it becose of the memory limitations now iam disapointed you caan not make a decent game without graphics has anybody solved that problem?

Ask a Question / 2.2 to 3.0 behavior stoped
« on: March 04, 2014, 01:52:29 pm »
even if a had tons of problems i changed to 3.0 i fixed most problems but one just wont work please some experts on this!!!
i need this actor to die after the collision and create it self every 2 sec  in 2.2 it worked perfect now not i deleted it and wrote all again that was the expl on  stencylpedia but it dont work...tnx

Ask a Question / Showing an Ad
« on: March 04, 2014, 02:28:00 am »
Good morning to all!!! Well here i am again....i wonder if someone can explain the newgrounds ad block....when hes shows up it wont go away the same problem is with the scoreboard it showsup and everything is fine but when i press continue it wont go away.....on newsground nobady blaims about it so the problem is by me...Anybody had an idea how to solve this problem? Tnx

Stencyl Jam 14 / Crazy Ball
« on: March 03, 2014, 11:51:54 am »
Hi 2all this is the first game that i ever made, i have no programing or photoshop skills so its a big thing for me even if its not something special tnx if you take your time to vote on it.

« on: March 03, 2014, 06:32:55 am »
I know that is a answered quest butt i cant find it anywhere i need to setup KONGREGATE API for leaderboards....i uploaded the game and setup game statistic and in Stencyl setup kongregate and submit score, but it dont work, do i have to put some game id and where should i if i have to.....please give me a link or some expl

Ask a Question / How to stop timer?
« on: March 03, 2014, 05:39:28 am »
I got a small problem butt can't solve it im stuck in this and ask for your help! I got a timer function it decreases the time now i want to stop the timer when it reaches zero, i got this time attribute and stop(effect). and i got this IF TIME <=0 stop time but it wont work

Ask a Question / Sound problems
« on: February 25, 2014, 09:49:36 am »
omg i cant anymore im freakin out man.... i tested my game in flash 100 times it worked all fine now when i wont to export it in a swf. file its says that i should look in the logs becose of a sound file..... and i got 3 sound files and there all mp3,not vbr,16bit 44Khz and have no metadata anybody can resolve this please :'(

Ask a Question / Having trouble upgrading a game to 3.0.
« on: February 23, 2014, 08:37:42 am »
I dont understand why do you relisee Stencyl 3.0 for download if its full of BUGS? I instaled it and half of my behaviors are not working no error no nothing they just wont work??? The settings button dont react i just can open settings?

i used the catapult game cotroler for my game and i have added construct y position to show the construct in the right place butt after 2sec the camera wont go to my actor  i added move camera to x y position butt after 2 sec the camera gos parallel with the construct to the left.... ::) ::) ::)

Ask a Question / SCENE SIZE HELP
« on: February 19, 2014, 04:37:37 am »
I starded to create a game with the Catapult Scene just to learn something with flash now im confused abot the scene size? The Scene with the Catapult is 1376*320. When i create a new scene sample Intro screen and by i want a normal screen size 480*320 it all get messed up! I can get the actors where i want im confused...i tryed to change the intro scene and put the same size as the Catapult but when i starting the game it opens over the whole screen...if anybody got time please explaine this....tnx

Ask a Question / STENCYL GO PRO WITH BUGS???
« on: February 18, 2014, 04:27:46 am »
Hi i work on a flash game 3months now and in the beginning sems Stencyl as a solid platform 4 doing that, buth as the time goes by i realize that it is full of bugs! Now i am asking people who purchased the pro version is it stable or the same. Its realy anoying that i put my actor in one place and he shows up in another...and when i restart Stencyl everithyng works again!?  :-[ tnx for your answers!

Ask a Question / Facebook flash integration?
« on: February 10, 2014, 08:34:51 am »
Sorry if this problem is solved i just could not find it. I`m working on a quiz game and i need a facebook integration code so the players could see i high score list and share results??? tnx :-\

Pages: 1