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Topics - crystalnoir

Pages: 1
Shared Resources / Pseudo 3D Starfield
« on: November 26, 2012, 07:59:10 am »
Hi everyone,

I have created (translated is the word) one of my code and routine in Stencyl. This is a pseudo 3D Starfield.

The aim of this, is to simulate a 3D starfield in a 2D World coordinate. It could be useful for a space game for example.

To make the effect we create a set of stars and with math calculations, we simulate a "fake z coordinate". With this method, we can make the player "believe" in a 3D starfield, with a fake depth.

I'm cleaning up the code for now, I will share it as a kit when it will be clear. However, you can see the effect by clicking the link below (dropbox upload), this a demo to let you see the effect :)

Click to see the 3D Stars Demo

Thank you !

Ask a Question / Question about actor and tearing
« on: November 20, 2012, 07:34:09 am »
Hi (Re),

I'm going to try to be the most understandable as I can, because it's a little difficult for me to explain that in english.

I have two problems.

The first is about actor and behavior. If I create a behavior, and assign it to an actor. If later, I modify this behavior, my changes is not updated for the actor. If I want to I have to reaload my project. I tried to delete the behavior from the actor and reassign it but that doesn't work.

The second problem is a tearing problem. When my sprite moves, the movement is not smooth. I have some glitch or may be "tearing". I don't know how to avoid this with Stencyl. I know that flash is not the quicker plateform but I 've done a test to compare :

I coded the same thing with an other language that export in flash too. I wanted to see if the problem came from flash or from my Stencyl project or something. It seems that is not flash because the "other compilation" with my other tool, is perfect, I have no tearing (like image dropping).

My "code" in Stencyl is not a big code, just the same as the crash course 2 , I make a sprite moving in the y axis with arrow keys.

So my question is : is there a way in Stencyl to avoid this "tearing" ? or is there a tip for that ?

Thank you in advance.

Resolved Questions / Unable to import font [Solved]
« on: November 20, 2012, 02:56:07 am »
Hi everyone,

I have an issue with Fonts. After some searches, I found that we can have fonts in the Stencyl list (when creating font), I just have to make a copy in the data/fonts folder of Stencyl.

I've done that, but after restarting Stencyl, I can't see them when creating a new font.

I have made a copy of my Windows ttf font in the data/fonts but they don't show up.

What I am doing wrong ?

Thank you in advance :)

Pages: 1