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Topics - ChunkyMonkey

Pages: 1 2 3
Ask a Question / How to have a tank shoot a bullet?
« on: April 29, 2012, 06:24:44 pm »
    I'm working on a game where a tank always points in the direction of the mouse, and when the mouse is pressed a bullet actor is created supposed to fly straight out of the barrel of the tank, so I thought of this:

Create bullet at x: center of tank y:center of tank

And this for the bullet:

Point in direction of tank.
Set velocity to 30 dir: direction of tank.

This only works when the tank is facing straight up and down and I can't think of a consistent behavior. Would someone please help?

Resolved Questions / Does pick random # include decimals?[SOLVED]
« on: March 20, 2012, 05:02:19 am »
Does the "pick random number between __ and __" include decimals?

Resolved Questions / [SOLVED] Making Collisions Bigger than actor?
« on: March 03, 2012, 08:05:32 pm »
I would like to know is there's a way to make an actors' collision schape bigger than the graphic itself.

Well, here's my error, I have no idea what it means but please help!  :'(
Code: [Select]
Error: Error #2030: End of file was encountered.
at flash.utils::ByteArray/readUTFBytes()
at scripts::MyAssets/initMasterLists()[C:\Users\Alex\Downloads\preview\scripts\]
at scripts::MyAssets/initAssets()[C:\Users\Alex\Downloads\preview\scripts\]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/update()[/Users/jon/Desktop/stencyl/plaf/flash/root/stencyl/api/engine/]
at org.flixel::FlxGame/update()[/Users/jon/Desktop/stencyl/plaf/flash/flixel/org/flixel/]

Old Bugs (1.x/2.x) / The layers have minds of their own D:
« on: February 02, 2012, 07:54:41 pm »
    So, I'm trying to make certain actors overlap other actors by simply placing them how I want in the scene editor. Then, once I exit the scene editor and save the scene, I open it back up and they're all messed up. I've tried this multiple times and same result.

    I can't use layers without making like 80 layers per scene and 1 actor per layer. Please view the screenshots below and tell me how I can fix it. The 1st's before, the 2nd's after.

Resolved Questions / Layer Behavior Not Working [SOLVED]
« on: February 02, 2012, 04:24:28 pm »
    First of all, yes, this is using 2.0's Nightly Build, but I doubt that it's problem, I think I messed up. I'm starting a semi-3d Game and am using this layering script to make the game look right when going. Keep In mind this event is attached to my "Tile" actor and "Box" is my player (screenshots below).

    So here's the 2 errors I get with the script I used below.
Code: [Select]
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at scripts::MyAssets/loadScenes()[C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\Stencyl 2.0\preview\scripts\]
at scripts::MyAssets/initAssets()[C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\Stencyl 2.0\preview\scripts\]
at Function/<anonymous>()[C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\Stencyl 2.0\preview\scripts\]
This one says an actionscript error has occured
Code: [Select]
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState$/focusChanged()[/home/stencyl/]
at org.flixel::FlxGame/onFocusLost()[/home/stencyl/]

Paid Work / Consistent Jumping Behavior?
« on: January 17, 2012, 06:21:35 pm »
    Hello there! I am currently working on a platformer, but the stencyl crash course jumping behavior doesn't satisfy my needs because it's "variable jumping", a jumping behavior that makes you jump higher the longer the jump key is down. I, though, want "consistent controls" where if you hit the jump button it will jump the same height as the last time. Would someone please help me?

Chit-Chat / Sponsors?
« on: January 16, 2012, 05:06:28 pm »
    Just curious on how flash sponsorships "work". Things like, do you ask for a sponsorship or does a sponsor find your game (Like I believe in armor games, you submit the game to their site then if the "armor games people" like it they contact you)?
    And, I can't seem to find a reliable list of sponsors, which would be alot better than clicking on a thousand google links, could someone help me out?

