- Total Time Spent Online:
- 232 days, 5 hours and 42 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 9473 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 237 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 20 votes
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- Ask a Question
3136 posts of the member's 9473 posts (33.10%)3136
- Resolved Questions
743 posts of the member's 9473 posts (7.84%)743
- Chit-Chat
438 posts of the member's 9473 posts (4.62%)438
- Extensions
369 posts of the member's 9473 posts (3.90%)369
- Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5
346 posts of the member's 9473 posts (3.65%)346
- Fixed Bugs (3.x)
168 posts of the member's 9473 posts (1.77%)168
- News
152 posts of the member's 9473 posts (1.60%)152
- Old Bugs (1.x/2.x)
124 posts of the member's 9473 posts (1.31%)124
- Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x)
107 posts of the member's 9473 posts (1.13%)107
- Paid Work
106 posts of the member's 9473 posts (1.12%)106
- Ludum Dare 31
42 posts of the board's 291 posts (14.43%)14.43%
- Extensions
369 posts of the board's 4662 posts (7.92%)7.92%
- Old Bugs (3.x)
30 posts of the board's 401 posts (7.48%)7.48%
- Fixed Bugs (3.x)
168 posts of the board's 2891 posts (5.81%)5.81%
- Extension Ideas
82 posts of the board's 1469 posts (5.58%)5.58%
- Ludum Dare 28
18 posts of the board's 331 posts (5.44%)5.44%
- Bundled Behaviors
7 posts of the board's 198 posts (3.54%)3.54%
- Resolved Questions
743 posts of the board's 23339 posts (3.18%)3.18%
- News
152 posts of the board's 4808 posts (3.16%)3.16%
- Ludum Dare 29
10 posts of the board's 324 posts (3.09%)3.09%