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Topics - ChunkyMonkey

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I tried to download stencyl many times with a few different browsers, but this problem is consistent with any computer/laptop I try along with any browser. I open the setup wizard, install my game where I want (I've checked to see if location was problem but that's not it) but It won't show up. Stencyl runs when I say run when download complete or whatever, but there's no way to reopen it. Any solutions?

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Dodge It! 2
« on: December 04, 2011, 04:41:44 pm »

        This game, based off of the original version I made with "The Games Factory 2" Is a simple avoid game to test your skill and luck. It is also my 1st complete game made with stencylworks.

Ask a Question / iStencyl Pro?
« on: November 30, 2011, 07:26:00 pm »
Where'd everyone get it? I'm subscribed to the emails and check the blog every day to see when it comes out. How does everyone have the "iStencyl Pro" thing above forum avatars when i can't find the download place?

Paid Work / Looking for an artist!
« on: November 26, 2011, 06:06:38 pm »
        I have a game idea and I'd like to collab with an artist. For now there's 6 animations but there might be more.
1. Side view of a bird with a broken arm and a jetpack on it's back.
2. That bird walking
3. 1 but with the jetpackturned on
4. All of those but facing opposite direction

        Comment if interested, with answers to these questions:

1. Is any of your art published so far? If so, may I have a link or 2?

2. Do you have a newgrounds account?

3. How often are you online?


Ask a Question / Newgrounds Highscores?
« on: November 26, 2011, 03:46:54 pm »
I know about absolutely no code, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to make a high score list for online users. I know there's a way with kong and mochi, but is there a way to do a top 5 highscore list for newgrounds and save the highscores and the new ones?

Ask a Question / Text Field?
« on: November 25, 2011, 06:01:32 pm »
I wanted to add a mochi game highscore leaderboard to my game I'm planning to put on mochi. As you probably know, in highscore leaderboards you need a name. How can I make a text box so someone types their name then I save it as a text attribute?

Ask a Question / Specific Collisions?
« on: November 25, 2011, 07:24:02 am »
Is there a way to basically say if this actor hit an actor of type _______? Would I need to make a actor attribute and say if this actor hit "attribute"?

Old Bugs (1.x/2.x) / A game I made won't work!
« on: November 24, 2011, 09:11:42 pm »
It worked when I tested in flash and browser, but then when I publish it it say IE is not responding and it freezes up. If I put it on stencylforge would someone be kind enough to skim through my scripts and see how the hell that's happening?? More specific info here:,5050.msg32485.html#new

Ask a Question / Always trouble with scenes
« on: November 24, 2011, 05:33:56 pm »
I keep having the same problem and I believe it's with my scene behavior's. This is a major problem for me because it always screws up internet explorer right after the game loads. Every time I try it says IE is not responding. The only 2 I have are

(if mouse is down on self and scene is not transitioning)
Fade In/Out

When this collides with something else
if (not scene is transitioning)
fade in/ out.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / My 1st stencyl game
« on: November 08, 2011, 02:26:28 pm »
To play it on Stencyl
Tell me if you like it!

     It's now on newgrounds!- Play Dodge it! in

Ask a Question / I'm having trouble with scenes
« on: November 08, 2011, 01:31:31 pm »
I have a menu for my game that always brings major errors when I test online. The command works in flash, but not online. I have this for my script:
if z is down
switchScene (0).

Ask a Question / How do I make a Gravity script?
« on: October 15, 2011, 07:34:30 pm »
I made a jumping script that jumps up and down at different heights well. I didn't use "real" gravity. I used change in velocity. The problem is it doesn't work for tiles anywhere but the Y position "ground". do you know how to do a jumping and gravity script I could use? Thanks!

Ask a Question / Creating new tiles in-game
« on: October 14, 2011, 05:58:48 pm »
I'm trying to do something similar to this scratch project with the whole drawing your own platform in the game -

Ask a Question / I need help with a jump script
« on: October 12, 2011, 04:42:29 am »
could someone please explain a jump script that works. I've found some in stencylforge, but they have a lot more scripting than I think it needs, when I tried to make my own I failed   >:(

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