Chit-Chat / Best Free web hosting and designing? Webmasters discussion
« on: January 16, 2012, 03:01:37 pm »
    I've always been into making websites with minimal code, and have used ever since it was named "freewebs". I have a couple I'd like to debate about, but I'd always like to be made aware of new website making tools that require minimal code.

    I, as I mentioned before, have always used I've decided to start looking into more, and am finding it much more convenient because it seems to be a simpler way to design a website, and more subdomains aren't taken.
    So anyways, what do you use? What do you like or dislike about it?

Resolved Questions / Flying Script Makes Tiles Invisible? Fixed
« on: January 15, 2012, 12:08:20 pm »
I'm currently working on a jetpack game, and this flying script I used makes tiles disappaear. Whenever I remove this script, They show up again. Do you see anything wrong with this script?

Ask a Question / Joystick in Flash?
« on: January 02, 2012, 02:44:16 pm »
    I need to test a joystick behavior but I don't know how to see if it's working in flash, and because I'm stupid I purchased the istencyl pro license a week ago, I still don't have the freaking developer's license from apple.   >:(

Anyone know a solution?

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Blue Box 3 (Would Love Feedback!)
« on: January 01, 2012, 07:47:11 pm »
    The beta for my next game is out called "Blue Box 3"(link below), a puzzle game where you try to get to the green block. I would like any possible feedback and I'd like people to answer a couple questions :

1. Any glitches I should know about?

2. Do you think it would be a good idea to convert it to an iPhone app, add winter themes, finish the game, and submit it to the iStencyl Game Jam?

Happy New Year :)

Old Bugs (1.x/2.x) / Freezes on collision?
« on: December 30, 2011, 06:36:20 pm »
    Hello,  I've been working on this game, but about 5% of the time this actor collides with this other actor (circled in red below) the game freezes. It shows this error which I can tell is a problem with box2d
Code: [Select]
[object AlchemyExit]
at Function/<anonymous>()
at Function/<anonymous>()
at Box2DAS.Dynamics::b2Body/SetTransform()[/Users/jon/Desktop/stencyl/plaf/flash/Box2DAS/Box2DAS/Dynamics/]
at Box2DAS.Dynamics::b2Body/SetAngle()[/Users/jon/Desktop/stencyl/plaf/flash/Box2DAS/Box2DAS/Dynamics/]
at scripts::Design_5_5_SpinSpearLogic/update()[C:\Users\Alex\Downloads\preview\scripts\]
at stencyl.api.engine.behavior::Behavior/update()[/Users/jon/Desktop/stencyl/plaf/flash/root/stencyl/api/engine/behavior/]
at stencyl.api.engine.behavior::BehaviorManager/update()[/Users/jon/Desktop/stencyl/plaf/flash/root/stencyl/api/engine/behavior/]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/innerUpdate()[/Users/jon/Desktop/stencyl/plaf/flash/root/stencyl/api/engine/]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/postUpdate()[/Users/jon/Desktop/stencyl/plaf/flash/root/stencyl/api/engine/]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/update()[/Users/jon/Desktop/stencyl/plaf/flash/root/stencyl/api/engine/]
at org.flixel::FlxGame/update()[/Users/jon/Desktop/stencyl/plaf/flash/flixel/org/flixel/]
    I'd call it "inefficient" because it doesn't always happen, but it does often enough to bug me about how this game will be online (Get it? Bug me? ;)). Screenshot of frozen game below. The silver actor's collision is 1 rectangle and 2 circles (1 on each side) and the blue actor's collision is the square it started out with.

Resolved Questions / Check for collisions? [SOLVED]
« on: December 28, 2011, 06:32:42 pm »
Well first of all, I have an actor that I don't want to be pushed yet I still want it to sense collisions. Nothing in the physics editor worked for that. How can I do that?

Second of all, If the request above isn't fixable, How can I make my actor not detect collisions until I set it to detect them in-game?

Resolved Questions / Change collision groups In-game?[Solved]
« on: December 28, 2011, 01:33:03 pm »
Is there a way to change what collision group an actor's in in-game?

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