He, junoslord, I had a similar problem not too long ago. Let me know if this helps any bit.
I had a game where two objects (a boulder and a fence) were right next to each other, and whenever my actor got close enough for the boulder to appear on-screen, my Flash player froze. It turned out that the two objects were touching each other so closely that they were creating thousands of collisions per second, causing the game to freeze up.
Pick-ups, like items? Are you familiar with writing your own Behaviors and Events in Design Mode? You might have to create some Events in Design mode on your own to get the
exact effect you're going for, but in a gist, you want to make it so that whenever you touch a pick-up item, it kills itself (or recycles itself, depending on its method of creation).
You also want to have it trigger an event (see here:
http://www.stencyl.com/help/view/custom-events/), and have some scene Behavior that happens. EXAMPLE: you pick up a piece of gold. The gold pick-up item kills itself on contact and triggers an event in the scene called "GotGold" (case sensitive, I believe). When the scene hears "GotGold", it adds a certain amount (either you set it or it's a random amount) to your supply of gold.
I hope this helps. Flyingninja77