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Messages - flyingninja77

Pages: 1 2
The "GotGold" thing they mentioned is just an example name they made up for a custom event.  Custom Events can have almost any name you want and are accessed by using "trigger event (custom event name)"

Exactly!  I would like to explain further, but I've got to go for now.

Ask a Question / Re: Score ?
« on: February 11, 2013, 01:58:30 pm »
Cool thanks on this,it was doing my head in.

So i don't need the attribute Font to use ? as its ment to let me choose font.

If you want to make it customizable (you wanted to change it a lot) then you might want to make it an attribute and then set the attribute.  But if you want to use just that one font, it should be fine.

He, junoslord, I had a similar problem not too long ago.  Let me know if this helps any bit.
I had a game where two objects (a boulder and a fence) were right next to each other, and whenever my actor got close enough for the boulder to appear on-screen, my Flash player froze.  It turned out that the two objects were touching each other so closely that they were creating thousands of collisions per second, causing the game to freeze up.


Pick-ups, like items?  Are you familiar with writing your own Behaviors and Events in Design Mode?  You might have to create some Events in Design mode on your own to get the exact effect you're going for, but in a gist, you want to make it so that whenever you touch a pick-up item, it kills itself (or recycles itself, depending on its method of creation).

You also want to have it trigger an event (see here:, and have some scene Behavior that happens.  EXAMPLE: you pick up a piece of gold.  The gold pick-up item kills itself on contact and triggers an event in the scene called "GotGold" (case sensitive, I believe).  When the scene hears "GotGold", it adds a certain amount (either you set it or it's a random amount) to your supply of gold.

I hope this helps.  Flyingninja77

Ask a Question / Re: Score ?
« on: February 11, 2013, 01:11:16 pm »
Hi, funkydude, Flyingninja77 here to help!  I checked your code, and I'm pretty sure your code is simple: you're just forgetting to set the font.  What you need is a block of code that tells the game what type of font to use, i.e. the "set current font to [Font]" block.  Let me know if this helps.

Ask a Question / Re: Region Collision issue
« on: October 27, 2012, 12:39:48 pm »
Once, I had to reload my game three times, remove each of the actors, and then re-add them to the scene, but it worked fine after that.

Resolved Questions / Re: What does this error message mean? (SOLVED)
« on: October 26, 2012, 07:35:40 pm »
I couldn't figure it out for the longest of time; it was an actor I'd overlooked entirely that was causing the bug.  Thanks for your help.

Ask a Question / Sentry sees through walls
« on: October 26, 2012, 07:28:15 pm »
Hi, guys.  I was recently working on making a customizable behavior that turns any actor the behavior is attached to into a sentry, i.e. it searches for an actor type and triggers an event when it sees the actor type.  I've got all the customization and detection down to a tee, except for one problem.  I can't figure out how to tell the sentry whether there is a wall between it and the target.  In other words, my sentries can see through walls, which can be useful in certain circumstances, but it's not what I'm looking for.  Can anyone help with wall detection logic (even if it requires coding)?  Thanks in advance.

Happy trails, Flyingninja77

Ask a Question / Re: Region Collision issue
« on: October 26, 2012, 01:30:03 pm »
Aw, stink!  I was going to try to answer this one!  Great that you got it working, brainmeats.

Ask a Question / Re: Easy question re: attaching actors to scenes
« on: October 26, 2012, 01:26:45 pm »
Adding an actor attribute to that scene event (set to "last created actor") allows you to manipulate the actor even after it has entered the scene.  Supposed you only wanted to have one "Joe" actor at a time, but you wanted to spawn a new "Joe" actor every twenty seconds.  With the actor attribute, you could use a logic flow like this:

-Do Every 20 Seconds
---If "Actor Attribute" has value
-----Recycle "Actor Attribute"
---Create Recycled Actor Type "Joe" at x: "10" y: "30"
---Set Actor "Actor Attribute" to "Last created actor"

You could also use the actor attribute to switch animations, set its x/y values (or x/y speeds), or anything else you could think of.

Happy trails, Flyingninja77

Ask a Question / Re: Tiles Collision Issue
« on: October 26, 2012, 01:16:33 pm »
There's a preloaded behavior called "One Way Platform" (I think) that should do the trick.  If you're using an older version, it should be included in the "platformer kit" when you create a new game.

Resolved Questions / What does this error message mean? (SOLVED)
« on: October 20, 2012, 04:36:46 pm »
I'm sorry, I don't understand programming code, so when an error message popped up, I didn't know what to do.  Nothing I have tried seems to fix this.  Please help.

Ask a Question / Re: Invisible boudary
« on: October 18, 2012, 04:02:20 pm »
You can also use "Terrain" if your actor is set to collide with tiles.  Terrain can be drawn into a scene like regions, but its only function is to collide with objects (as far as I can tell).

Ask a Question / Re: Easy question re: attaching actors to scenes
« on: October 13, 2012, 01:16:09 pm »
You can create a scene event that creates an actor type at a given location after a given amount of time.  For example, on scene "Scene_One," you could attach a behavior (or "Do every _ seconds" event) that creates an actor type "Actor_One" at x: 12, y: 41 at a time length that you specify.  If you want to refer to that actor later, add an "Actor" attribute and set it to "last created actor" at the time the desired actor is created.  I hope this helps.

Happy trails, Flyingninja77

Resolved Questions / Re: Trig function "atan2" not working
« on: October 13, 2012, 01:09:55 pm »
@coleislazy, I actually just figured that out.  Thanks, everyone, for your help!  I was able to fix the problem!

Resolved Questions / Trig function "atan2" not working (SOLVED)
« on: October 13, 2012, 11:59:08 am »
Hi!  Recently, I was trying to create point-click arrow-shooting game.  Whenever I try to shoot an arrow, the aim is always off, sometimes by a little bit, sometimes by a lot.  I read a lot of articles, but no matter what I've tried, nothing seems to work.  The image shown is the logic script for the arrows.  Please help!  (Thanks in advance.)

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