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Topics - Krimm

Pages: 1 2
Ask a Question / HTML5 Compiling Failure
« on: September 14, 2022, 12:15:27 pm »
I'm currently working on a simple new HTML5 game, which I can test build to HTML5 no problem, but when I try to publish to HTML5, I get the "Encountered errors while building your game" message. The logs are attached.

I've tried cleaning the project, but that didn't work. I can build to HTML5 in new projects, and I can build to HTML5 in older projects as well that are far more complex, so I'm not sure what I'm missing.

Edited to mention I'm on build 4.1.0 b11050

Ask a Question / Can't build to Android, version b10557 Mac
« on: June 22, 2020, 06:14:30 pm »
I haven't been able to build to Android at all in the new build. I was originally getting an error indicating that the game was trying to build to HTTP instead of HTTPS (which I'm told was apparently an earlier issue), so I went into literally every single build.gradle file in my computer, and replaced anything that was http with https. After doing so, I am still getting the following error (see

Thinking that maybe it was an error with an extension, I even tried going into an older game I've already successfully built to Android, and I got the exact same error (see

I brought it up on the Stencyl discord several times, but it seems to be a difficult enough thing to fix that I figure it's best to have a dedicated forum post for it.

Ask a Question / Generating Android Certificates on Mac not working?
« on: September 12, 2019, 09:06:34 am »
I'm working on trying to make my app for Android, but when I try to make the certificates for it, it doesn't seem to work. It says it's generating the certificate, but it's generating it to /Users/alex/stencylworks/android-sdk//stencyl.keystore, which is not a real address, and there is no file anywhere in there.

I have my android NDK, SDK, and JDK setup as follows.

What am I doing wrong? Where can I find the certificate? I've also attached my log for the most recent build attempt.

Ask a Question / Drawing an Ellipse, can Custom Blocks help?
« on: August 01, 2017, 01:33:28 pm »
I'm working on a space game with orbits that are best represented as ovals, but drawing ovals is not a block built into the Stencyl drawing section. I'm only loosely familiar with Haxe, but I saw that there is a graphics.drawEllipse as seen here:

Is there any way I can take advantage of this? Can I use a custom block to draw an ellipse, or will I need to make an engine extension in order to do this? I've tried drawing ovals using the draw polygon feature, but it makes very bulky ovals without adding a ton of points.

Can anyone help?

Resolved Questions / After updating Stencyl, no projects compile at all
« on: September 30, 2015, 06:30:55 pm »
I just upgraded Stencyl to the newest version (the version released Sept 24th, 2015 at the top of the page). After updating, I can no longer run any of my games and just get this error. I tried cleaning the project, restarting, and running projects updating them to 3.4 format. I even tried making a new project, and even that won't compile. I am on 64-bit Windows 7 SP 1, 8 gig ram.

I'm trying to make a series of scenes based off of scanned-in drawings I've done. So, I have an image that is 2880x960, which I want to import in to be the main image for the scene, and make a terrain to act as the collision. I have no idea how to best import this large image in to the game.

I initially went with making it a background, but besides the fact that importing the image in causes stencyl to crash half the time, it also seems to bug out the background. As the character and camera move around the scene, the background stays stuck attached to the camera, and never moves as a result.

I tried to import it in as a tileset, but it seems to bog down the engine as well. I tried importing it in as a series of actors after that, which worked OK, but I had to do some legwork to get it working properly, and it was a hassle to deal with in the scene editor.

I know the newer versions of Stencyl have the image API; could this be a way to handle my problem? Or should I go about it another way? Can I just use backgrounds, but am I screwing something up so it always sticks to the camera?

Ask a Question / Stencyl Multithreading support?
« on: March 05, 2015, 09:01:42 am »
Apologies in advance if multi-threading is the wrong term, but I'm trying to figure out if Stencyl can run processes in the background without halting the game entirely. For example, I'm trying to make a strategy/simulation game, and I realize as I'm working on it, that it may end up becoming pretty taxing to do all the calculations down the road. Is there a way to have certain actions done without locking the game completely until they're done?

The best example I can think of is Civilization V. When you finish your turn in single player, the computer then starts analyzing and going through the AI turns. This can take upwards of a few seconds depending on how large the game is, but it doesn't lock the game itself. While the computer is running it's calculations for the AI, you can still move the camera, select units, etc etc. Is there any way to do this in Stencyl?

Resolved Questions / Disable ESC for desktop fullscreen builds?
« on: February 15, 2015, 10:15:43 am »
I know that this has been posted (and solved) before, but unfortunately, the solution isn't very well documented. I found a post in the Ghost Song thread that said:

Looks like very easy fix to me actually :) I've tracked source of this.
Those lines need to be deleted manually from Universal.hx
Obviously it isnt really good thing to do as it would need to be applied each new stencyl version, but hey - it proves that tool is extremely flexible at least :)

...that was posted by PKrawczynski, but the link is dead now. Every other thread I've checked just says something along the lines of "Never mind, I fixed it" in an EDIT, but with no explanation on how it's done. I was hoping someone could come in to explain how to do it, so this thread can solve as an answer for those like me searching for the answer with no luck! :P

EDIT: If you have this issue, just update to Stencyl 3.2... Automatically includes it.

Ask a Question / Spawn all actors based on category/name/etc?
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:07:43 pm »
I'm currently working on an office strategy/sims-esque game where you can build rooms and place furniture,  desks, and other sorts of items. I'm hoping to just make a simple actor behavior so when I need to add a new item, I just make a new actor, and plug in all the data for that new item. Ultimately, I want it to be so that when I make this new actor, the game automatically loads all of the information I plug in and just sets it up in the game. But, I can't figure out quite how to handle it.

Is there a way to spawn actors based on their names, or spawn each actor that has an actor behavior? I could also do it manually each time I make a new item, but it would just be an extra step. Is there any way this can be done? Maybe someone can think of another way to approach it?

I know ahead of time this is a pretty nooby question, so I apologize in advance for that, but I can't seem to get the Image API blocks to work how I thought they would. I made a quick test scene to try out the image blocks, but nothing seems to work. Can someone who understands the Image API a little better than me tell me what's wrong with my code here? This is all there is in the scene, and when I run the game it doesn't do anything. Shouldn't it basically create a diagonal yellow line?

I'm working on a procedurally generated game, and I want to have the ability to draw a map of the terrain. I've been able to do this with the attached code I have, and it works exactly how I want it to, but it absolutely tanks the framerate. The problem is that the code is continually running over and over, so it keeps re-drawing the map, which is obviously a drain on resources.

Is there any way that I can either have the loop run once, draw the map out as I want to, and then keep drawing without continually running the loop? Or is there maybe a way I can save all of the rectangles to a bitmap and just draw that instead?

I haven't worked too deeply with the "When Drawing" events, so this may be a simple fix, but I'm just a bit stumped with it right now. Any help is of course very appreciated!

EDIT: Googling around, I found this: It's dated a little while back, but it seems like it would be able to handily solve my issue. Is that still under development right now, or can it be downloaded somewhere?

EDIT 2: I'm dumb. I didn't realize there was the entire section in Sounds and Images. I'll continue working on this myself, but if anyone wants to point me in the direction of a tutorial, or wants to have a go at figuring out my map problem for me, feel free!

EDIT 3: OK! So, after running the loop to create the map image, I set an image attribute to the current screen, and then set the image attribute to just be the part of the screenshot that contained the map. Then, I just set an image instance to that image, and displayed it in the same spot as the original map. The Image API is the coolest thing ever! Thanks for the help, folks.

Ask a Question / Is full scale multiplayer in Stencyl possible?
« on: October 22, 2014, 08:20:46 am »
I want to ask this because I'm curious if real time multiplayer games over LAN and online play is ultimately possible? So, if I hypothetically had tons of money to spend, and I hired a networking programmer with expertise in Haxe and OpenFL, would they be able to create an extension that would be capable of creating a robust multiplayer game using Stencyl as the engine?

I know about Nuggeta, but it seems that it is really only capable of turn-based multiplayer, which would really only be ideal for something like an online board game, or a chat system, I suppose. What I'd like to be able to see is a multiplayer extension that would allow, for example, multiple players to all have their own character in a world, all running around, playing and fighting together.

Obviously I know only so much programming, and pretty much none of that is aimed at multiplayer, so this isn't something I would ever expect to accomplish myself, but I guess the question ultimately would be is full, real-time multiplayer a possibility in Stencyl if the right people were to work on it?

Ask a Question / "Do every x seconds" slow with lag
« on: August 21, 2012, 12:10:55 pm »
So I have a timer that adds 1 to time with every second that passes, using the code setup I have below. Now, I noticed that the way this seems to work is when Stencyl goes through a full 60 ticks (for the standard 60 fps), it considers that 1 second. However, if the game lags to about 20 fps (I loaded the screen up with actors to test this, and I have an old laptop), then each "second" in the game actually takes about 3-4 seconds, which is clearly noticeable.

I don't know if there is any way to circumvent this, but I am quite curious since I've hardly seen any other topics regarding this? Am I missing something obvious? If possible, I'd like the game to count 1 second regardless of lag, but I'm not sure how, or if I even can.

Ask a Question / Converting .wav to .mp3 without a delay
« on: August 11, 2012, 12:42:23 pm »
This is probably a fairly obscure question, but does anyone know of a way to convert a wav file into an mp3 file without having the converted mp3 file have a delay in the front of it? I included a picture for reference, but for whatever reason, whenever I convert a wav to mp3, it adds this short, quarter second delay to the mp3 file. This means that the sound effect for the jump, for example, is off by a bit, and doesn't play until the character is already in the air.

So, my question is if there are any work arounds? Is there any way at all to import wav files into Stencyl? Is there a way to convert a wav to mp3 without a delay being created? (I've used everything from iTunes to audio editors to try and do this, but they all created that delay in the middle). Or is there some way to have the file automatically skip that delay in Stencyl through code blocks?

Is this an issue anyone else has had? I can't seem to find any other people talking about it, and it's quite irritating! Any help at all would be fantastically helpful!

Ask a Question / Set direction to exact numbers.
« on: July 26, 2012, 02:32:42 pm »
I'm not sure if this is a common problem anyone else has encountered, but I'm having trouble with the set direction function in Stencyl. When I have the gravity change, I use the code

If vertical gravity = -85
point self towards 90 degrees

I use that for all 4 directions, and for vertical gravity = 85, setting rotation to 0 degrees works fine. However, for any other direction, when I use the print command to see the rotation of the actor, it is always off by a tiny fraction; i.e. the rotation for 90 degrees is actually 90.0000004289 degrees, or something similar. Unfortunately, I believe this is causing some issues with the collision, since the actor is technically rotated by a small fraction.

Is this an issue anyone else has seen?

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